US woman died after abortion ban delayed her medical care: report to politics – 506 points –
Harris slams death of woman after abortion ban delayed medical care

In Texas today - I was at work talking to other women coworkers. One had just moved here from up north and was telling a story about recently thinking she needed a pregnancy test and almost went to buy one. no no…we told her. She was confused. We told her the horror stories and said no period tracking apps, get someone else to get your test for you, and tell no one. Then decide what you need to do but don’t google shit about it. And don’t text anyone. And no FB messenger.

She was horrified - she didn’t know it was that bad. She didn’t know about the case of the abusive guy suing his ex’s friends for helping her to get an abortion & escape the relationship. We sent a link.

She didn’t know they’re looking at passing a law to make it illegal to cross state lines to get an abortion. We sent a link.

We said you’re from another state where this is legal. If you think you need one, you’re going home to visit your family and you don’t say anything else.

She said any one of us were welcome to go and “visit her family” whenever we needed.

I'm so sorry that it's come to this. That is horrifying.

And then everyone clapped.

You're obviously not a woman: if you were you'd know that we talk about this stuff all the time, and that it absolutely is not obvious to women in blue states how scary things are in red states.

Don't even need to be a woman

Men talk about this shit too, most of us actually care about the people in our lives that this had an effect on after all

Why do you support the subjugation and death of women.

Control over women is the point. Their deaths do not matter to these people.

Their deaths do not matter to these people.

It's going to be women who spearhead the work to overturn these bans. Republicans don't give a flying fuck about children being murdered in schools; the deaths of those "slutty sinful evil babykilling whores" ^but\ not\ me,\ I'm\ a\ good\ person\ who\ needed\ my\ abortion!^ isn't going to make them change their minds. Remember: to a Republican, any fact which doesn't conform to their worldview (like abortion bans increasing the number of dead women, or comprehensive sex ed and easy-to-access birth control reduces abortions) is just simply wrong.

Justice Alito claimed that he and the court foresaw the legal and actual consequences of their decision and what impact it would have on state laws, existing and otherwise. He chose this. He chose to kill somebody by taking away their rights, and now he has.

Her family should sue the state of Georgia.

Her family would be justified in becoming partisans against the Georgia state government. This was murder by inaction, and it was mandated by the state, because the political faction in charge of Georgia have aligned themselves with the Nationalist Christians, who have an imaginary friend that told them that this sort of medical procedure is not allowed.

They have an imaginary friend who they say told them that this kind of medical procedure is not allowed.

What's really fucked is that this is france24. American outlets should be all over this.

France24 is citing a ProPublica story. It's still absolutely chilling to know Europeans are hearing about us in the same way we heard about Ireland.

Sounds like a whole slew of manslaughter charges should start to be filled against every Georgia rep that supported this. As well as the Supreme Court judges who claimed they completely understood the consequences of their actions.

Also should be thrown into an asylum, since they're doing it for "religious purposes".

Are we gonna see Trump and Vance seething with range about woman dying now or are we back to not giving a shit about women?

Well you see, it was the state that let her die. That's what everyone wanted all along!

You joke but that would be their defense. "We live in a Republic and that's what the voters representatives have chosen." Blithely ignoring that they've made great efforts to make sure the people can't choose the representatives they actually want.

The American government will care about this about as much as they care about American citizens who are killed in Palestine.

State government. This isn't a federal matter since the supreme court was hijacked.

they'll care even less. Hell, some state governments might actively celebrate something like this.

Details. My point is that the people who should care don’t give a shit.

The American government definitely cares more about American citizens killed in Israel.

Bet they use this case as reason to ban abortion pills instead.