Washington Post Drops Eye-Popping Report on The ‘MAGA Doms’ and ‘Libtard Subs’ Infiltrating Kink Communities

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 69 points –
Washington Post Drops Eye-Popping Report on The ‘MAGA Doms’ and ‘Libtard Subs’ Infiltrating Kink Communities

Apologies for the 'eye-popping' in the headline.


I'm surprised that MAGA and trumpism isn't just a kink play scene. The images are all an over the top fertile homoerotic muscleman. They are always talking about cuckolding and there's always some strange power dynamics at play. Throw in racist and sexist undertones and you got everything. You couldn't make it more of a kink power play / humiliation / cuckolding scene if you tried.

The fact it's a legitimate political movement is what is odd about it.

The obsession with calling everyone "cucks" comes from the white supremacist scene that created the "alt-right". It's intended to mean "race traitor" more than it's intended go kink shame.

Well I agree with you that "cucks" comes from the alt right I'm sure it still comes from cuckolding porn / kink. Unless you are studying Shakespeare you will only see the word related to the kink. While it once meant any man who was cheated it's now only used by the kink. If it means race traitor it must have to do with the fact that the Bull is typically a large black man in the porn.

There's some pretty good scientific evidence that fear and arousal are linked especially in a sex negative and shame based cultures. So the connection isn't that strange

If it means race traitor it must have to do with the fact that the Bull is typically a large black man in the porn.

That is exactly the reason.

Bro what the fuck hahaha! And I'm extremely kinky, but this is a new one. Politics only gets involved re: letting me keep my and partner's rights, otherwise that shit gets left at the door.

But whatever, it's kinda sorta not hurting anyone.

“During their encounter, Wolf reportedly told the student, ‘I will tear your a– apart if you ever vote for Donald Trump or any other stinking conservative Republicans. I’ll let you go into moderates. But if I hear Trump or Cruz or even any member of the Bush family, you’re not going to sit down for days.’”

With he amount of consent involved in kink, I imagine MAGA supporters would be pretty shitty doms and subs. They don't seem to understand or care about consent.

How is it that every kink I learn about confuses me?

You'd think that of all the kinks I've learned about, I'd have gotten used to it by now.

Because you haven't found your kink yet?

On the contrary, my kink is not a kink. Its just sexy. :-)

Its everyone else's kink that's a problem!!

You cracked me up just now. Thank you. My day has been shit so it was nice to laugh.

1 more...

Uh... is it really surprising that kink communities are into kink?

I guess, but it's certainly not a kink I ever expected.

I honestly find it a little hard to believe, I'd want to see proof these people are actually libs. Voting records, preferably, or them arguing for liberal positions with sensible arguments that we would actually say.

It's not like trolls don't pretend to be other things, just for funsies. Or to try to make a point.

It's all fake is my guess. Neither party is either thing you are claiming to be. Kink play is just cops and robbers with your pants off.

I mean, humiliation kink is about social humiliation in part, I think. I can definitely see liberals living in conservative areas feeling shame and then using kink to 'burn off' that shame.

I'm not completely discounting it, just wishing for proof. I do know for certain, one thing that happens sometimes, though... And that's just a conservative claiming to be a liberal on the internet.

It's just an efficient way to make us look bad, by sockpuppeting one of us basically. Kinda like how we've probably got malicious state actors sockpuppeting all of our most extreme political positions, just to help spark larger numbers of misunderstandings.

Being surrounded by conservatives makes me feel rage, not shame.

I mean, same, but I imagine it's different for some.

It's a kink I've seen on lemmy. Granted, its like one person who has like 3 communities of mostly themselves and one of which is specifically this kink. But seems like the type of thing that would mostly get lurkers anyways...

They're likely a conservative roleplaying as a liberal then. I can't imagine any actual liberal being into this kink with an actual conservative partner

I'd assume its more likely two non-conservatives, where one RPs as a conservative. Its kink. Who would think its about actual conservatives and actual liberals?