EU reopens probe into Adobe's $20 billion acquisition of Figma

Lee to – 246 points –
EU reopens probe into Adobe's $20 billion acquisition of Figma

Break up Adobe. They have had a monopoly on creative tools for more than 10 years now.

I bought the Affinity suite a few years back. Dropped Adobe when they started going all Creative Cloud monthly subscription, and haven’t looked back. Definitely recommend. Don’t let Adobe have a monopoly when other great choices exist.

Would this help? Photoshop existing as its own company doesn't really stop the adobe/premiere/aftereffects dominance much

YES. Actually it would since that's how it started.

Now that you mention it, I CAN go one better:

as a penalty for a decade of anti-competitive behavior, force Adobe to open source all of it's creative suite, shut the whole company down, and imprison the executives who illegally bought all of their competition.

Adobe: We’re gonna go buy Figma.

EU: care to elaborate on-

Adobe: Figma Balls

EU:… on how that doesn’t make you a Monopoly?

Adobe: 😐

EU: 😐

Hopefully the EU tells Adobe to actually compete instead of just buying the competition.

It's incredibly depressing that this is how it has to be. Competition in this style of economy is dead. You either buy, be sold to some other company, or go out of business

  1. Fuck Adobe in general. Keep them contained.

  2. We can't just waste a name like "Figma" and let it get merged and buried. It has too much cultural value off its name alone.

Ohhh f.. I love Figma. We have promoted it as a great tool internally. Company started using it. Then the enterprise.

No way i or anyone else here will start to pay Adobe prices for it!

There's also penpot (alternative)

Looks nice from a quick look! Clearly a plan to be recognizable to Figma fans.

Do you have an honest opinion on how feature complete it is compared to Figma? Does it have something like Figjam?

Edit: Already waiting for the Figma-to-Penpot export utility to get more feature complete 😅

Why compete, if you can buy your competitors?

Figma was about to eat their lunch, so they are trying to buy them. If that's not anti-competitive I don't know what is.

About to? It was already feasting on their next week lunch when it comes to UX and UI work, instead of making XD into a good competitor they just wanted to take the easy way out

Figma Bal-

Uhhh... I mean yeah, screw Adobe, go Open Source! Screw Monopolies!

(To be honest, I never heard of Figma or Adobe XD, their supposed competition, until this acquisition)

Me, a toy nerd: "Oh shit, Adobe owns Figma???"


"..oh.." lol

Kinda sucks. There's already so little competition in the design space. Inkscape is honestly pretty clunky, usable if you learn to deal with its quirks.