According to many people the world has become more hostile. What are ways we can prevent this? to Ask – 35 points –

Don’t let for-profit-companies control social interactions, be that Meta or your local mall.

Go into local politics and push for community spaces that are for people, not for profit.

Yeah. There needs to be a stronger push for communities.

I agree with you, but it's not even for-profit spaces that are an issue.

The ability to interact with so many people--in near total anonymity, and who you are virtually certain to never meet again--significantly lowers the barrier for acting uncivilly. And likewise the facelessness of other people means that it's so much easier to mistakenly interpret their actions as hostile.

Think of that jerk who totally cut you off yesterday, versus you who just needed to squeeze in between two cars to make your exit. Or how much less likely you'd be to react negatively to your neighbor driving slow in the left lane versus a total stranger.

Our ape brains and thousands of years of human evolution give us the instinct to treat strangers outside our "tribe" with suspicion and interpret their neutral actions as hostile.

Sure those instincts can be exploited for profit and exacerbate them, but I disagree it's the root cause or the reason hostility seems to be on the rise.

Separate church from state and keep it that way.

What if instead we turn the state into the church and people bow to their president?

Oh wait that's just communism

You’re describing christofascism, bud.

Question… Is the world more hostile, or does it seem more hostile because we have the media to broadcast the existing hostility?

End fucking capatilism and the religious cults (all of them, mainly Christians)

i don't think Christianity is the main problem

The biggest problem is the trio of religions that originated in that area and their spin-offs. All are based on the old testament, so all can find something to use to exterminate the non-believers.

As long as there can be found an excuse to force ways of life (religion or otherwise) onto others instead of letting others live their life as they see fit, we'll keep this mess.

The main problem is the core of Jewism, Christianity, Islam,... that most religions think only their religion is the correct one.

Give them support. As someone who is socially challenged, there have been times where I think to myself "if my personality was bitter, who would act as if they cared". I know it's cliche to quote him, but it often feels like Nick from Zootopia spoke to a recurring element in our lives when he asked what the point is in being society's best when you're only going to be treated one way. Not that I'd act bitter, that's too far from my natural skillset, but for some people it comes naturally.

I get what you mean. I am on the autism spectrum and I struggle significantly with socialising with people. You know I just find it difficult. And there's no one that really reached out to me when I was a teenager. What broke that cycle for me was being the one who reached out and made friends with people other people never cared about. You know sometimes being the one that breaks a cycle like that can be powerful and it can even give you a stronger sense of self worth. But that's just for me. It might be different for you because I am a very extroverted person I just really struggle with the making connections part.

I never had the comfort zone issue, or any fear of approaching and talking to people. If anything, for me it is the skill. All the people I know depend on ongoing conversation and I can't provide that because my mind does not have that skill (and this is inherent), so I don't meet their cost requirement to make friends with them in any de facto way. If people were open to being silent with others and let the activities do the talking, that would be one thing, but that's not how it is.

Exhaustion. When people get tired of being mean, the world will turn nicer. Why? Because we'll have killed each other.

Many people are wrong, the world has only gotten safer. We live in the safest moment in human history, but that can be hard for people to accept because we are hyper-aware of all the problems in the world.

Depends how you measure "safety".

Here in the US life expectancy is declining.

I can't afford a home, healthcare, or retirement. My parents generation could.

Climate change is doing significant damage, and it's just getting started.

But yeah, I'm less likely to be murdered. I got that going for me, which is nice.

Make all jobs have to pay enough to have food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities of living so people don't have to cheat and steal to get by. Give those things to everyone and make work only for paying for luxuries.

Teach people to mind their own business. Most of the conflicts I hear about are from people needlessly sticking their nose in other peoples business.

Until I walk out of my apartment one day or another and someone just socks me in the face on a consistent basis, I don't really find the world incredibly hostile. That's just people buying what the media is selling.

Some grumpy MFs in here..

The real answer is education. Educate everyone that will listen and the assholes will fade to black over time.

One-and-done deal of killing all the "bad people" (fill in the blank for whoever you hate the most) and, voila, totally world peace bro

Until the hostility resumes, and then you'll have a new batch of people to kill, and so and so on.

Does anyone really need to say that systematic genocide is not the solution?

Ban Instagram, no seriously the amount of hate speech and toxicity on this platform is down right ridiculous

Everything's gone up but our wages. Too many people are living paycheck to paycheck. Most of us work too damn hard for too damn long, get paid too damn little, and pay too damn much in taxes on what damn little we get paid. And in the meantime you've got a bunch of arrogant cunts starting wars and playing power games for no sensible reason.

paradoxically, by being more hostile.

just, specifically, become overwhelmingly hostile to the people presently making the world a (more) hostile place.