Shiver me timbers

Communist Capi ☭ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ to – 310 points –

igg-games has been caught bundling malware and miners before, 1337x isn't moderated for shit, torrentfreak is a news site, jesus christ don't use pirate bay what the fuck is wrong with you, but otherwise solid points.

soulseek is lit, nyaa is legit, and for all else ! and the megathread @

I don't know exactly how defederation works, but the megathread is currently hosted on Rentry in case you cannot view the piracy community link in app/website while signed in.


Be warned, though, that it could change if any government or corporation or whatever decides to go after it just because there are links to piracy sites.

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I never thought I’d see the day where someone used too when they meant to. It’s always the other way around.

If you think any of these mistakes are an accident, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s an intentional shit post.

friends* Disney*

It hurt my eyes reading this mess.

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general tip; use fitgirl rather than igg


Now that is a name I haven't heard in a long time. Next you're gonna tell me Limewire still going or is it GNUtella now? I forgot I'm old and brain not worky right.

limewire ran on the gnutella network

Yep I remember that cuz I was getting into open source at the time and that's when I found out GNU had a Limewire client and that's how I used it in SuSE Linux (boxed distro, pre-Novell). I got my pirate copy of WineX from it lol

I bet gnutella is just malware now. You had to double check file sizes cuz there was a lot of 18kb files with the same name as exes and popular MP3 tracks.

You don't need hard drives though. You can just use Webtorrent or Stremio.

true but imo harddrives are more convient: portable, universal, zero setup. annoying having to predownload tho