Some small towns in America are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes to – 201 points –
Some small towns in America are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes

As Goodhue Police Chief Josh Smith struggled this summer to fill vacancies in his small department, he warned the town’s City Council that unless pay and benefits improved, finding new officers would never happen.

When nothing changed, Smith quit. So did his few remaining officers, leading the Minnesota town of 1,300 residents to shutter its police force in late August.

America is in the midst of a police officer shortage that many in law enforcement blame on the twofold morale hit of 2020 — the coronavirus pandemic and criticism of police that boiled over with the murder of George Floyd by a police officer. From Minnesota to Maine, Ohio to Texas, small towns unable to fill jobs are eliminating their police departments and turning over police work to their county sheriff, a neighboring town or state police.


Wishing a very pleasant day to everyone who decided not to become a police officer.

I shudder to think of the alternate timeline where I gave up on my dream and became a Mountie.

Do you have a gun? Can you fight?

No? Then you need cops.

Most people in the U.S. either have or can easily get a gun. A substantial majority of people can, in fact, fight. You're a fucking idiot.

No need for the personal insults. Be civil.

If he doesn't have a gun and can't fight, then he needs cops to protect him from people who do have guns and can fight.

Same goes for anyone who is anti-cop, anti-gun, and can't fight. Is that everyone? No. I never said it was.

Excuse you, Mr. You're-An-Invalid-Not-Capable-Of-Defending-Yourself? Your whole point is deeply insulting and offensive. Be civil and stop making it. See how that works? Anything can and is uncivil to somewhere at sometime. So don't cry to me about your poor sensitive little feelings when you give not one single fuck for mine.

If he doesn’t have a gun and can’t fight, then he needs cops to protect him from people who do have guns and can fight.

No, the answer to not having a gun and not being able to fight is to get a gun and gain the ability to fight. If you cannot do that, ally yourself with friends and family who 1) do and 2) are willing to defend you, even with their lives.

That's the only real answer because we've seen clearly that cops 1) legally are not obligated to protect anybody, 2) won't, 3) are tyrannical and more interested in entrenching power over other people than doing anything positive.

Cops are not the answer to the human condition. Only friends and family are, really. Only you youself are, ultimately.

Is that everyone? No. I never said it was.

That's clearly what you're implying, or did you mean something else by your obnoxious threatening statement?

What are you talking about? It's a fact of reality that people who can't defend themselves need others to do it for them. There's nothing 'offensive' about it. I don't think less of anyone who can't fight or doesn't own a gun. Do you?

You're actually just spewing nonsense at this point. Sorry, I'm going to block you.

Reading you two’s interactions and then seeing the user names made me laugh. Usernamescheckout.

Those others are their friends and family, not abusive authoritarians causing the very violence they convinced you they're here to stop.

My town had their police department disbanded after the mayor's son got arrested for a DUI about 20 years ago and we're doing just fine without cops.

My town growing up (~2500 people) disbanded their police force in the 90s and just contracts out with the county. Small towns are generally fine without their own police force.

What's the town?

[Redacted for privacy reasons]

I bet the deer are doing terrible though.

Oh no lol, I counted 44 on my way to work this morning before I got to the main road. They're in desperate need of a culling but no one hunts them anymore because there's a bad case of Chronic Wasting Disease going around, now they're just starving to death because they have no natural predators in this area. Although the town got its name from Chief Kill Buck who was a Delaware chief in the area and had a town near where the current town stands.

Chronic Wasting Disease

Well there's a rabbithole I wasn't expecting. Horrifying what those diseases can do and how much we try to avoid them.

Fortunately there's no evidence it affects humans. But then there's no evidence it doesn't, either.

Ever since they changed the name from Chillbuck there's been a noticeable but difficult to pin down shift in attitudes

My town didn't have cops for over three years, and it was totally fine.

Small town in Ohio, we disbanded our local Police, and instead have county police here now

this is the reality, we have several overlapping forces who compete for staff leaving some places overflowing with officers and some completely empty.

the whole county vs city vs state police forcing inefficiency needs to be addressed.

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Honestly, the USA should nationalize the police. Standards and police academies (just a movie in many places, not an actual thing).

Cops could be rotated, and internal affairs could find and remove bad cops. Less local corruption.

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This would be a good opportunity to try out some sort of volunteer community defense system and crisis intervention units. Both would be far more cost effective. If it were arranged appropriately to make volunteers accountable, it'd be a lot safer than traditional policing

But then the only white people who get to shoot black people risk being charged for it!

At least 521 U.S. towns and cities with populations of 1,000 to 200,000 disbanded policing between 1972 and 2017, according to a peer-reviewed 2022 paper by Rice University Professor of Economics Richard T. Boylan.

In the past two years, at least 12 small towns have dissolved their departments.

That works out to an average of 11 per year. I haven't needed to think about numbers in a long time. Did I fuck that up? Cause if not, this sounds like a lot of panic over losing fewer police departments than the norm.

I believe it.

It's ridiculously expensive to hire cops and equip them with gear that makes them competitive with other cops.