Sam Altman fired as CEO of ChatGPT maker OpenAI in shock move to – 275 points –
Sam Altman fired as CEO of ChatGPT maker OpenAI in shock move

I imagine this is about financial chicanery or sex pesting but the funniest outcome would be if they just replaced him with ChatGPT to save money. If there’s any job a chatbot can do today, it’s CEO.

financial chicanery

I'm sure he's failing to find further funding in the current interest rate market and their business model frankly has no profitability end in sight. Running all those computing resources for free is a road to ruin.

It actually seems to be the opposite - Altman focussing on commercialization, whereas the board wants to continue the non-commercial focus.

I really hope this is the case.

Oh wow, I assumed the main source of problems for this business was because creating models based on sampling the works of others was ethically dubious leading to lawsuits and bans in several countries. But no. It's their CEO's business model not aligning with the board.

Hahahahahahahaha... A board more interested in non-profit work vs making more money? Sorry, I think this is way over optimistic.

It's a non-profit board; the members do not hold equity and the for-profit subsidiary has a profit allocation cap. It is not the same as a for-profit board.

Maybe there is hope and closedAI can become open ai again?

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Not to mention be sued by everyone whose copyrighted work was used.

That was my guess. I can imagine a situation where he was deliberately understating or obfuscating how vulnerable they were in that regard, or else simply overconfident they were legally in the clear.

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AI has been replacing the board members and now has control of the company

The reasons are probably fairly boring but it'd be kinda funny if they hit AGI and now everyone is in freakout mode behind the scenes.

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This is a turning point that could be either really good or bad, depending on who you ask. Senior developers also left due to the news.

Didn't everyone leave the company? I was reading that also the head of research is gone

All of the senior positions are now listed as Clippy. I have a bad feeling about this...

All good bro, they automated their processes with AI, so now they need fewer employees


Awful lot of comments here pretending he didn't rape his sister. I wonder why.

Edit: I love that the replies I'm getting literally prove my point. Real repulsive shit.

There was a series of three tweets and no follow-up. I wouldn't necessarily assert it so strongly.

... she's talked about it multiple times for two years. Sort of a gross look to pretend a victim hasn't discussed being a victim on multiple occasions. Do you work for his PR group, or are you just a toxic fan?

What the hell? How about leaving such matters to courts? While terrible if true, I'll hold of judging until something is proven. It's too easy to ruin someone's life with false accusations.

False accusations. The favorite bogeyman of rape apologists.

Except it isn't always a fucking real accusation. Look into the proJared shit. He got accused of cheating or something similar and everyone raked him over and guess what...bitch that accused him was lying cause SHE was the abuser.

A personal example, two ppl I know personally and one at the time intimately, had sex guy just turned 18 girl was 15. They got drunk and had sex, she regretted it or told her parents who freaked out and long story short he got sent to prison for rape when it was confirmed consensual by her IN COURT and in private messages to myself and others.

So no the court of law is literally innocent until proven guilty for a reason and specifically cause of shit like this. You cab have whatever opinion you like but wait till you have proof not just words to back it up. Always. People like you would be shitty jurors and shittier judges and lawyers. You do not condem anyone unless you have no shadow of a doubt they did it without evidence. Ever.

Sorry, did you just equate a claim of cheating to a claim of rape?

had sex guy just turned 18 girl was 15

So, statutory rape. Got it. Parents exercised their legal guardian right and left it to the courts to decide whether it was permissible or not. Glad you found out how the system works.

So no the court of law is literally innocent until proven guilty

Now, by your own statement here your friend that had sex with an underaged girl is guilty. Thanks for playing your own stupid game. Enjoy your stupid prizes.


What's the question? His sister has talked about him raping her multiple times. But since he's got a lot of sci-fi weirdo fans that sweep that kind of thing under the rug for him, he hasn't really had to address it.

Most of the comments in this thread are about "I mAgINe if AI Did IT?"

Oh. I just hadn’t heard about it. Fucked up if true . Searching for his name now just talks about current news. Wikipedia holds nothing. Do you have a credible source for this?

Literally Google his name and the word sister. Not only will articles come up, but her original Twitter threads do too. Starts in 2021.

So no proof? Just tweets?

...from the victim. What a shit thing to say. But I guess hero worship tends to make toxic people look the other way on rape pretty often, so I shouldn't be surprised.

Without proof there is no victim. It's just a person speaking about another person. I don't go around sentencing random people with unconfirmed charges. Innocent until proven guilty.

I don't give a shit about this man in the slightest. I didn't even know who the CEO was until today. However, people spouting a tweet like it's hard evidence is so stupid it really makes you wonder how someone can be that dumb.

If it did happen then it's terrible but without proof there isn't any way to prove it.

Well for sure what he needs is you here defending him. Nice work. All the concern you express is for him, none for her. And it's not "a tweet", it's multiple threads over 2 years. Strange you're trivializing the allegations like that. It's surprising to me when weirdos choose to defend against rape allegations, more so when it's incest and child related. And for some reason there's always the tech fans doing it. Normally I'd wonder why, but I'm sure you have your legitimate reasons to pretend a little girl wasn't raped by an older brother.

Whatever you need to quantify your reasoning is fine. I do apologize I called you stupid and it was uncalled for. I am sure that you believe what you say to be right and true or justice. I do not know where you are from but where I live you are innocent until proven guilty. Until actual evidence in produced the man in question is innocent. If one day evidence is provided that isn't just hearsay then I will change my mind. I do not defend anyone because there is no one to defend.

I bet you'll be first on the ground defending him if evidence came to light, but I do wonder, what evidence would you find acceptable? What evidence would you consider credible enough for you to accept someone has alleged multiple forms of abuse from an elder sibling during childhood?

My guess is literally nothing.

To simple test really, you find the closest river you tie him to a chair and you dunk him if he drowns he was innocent and if he lives he was guilty. However, if you drowns the sister is put to the flame.

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As someone who has been falsely accused the assumption of guilt is unfair. Tweets are not evidence.

lmfao. Flat out do not believe you.

I was raped

I believe you no doubt

I was falsely accused

Flat out do not believe you

I'm not sure if you care, but you are being very hypocritical.

... By pointing out the fact their post isn't evidence? Hmmm. It's funny how so many "tech" fans will instantly dismiss rape allegations made by women, but immediately believe some random loser claiming they were wrongly accused. Almost like there's a systemic problem here.

I never said I believe them.

You either believe both the rape victim and the accusation victim, or you believe neither.

Only believing one of them is hypocritical.

I personally believe both of them to be some person on the internet who's words do not matter. I do not consider either of the two claims to be worth listening to.

Innocent until proven. Always.

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Because its both irrelevant to the topic (unless that's the reason he was fired, which I doubt) and a mere allegation. Innocent until proven guilty.

I'm betting the board doesn't think incest rape is good for the brand. Good thing he has heroes like you to defend him, otherwise raping his sister might actually tarnish his image.

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