Cities Skylines 2 dev stuck to launch date despite “potential kicking” to – 162 points –
Cities Skylines 2's developers expected some backlash, but decided to launch the game anyway

Tl;dr obvious issues already addressed in testing patch, wanted to get game out on stated release date to let players enjoy it regardless

I just got in bed after playing for 12h straight, and it has some minor issues, but I don't regret my purchase at all.

How's the frame rate? I saw some reports of 7-12fps from systems that kick the absolute shit out of my 2 year old gaming laptop and had flashbacks of wasting $50 on KSP2, which I still can't play despite exceeding the minimum specs. So I figured I'd wait to hear from people for a week or so this time instead of potentially wasting money on release day.

There's a lot of entitled people who are upset because they kicked everything to ultra and yeah , that's where that 7-12 fps is. Most people can't fathom fiddling with the settings a bit and maybe lowering them.

The dev sent out a forum post on what settings are causing the biggest lag. I followed their advice and it is completely playable. I'm about 10 hours in and I'm loving it

Can you send that forum post? It would have been cool for Paradox to have put a link in their useless launcher, or the steam news, or in the launch announcement, or wherever else. My observation is that Volumetrics and Global Illumination make the game run like garbage, but with global illumination off entirely, the game looks flaaaaaaat.

Definitely sealion vibes from this comment 🤡

Definitely clown vibes from your whole profile, you little joke

Edit: this guy’s such a freak lol

That's a big conclusion from such little info, so that says more about your clown ass lmao.

Also the belittling is quite funny, it implies that you see yourself as the lower person in the convo 😂

I am a firm believer that if you have a bleeding edge system you are 100% entitled to playing stuff in max settings (at least in reasonable resolution). I don't see the point in blaming the customers when there is clearly a faulty product here.

Just to clear things up I am definitely not one of those people with the bleeding edge system with my 3060.

I feel like some games want to future proof, so I could understand how there are graphic modes which are not feasible with current hardware.

So youre not part of the "Can it run Crysis" where the game was essentially designed to run on hardware that didnt exist yet?

Difference here is, Crysis had graphics never seen before. C:S2 on max settings is nothing groundbreaking, it doesn't even have raytracing. In this case there's performance issues, not futuristic technologies.

100% a top of the line cpu and gpu should not have problems running the game on max settings. It’s so weird seeing everyone defend a game with terrible performance if you want to exercise any of the graphics options

I don’t have a dog in this fight but bleeding edge literally implies that unreliability is to be expected. That’s why it’s bleeding edge and not leading edge.

English is not my native language so I may have used the term wrongly, I meant "bleeding edge" as basically very high end.

Buddy is being pedantic, in casual use most people will use bleeding edge in exactly the same use case as you are using it.

It’s not being pedantic; I’m not correcting their use of an incorrect word that doesn’t matter. There’s a pretty big distinction between leading edge and bleeding edge, especially when it comes to stated disappointment that a software or program isn’t as stable as expected.

No need to toss insults just to jump to the defense of someone in a pretty simple misunderstanding.

There isnt jack shit difference in the colloquial sense, except for the fact that one word people generally know, and the other people dont. If you were telling this to a native english speaker I wouldnt care, but to an ESL person I feel the need to step in and say "Yeah no, everyone will understand what you mean with the phrasing you chose, the person correcting you is being hyper literal"

1- they didn’t mention being ESL until after the response, so congratulations on the foresight of other’s hindsight.

2- have a good night and stay blessed, bud.

No worries; that would be leading edge, which you’re probably correct in your original statement with that in mind.

Bleeding edge in English generally refers to day zero hardware, software, or services, in which mainstream support most likely doesn’t exist and it is generally anticipated that issues will be encountered.

In my experience turning off dof and global illumination takes you from 20 fps to 80 (1440p, rtx 3090)

A laptop with a 1660ti 6GB got me 20-25fps 1080p low to medium around 10- 20k population. But I turned nearly everything off except for level of detail. Turning off Vsync somehow made it run around 5fps faster.

Those are pretty much my exact same specs. Asus TUF gaming?

Mine is a Lenovo Legion I got 3 yrs ago.

I'm getting about 30 FPS with 2090

The key though as far as I can see is to make sure it's on the SSD, that speed up level streaming pretty quickly.

Vsync also doesn't work, but I haven't had time to figure out if there's a workaround.

I don't know who's reporting 12 frames per second but they must be running on a potato. It's definitely not well optimised, but it's not that bad.

I was getting 7 fps in the main menu before poking at the settings, but my VII is damaged due to a new faulty 1kW psu that suicide-bombed my machine. I'm amazed it works at all, tbh.

Ultra with 1080 and no motion blur (e: and no AA), I'm getting the same as I got in 1 on 1440 (25-30, also with half dead gpu). I have hope that the additional fixes will bring it on par with 1 for fps.

Also played a ton yesterday. Biggest issue I had was a small stutter every 20 mins or so when zooming in or something. Maybe with certain hardware it's having issues, high end cards or something? Overall I'm having a great time

Yeah, honestly, the state of the game is fine. Yes, they should have taken a couple of more weeks to fix up the performance, and they definitively should have chosen more sane default settings..

But, other than that, the launch state is fine. There are no major bugs, and there is nothing too major missing. A lot of things are done and designed quite well actually, I'd say.

Just give it a month or two and then look again. There's no rush, it's not a story game. But I've been enjoying my time so far.

Good, I was hoping this is one developer who won't totally deuce on their player base.

Really low bar for game studios but that's where we are.

If you want to blame someone, blame the producers, not the devs. They don't want to be pushed to strict deadlines with artificially limited budgets and whatever enshittification method the execs bought into this week. They want to make good games, but often they work under stifling conditions.

What video card are you using and what resolution / refresh rate.

I’ve been playing on my 7840U (integrated graphics) laptop, 1440x900 low settings and FSR averaged around 30fps in early game, so not great but playable

Radeon VII (damaged from a psu failure, though). 1080 ultra, no motion blur, no AA. 25-30 fps, as expected on this card (a fully working one I'd expect ~70, it's about half dead).

They should have called it early access then it could have been a jpeg of the blender default cube and nobody would care

'Despite the technical problems outlined in our own review of Cities Skylines 2, Colossal Order says the game is “ready enough to be released.”'

Next time they're at a restaurant someone should bring them undercooked chicken that looks done on the outside but is raw in the center. When they complain? "The chicken was ready enough to serve"

Quite the hyperbolic comparison you've got there

Imperfect game is as bad as potentially fatal food poisoning, obviously.

my dad died from playing Cyberpunk on release RIP in peace

Hey dude, Colossal Order and Paradox gave them salmonella, how could you be so callous!

A better comparison would be a raw steak when the customer asked for medium well.

Hey guys the chicken is going to be undercooked depending on your tableware so don't order it yet if you think your chicken will end up undercooked.

It's not quite the same thing though is it.

It's a bit like developing a microwave meal and it turns out that it only really cooks in 2 minutes if you have an ultra powerful microwave then putting out a press release that says I know it says it'll cook in 2 minutes on the packaging but unless you have a really powerful microwave add a few minutes to it.

The responsibility is still on the players to have reasonable expectations of the game depending on the hardware that they have.

Also it's 100% my fault for pre-ordering the damn thing, I don't know why I did that. But that's on me because if I really wanted to I could have refunded it.