Fauci on masks: people should take risks into account

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 214 points –
Fauci on masks: people should take risks into account | CNN

"The CDC does not mandate anything," says Dr. Anthony Fauci. But if a Covid surge leads to a recommendation that people wear masks, "I hope they would abide by the recommendation and take into account the risks to themselves and to their families. We are not talking about forcing anybody to do anything."


I'm on day 4 of COVID and it fucking sucks. I haven't worn a mask in a while and I'm full of regret :(

Don't knock yourself too hard.

I'm fully for masks, but they are better at protecting others from your infection that you from catching one.

As long as you wear a mask unil you're well if you do mix with others.

Hope you feel better soon.

Agreed. The best things you can do to protect yourself from COVID are getting vaccinated and staying up-to-date with any boosters and maintaing basic hygiene like washing your hands before sticking your fingers in your mouth, etc.

Masks are best at keeping your germs to yourself, so you don't spread it to others.

Before the onset of this latest surge, if you weren't sick, and did the above, there was no real reason to regularly wear a mask. No reason for regret.

Hindsight’s 20/20 of course, but letting the term “mask mandate” proliferate was a huge mistake. That’s just daring people not to follow the rules. “Mask advisory” or “mask recommendation” wouldn’t have pissed off nearly as many people.


And now if they were to come out with "masks recommended". All the idiots would rejoice that it's not mandated.

Given how some of those toddlers were the very police who would've needed to enforce said mandate, it's not as simple as "don't pander to them". Especially since, let's be honest, putting all the people who refused to mask up into jail cells would've been extremely counter-intuitive.

We claimed it was a mandate but it very quickly became clear that was in name only, which is my main gripe about it. They shouldn't have called it a "mandate" unless they were prepared to enforce it like one, which they weren't.

You sure? Are you seeing the reaction to a potential change to the USDA’s alcohol advice?

These people have an obsession with being treaded on.

Humans are geared for conflict and our minds are both powerful enough and stupid enough to create it if none exist. In America that's morphed into "if you tell me what to do I'm being oppressed " regardless of circumstance

It’s not always oppression per se but there are definitely people who hear about a rule or restriction and just think “challenge accepted!”

My mother told me that with my sniffle I shouldn't take a Covid test so I can go in to work if I need to.

Maybe the great filter is us.

Sorry Grandma, mask are for pussies ~ i wish this was /S, but this WHY its still around - hate this timeline!!!

“COVID would be gone by now, if not for the pesky masks!!”

Such a strange hot take, is the COVID coming in the masks?

Maybe they're thinking of culling the population more? Like had we not worn masks and taken other precautions, those getting sick now would already be dead?

Maybe the take is that without masks, everyone would have had covid already and immunized themselves to it? Given how fast covid seems to evolve I don't think this interpretation is true, but at least it's coherent

Help me understand.

COVID is still around because of masks? Break that line of thinking down for me.

Sounds like they're saying that they wish nobody were unironically saying "masks are for pussies," but the fact that there are such people is why the virus is still around. Everyone just completely misread it.

Oh look the same wishy washy bullshit he did at the start of the pandemic that everyone forgot about.

What's wishy washing about advising people to listen to health experts?

Health experts would tell you to wear a mask because it costs you nothing, not to do whatever you feel is best.

Not nothing. Proper N95s are a cost some people can't afford. But even a cloth mask is better than no mask.

You mean when they were telling people not to wear masks so that they could ensure there was enough supply for healthcare workers? And then changed to say we should all be wearing them once supplying them to healthcare workers was no longer an issue? That "wishy washy bullshit"?

That's not being wishy washy, that's making the best recommendations at the time based on the situation not just of the disease, but practical factors too.

That was only N95 masks which are the ideal ones to use but not even close to the ones a majority of people used even after the mandate. Telling people not to mask at all is not the same thing as saying "use cloth masks so that n95 masks can be preserved for healthcare workers".

They weren’t telling people not ti wear masks they were telling people that they didn’t need to wear them and had no effect. He made groundless statements because they wanted to ensure there was enough supply for healthcare workers. Then they started saying that they actually work and we must wear them.

Personally I do think they can help. But the government has been consistently dishonest. It’s not difficult to see how people won’t believe a known liar.

EDIT: for those that have a hard time accepting facts. here is a video that quotes fauci then an now confirming my points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5FY58I5RQ0