Thanks to everyone who suggested i play Titan fall 2 to – 335 points –

What a fun game . Wish it was a little longer though .


best campaign. it's an absolute tragedy that it wasn't longer and hasn't got a sequel yet

I'm gonna play this game soon, but I wouldn't have even considered it - let alone buy it - before watching the first part of this video by tomatoanus, explaining the any% speedrun. I stopped watching before one mission that he claims is one of the best chapters of a video game he's ever played (and the chapter itself apparently has a Wikipedia page??). I'm pretty excited to play it based on that preamble šŸ˜

ETA: It was on sale for $3 so that definitely helped

Anyone who has played the game knows what level you're talking about, and I find myself launching Titanfall 2 every now and then just to play it.

How can you speedrun a multiplayer-only game?

The first game is multiplayer-only. I had also assumed this one was too, but it has a single player story.

Really loved this game. I am glad I stuck with it in the beginning.

It has a single player campaign that's how.

multilayer is alive at the moment, and you'll find a game pretty quickly. it's a lot of fun, but there's definitely a learning curve

To anyone that sees this and wants to play but is scared there is a PvE coop mode.

Itā€™s oft left out of TF2 discussion but itā€™s one of the best horde modes in gaming and you get to experience TF2 mp without the sweaty downsides.

That's basically all I played, other players are too good for me

Wait, is it? Like, vanilla, not Northstar? I stopped playing months ago because Iā€™d leave it running looking for a match in the background with my speakers turned up so I could go do chores and watch TV and then run back if I heard the ā€œjoining game noiseā€, occasionally checking to see if matchmaking kicked me out to the menu. It was just too much hassle to get into a game.

Is all that fixed now? Can I come back? Please god, can I play TF|2 again?

It was kinda broken for a year or so but they apparently updated it recently and made it a lot harder to attack/DDOS.

The game servers themselves sometimes shit the bed, but overall it's a good experience. Matchmaking takes 30-90 seconds usually, although it's pretty much only attrition.

That's good to know . I remember hearing awhile ago that there was issues with hackers maybe I'll give it a try.

My vote was for Horizon, but since I hadnā€™t played the other games, I just added Titanfall 2 to my wishlist. Next time itā€™s on sale Iā€™m gonna play it too. :)

I'm going to attempt to get the platinum and then I might start horizon next week

With better world-building for the game setting, and more effort at writing memorable human characters, this could have been a major IP franchise. Pity.

Without EA intentionally fucking over Respawn as the producer for Titanfall 2 by making it have the worst possible release date, and driving them to bankruptcy, this would have been a major IP.

As it is, we have Apex Legends instead of a Titanfall Series.

8 more...
8 more...

Started the campaign and it just didn't do a lot for me. I have seen more and more people talking about it though, maybe I'll give it another shot.

It takes a little time to start introducing you to the unique parts, it feels a little afraid to alienate traditional shooter fans but once it gets rolling nothing is quite like it.

I really enjoyed it , so if the platforming was a little tricky but other than that was really fun . Also found it a little short.

The real gamelan takes off later on. I almost quit too but I wanted at least try the mech... then some really fun mechanics kicked in later.

My favorite FPS ever, If you havent checked out Control I recommend that one often to for little something else FPS like Titanfall is.

Itā€˜s my current FPS game, it feels so polished and well thought out

Tfw I haven't played this

These days you can easily find it for around $5 on sale, and it's a solid 5-10 hours of entertainment. Well worth it at that price.

The "fastball special" moments are probably my favorite scenes in games (also that one certain part where you get a cool gimmick for a whole mission is really top tier)

Pretty much my only fps game, and has been for the last 7 years. Other fps games may have had my interest for a few months, but I just keep coming back to Titanfall. The gameplay mechanics are by far my favorite.