Russell Brand Dropped by Agent After Rape and Sexual Assault Accusations to – 494 points –
Russell Brand Dropped by Agent After Rape and Sexual Assault Accusations

There was previously discussion about Russell Brand denying allegations that were to be shown in a TV documentary, and now things are developing.


There is zero chance the agent didn't know what Brand was up to, this is nothing but an exercise in ass covering..

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this guy is such a fucking cunt I literally felt like curb stomping him when I watched some of his videos regarding covid and the invasion of Ukraine, he is just so fucking stupid and he has no idea, same as Joe Rogan, well maybe even worse, more on the level of Peterson.

blamed the invasion of Ukraine on the West, because5if Ukraine opened it's market to foreign investment so of course Russia had to invade, what an absolute wanker.

Look up "the wellness to fascism pipeline". Brand is the poster child of someone who had very left leaning politics, became interested in self help and natural living, fell down the anti-vax rabbit hole, and is now a conservative grifter. He realized that he wasn't getting more popular over time doing comedy, so he gravitated towards being a misinformation node.

So many assholes whose relevance is slipping do this. How many washed up stars continually thrust themselves into our consciousness because this is the one thing that gets a reaction from people these days?

Kevin Sorbo, The Nuge, Morrissey...

Crowder, Shapiro, Owens, Walsh, Dore, the token gay dude who was on Young Turks. All failed at mainstream entertainment careers. It ain't a coincidence these people are on billionaire payrolls. They were always narcissists.

Glenn Greenwald?

I don't understand Glenn Greenwald. I first discovered him when he was writing for the Guardian in the UK. He was absolutely calling out fascist bullshit in the U.S., like deploying cops in schools. That was early 2000s I think? Then later I saw Greenwald writing about Trump in vague terms which I could not understand, except that he did not seem to be saying bad things about Trump. There was also the story of The Intercept which Greenwald founded but now seems to hate, I didn't follow that closely enough to understand what went on. I don't get him anymore.

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Apparently, Brand has been running from this shit for a long time, and jumped on the Fascist conspiracy grift train because no reputable movie or TV studio will hire him.

This is the first I'm hearing about it, but doesn't surprise me at all. If I made a list of famous people who seem like sex offenders Russel would very close to the top.

elon musk, alex jones and andrew tate are vouching for him. So he is probably guilty. If piers morgan vouches for him he is definitely guilty.

But have Ashton and Mila written private letters to the judge yet?

This guy always annoyed me, if he's "censored" because of his bad behavior, I doubt many sane people will miss him. I remember seeing him on Maher (yeah, yeah, I know) not too long ago and he was just insufferable - even more so than usual. If he went down the "just asking questions" rabbit hole, that's little surprise.

And - unfortunately, I know a lot of people like this IRL - people that started off maybe a bit wacky, but at least on the surface, lefties, only to end up voting for donnie, and going full maga, with the gear and everything. And believe me - NO ONE wants to talk to them about anything past basic weather comments; the minute they start up with the ItWasAPlandemicChineseGlobalWarmingHoaxHunterBidensLaptop stuff, people are crawling over each other to get to the exits.

I feel like theres a "clever spiral" where witty and observant people become addicted to the praise and attention they get from seeing through the bullshit and pointing out overlooked thruthisms.

The trouble is, clever isn't the same as informed. It takes effort to be informed, to be educated, and it's pretty easy to spot flaws in other people's logic. It's subtly tempting to slide from "I think we should rethink the way we treat each other," to "Maybe there is a government conspiracy to inject mind control via vaccines."

Because the world is fucked up, and the vast majority of people take too much for granted. They live unexamined lives, and a person can come along and hold up a mirror for laugh and profit. Eventually, though, the observant ones run out of low hanging fruit, and if they want to stay relevant, they either need to put in some effort or start making shit up.

Oh my god, I remember the Maher bit, you could tell Bill was getting pissed off about this guy coming on and spewing conspiracy theories. Actively rooting against Brand ever since! I believe all these allegations are probably true, as Brand seems to have a very tenuous relationship with reality.

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And you still can! Only now you can see Brand, errr, Snow as the narcissistic womanizing asshole that he is!

I really liked him. Get him to the Greek is one of my favorite movies.

Innocent until proven guilty, so I'm going to hold off on judgement ( not that my judgement matters). There seems to be A LOT working against him here. He's not cancelling tours and losing his agent if people thought this was unfair - sometimes up.

There's a lot of rape apologists in this thread though. As much as he's innocent before proven guilty, so is his accuser. "All it takes is an accusation to ruin a perfectly good career". Y'all should be ashamed. That doesn't happen without MAJOR consequences for a false accusation, as well as consequences for any media outlet that ruins the story without due diligence. It's extremely hard to prove rape cases, meaning that if it's gotten this far, there's enough evidence to put it into print. This is global news, and NOBODY has come out with any compelling story as to why the accuser is lying.

Bottom line, none of us really understand what actually happened, and everyone seems too eager to write off Brand or his accuser. Chill out. More info will come.

I'm not a real fan of his. He seems like a pretentious twat to me. I agree though, at this point it's allegations so could be totally false. It is shit though that things like this can tarnish someone's name when they turn out to be not guilty.

Reminds me of the "Stereophonics - A Thousand Trees" song

Well, on another site i saw a gif/video of Brand defending himself. To sum up, he said he has been very open about his past promiscuity many times in the past, all encounters were consensual, has witnesses contradicting the accusations, it's a very directed agenda by specific media towards discrediting him and to stay tuned for how it turns out.

Well yeah, of course he's gonna say that.

Well yeah, is it not what an innocent person would also say?

In a democracy, the premise of "innocent until proven guilty" is quite important and I'm wary of a trial by social media.

If he's found guilty then he'll get whatever is coming to him, but I'm not going to cast aspersions until that time.

Going out in the media to cry about cancel culture and how you're innocent isn't exactly the behavior of an innocent man. Someone who truly knows they're innocent will clam up, beat the court case, and then declare vindication.

How many times has this actually worked? I'm not going to go on a very far limb to say that social media's ability to revisit topics is very very very low.

In fact it seems like it's the opposite and and once you're out of the media cycle you're gone.

I wouldn't take your advice. 👍 By the time the court case is over and you've 'won' you've lost your job house and family to bad press.

Someone who's innocent generally wouldn't be dropped by their manager either. They know something we don't and are jumping ship real quick.

They definitely know something we don't and until they come forward with that knowledge, we still won't know what that something is. And unless all doubt are cleared, the ambiguous situation will cast shadow on his presumed guilt.

It's his word against hers/theirs now.

Not really, one of the women went to a rape crisis centre right after he assaulted her and the investigators were able to verify this, as well as text messages between her and Brand where he apologised for raping her. The MET are asking for other victims to come forward so I think it's unlikely the end.

Oh he denied the accusations? Well that changes everything! Yes, it must be the mean ol' mainstream medias fault then! Please.

Why not though? Media have been proven to create false stories before, so it's not like they wouldn't.

I know right? Just like they railroaded Masterson. He's 100% innocent. He told me so.

Masterson already had a trial and was proven guilty. Has that happened in Brand's case as well? If not, then please avoid treating it as such, for you would be incorrect.

I apologize if I gave you the impression I give a fuck about Brand, or your opinion on the matter. We're done here.

Then why even start? ...

Why do you care?

About Brand, i don't really care in particular. It's the mob lynching i'm wary of. Branding people as guilty before it is an established fact seems to be a gulty pleasure, pun intended, of even lemmy users. I'd like for people to stop doing that before it becomes the normal thing to do.

About this conversation, i only care because communication is the foundation of civilization. We have many languages, so it's a pretty big part of who we are, even though some of us have come to dread talking to one another.

I have no ill meanings in this whole thing, only that we should try to be better for our own state of wellbeing.

He didn't have witnesses contradicting the stories of him using force on the women.

How do you know? Was he already on trial and failed to provide such witnesses?

How to destroy anyone's life if you hate them:

  1. Accuse them of sexual assault from 2000 years ago, and rely on dumb people's emotions and corruption.
  2. Profit!

Clown world.

  1. There hasn't been any need to fabricate sexual assault allegations. Brand has had a long history of unwanted sexual advances and in the ages before #MeToo he could get away with it. Many women have come forward with their experiences about Brand and now the police is investigating this.
  2. Brand has been trying to profit for the last few years by grifting MAGA/QAnon folks.

The history is filled with fabricated sexual assaults. Kavanaugh, Justin Bieber, Justin Roiland, Andy Signore, and the list goes on. They all get completely destroyed before the evidence shows in the dumb court of "public opinion", and then they get absolved of the charges because guess what... women lie, like everyone else. Humans lie. So, we have "innocent until proven guilty" and "due process". That, or nothing. Shut your mouth and don't make shit up. I hope this happens to you and you get destroyed and lose everything until the evidence shows you're innocent and then no one gives a shit. Maybe then you'll learn, you evil little piece of shit.

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Who's profiting? Can you provide an example with Brands case?

Russel Brand is fighting the establishment and hurting the big pockets, see the video below, and there's absolutely zero proof he did anything whatsoever. It's just anonymous with zero evidence, zero investigations, and just anonymous nonsense. Once this goes to court, then we talk about legitimacy. Innocent until proven guilty.

Okay let's rewind a bit, I asked you to provide an example of someone who was making money off this.

Saying "the establishment" and "big pockets" really isn't cutting it, can you or can you not name one party who's directly profiting off this? Can you actually prove the link between a victims testimony and someone being reimbursed?

I need names and dollar figures, not this sensationalist rambling.

Really? OK. Let's ask the dictionary what "profit" means. This is the first answer from Merriam Webster:

": a valuable return : GAIN"

So excuse me for not having that event listed in S&P500 reports... you petty little man.

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All it takes is an accusation.

If all it took was an accusation he would have been removed from any and all positions of power a long long time ago, and at least a few of the women he raped would have been spared.

Instead, and even with many accusations (and not only proof but essentially his own admission), assholes like you will still jump to the rapists defence and pretend as if the whole entire system isn't rigged in their favour.

You are an active part of the problem.

I'm not on anybody's side. If he's guilty, there has to be proof. If the legal courts deem him guilty, then he should be punished to the full extent of the law. It shouldn't be up to a kangaroo court, with a limited view of facts and primarily allegations, to make a judgement.

Instead, and even with many accusations (and not only proof but essentially his own admission), assholes like you will still jump to the rapists defence and pretend as if the whole entire system isn't rigged in their favour.

Claiming to be promiscuous doesn't make one a rapist. By that logic anybody going through their slutty years is a rapist. And if screenshots are proof to you, I don't know under which rock you've been living, but you might have noticed that tech is able to fake voices and even video now.

People like you are the actual problem - jumping to conclusions. "They said he's guilty, so I say he's guilty". Save your grandeur and moralistic posturing.