Meta given 30 days to cease using the name Threads by company that trademarked it 11 years ago to – 305 points –
Meta given 30 days to cease using the name Threads by company that trademarked it 11 years ago

Huh. This isn’t some dirtbag domain squatter, either. This is a ten year old company with a serious, legitimate claim. Plus, their services are easily similar enough to create marketplace confusion, which is a major factor in trademark cases.

This doesn’t help, either:

It appears that Meta was aware of Threads before launching its platform of the same name. Company lawyers made four offers to purchase the domain '' from Threads Software Ltd from April 2023, all of which were declined.

Zuck fucked up.

He didn't "fuck up" so much as think he was big enough to bully the legal issue away.

They did it with the word "meta" here's hoping they don't get away with it a second time.

Did they really get away with it? It seems like they shot themselves in the foot with pointless rebranding and their sad attempts at whatever the metaverse is. In the end they lost a ton of money

In the case of Meta, they acquired a small company with that name many years before. Makes me wonder if they also bought something called Threads before.

Like others have said, the Zuck probably thinks he can lawyer his way through it. He could try to bleed the company dry over a long set of proceedings, hoping they decide to settle, somehow.

My favorite trademark story is how McDonald's lost the rights to the name Big Mac in Ireland due to an existing trademark

What's next about that is if they had activity bothered to treat the case seriously and bumbled their paperwork so hard the judge ruled against them.

This happened in Australia too, that's why we have hungry jacks and not burger king

And to Wendy's in Netherlands, which is why there's no Wendy's in the EU.

Not just Ireland, southern Ireland is EU so they lost it in the whole of Europe

The BK near me was offering King Macs for a while just to take the piss

What is "southern Ireland"? Do you mean Ireland?

Most yanks don't know the difference, just clarifying for them here father dougal

Southern Ireland isn't a thing. Ireland makes up about 80% of the island of Ireland and Northern Ireland is what remains. But you're correct, they challenged our local Ray Kroc and lost.

Yes, I know mate, I was clarifying for those who think the UK is called Engurlaaand

You love to see it. Get fucked Zucky!

I can confirm that the 1984 Threads movie is pretty traumatizing. Not in a horror movie kind of way, in a "this is realistically what would happen in and after a nuclear war, which is the end of everything in the worst way you can imagine" kinda way.

It's on youtube.

It gave me a chuckle that they slotted that into the article!

IMDB even has a listing for "woman who urinates herself" when the bomb drops.

I always remember the last scenes when the main protagonists daughter tries to wake her "RUTH! RUTH!".

I've got it downloaded but haven't watched it since the 80s as it's part of my childhood trauma so might take a bit of unpacking!

I only saw parts of it… but yeah, it’s plenty messed up. What’s even worse is that it’s not messed up in an exploitative way, though. Like you said, it’s horrible because a nuclear war would be horrible. The people who were unlucky enough to survive would be absolutely brutal to one another.

It's the antithesis of all the gung-ho apocalyptic films that has all the alpha males wanking off about they would survive & become a leader.

I watched it when it was broadcast & the conversation at school for weeks after was how no-one of us wanted to survive the blast because of how fucking horrific and what a curse it would be!

100% horror, just… in a different kind of way.

Thanks for sharing, I hope they stand their ground and will definitely will keep an eye on this one. LOL