Should I get a PS5? to Steam – 0 points –

I already have a steam deck. But, I am thinking of getting a PS5 for the games that can’t run on the deck or would be better played on a console. Is this a silly idea? Redundant? I would have a steam deck and a pS5.

I would need to get a tv/monitor to go with the console.

I’m not in a position to get a PC or build one, hence, the steam deck.


Well... Do you want to play games that are only on the PS5?

All you're asking for is validation. Do what you want to/can do.

(You can use a TV for both the console and the steam deck)

Some performance-extensive games may also work better on PS5. As OP doesn't plan to build a gaming PC, I think a PS5 could improve the experience of lots of new games.

I don't understand when people ask questions like this.

Such a broad question to answer with so little context.

Taking that into the equation, I’ll say "No." If you needed one, you’d be talking about your need to play the latest Spider-Man, God of War, etc before they get pc releases. You don’t need to scratch every itch.

Agreed. The fact that they ask while giving no information instead of just buying it makes me feel like they can't comfortably afford it without sacrificing something else. If they really don't have very strong opinions about it, they're probably better off saving their money.

If you do wind up with a PS5 and a steam deck- I would recommend chiaki deck then you can play your PS5 on your steam deck.

We have both. The PS5 came first. Only used for exclusives and sports games (NHL24 for example not available on PC). It all depends on what the games are worth for you.

I second the comments here that a tv/monitor is also helpful for your steam deck.

Any specific game you want to play that doesn't run well on the Steam Deck?

If you want to do some couch gaming in front of a TV, you could consider acquiring a docking station and a bluetooth game controller so that you can control your Steam Deck while playing on TV.

I have both a steam deck and a PS5. In my opinion there are so few exclusive titles any more that it's not necessary to own both.

The one limitation is that the steam deck doesn't have the performance to play some titles well.

For example, the PS5 is better for AAA titles like God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Elden Ring.

The steam deck can play GoW, Horizon, and Elden Ring but you have to set the graphics quality very low and expect you're only going to get like 24fps max. Whereas the PS5 will smash pixels all day long.

I mainly play indie games on my steam deck and AAA titles/exclusives on the PS5.

Same. Not only that, but you can play the better quality, 60fps versions on your Steam Deck if you use Chiaki and play the PS5 remotely.

If a ps5 is $500, and a decent TV is $300, you could build a PC for $800 that will serve you for years and years. When a console becomes obsolete every piece of it becomes worthless. When a PC becomes obsolete every piece of it except the graphics card and processor will continue to be useful. In 5 years it will be far cheaper to upgrade an $800 budget gaming PC than it will be to purchase the PS6. A gaming PC is an investment, a console is a an expensive piece of hardware that will do what you need for 5 years or so, then become an expensive piece of trash.

Add to this the savings you will have by investing in steam games instead of proprietary console games. You already own a steam deck and have probably spent hundreds of dollars on games on steam. If you buy a PlayStation you will start from scratch buying PlayStation games. If you build a PC you will have a full game library on the day you turn it on which you have already paid for.

Counterpoint: a used PS5 will probably run $450, and including the cost of a TV isn't fair because basically everybody already has one (you'd have to factor in the cost of a monitor too if you want a fair comparison).

Building a new PC is likely to be less cost effective if you only plan to use it for games, and if you're building your first PC and can't carry over components like storage and the chassis. The initial investment will pay off in the future, but not everyone has $800 to throw into a PC all at once.

Finally, saying that a mainline console like the PS5 will be "trash" in 5 years is objectively wrong. Modern consoles are often supported for 7-8+ years, and even after that point, they will continue to play all the games they did before.

I agree that a PC is generally a better investment than a console like the PS5. But you shouldn't make that argument by being disingenuous or exaggerating the downsides of what you're arguing against.

OP stated they would have to buy a Tv if they bought a console.

I gamed on a regular 'ol potato PS4 (not the Pro) up until last year when I bought a Deck. Gave the PS4 to a friend who's still using it.

Not everybody has to have the absolute latest tech the second it comes out.

I was merely responding to the accusation that I was making a disingenuous argument by including the price of a TV in my cost estimation by pointing out that OP straight up said they would have to buy a TV to use a console.

I don't think I ever stated that everyone has to have the latest tech, and I don't think my argument relies on such a premise to be persuasive.

If you had taken the money you spent on a PS4 and bought a budget gaming PC, then took the money you spent on the deck to buy a new graphics card for that same PC, you'd have a system more powerful than the PS4 (or PS5) or the deck for the same cost.

You seriously think people only buy consoles the year they're released?

I was merely responding to the accusation that I was making a disingenuous argument by including the price of a TV in my cost estimation by pointing out that OP straight up said they would have to buy a TV to use a console.

I don't think I ever stated that people only buy consoles the year they are released, and I don't think my argument relies on such a premise to be persuasive.

Well, since you've edited your comment it doesn't matter what the other person and I responded to. You could make any argument up and no one knows the difference.

I would have to get a tv/monitor after getting a PC, no? So more than 800$?

You can build a gaming PC for almost any budget. Literally, choose an amount of money you want to spend, and you can build up to that number. If you are really serious about building a PC for yourself, I will send you my old graphics card free of charge. It is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. So you can save a hundred dollars right there on your first build.

Check out and mess around there. Here is a build I have slapped together for you for $800, not including the graphics card which I will give you for free. You should do some more research and choose your components more carefully, but I just put this together as an example of what you could do with $800. A monitor is included here. Hopefully you can scrounge a mouse and keyboard from an old computer, school, a friend, etc. One of the great things about building your own PC is that you can upgrade components throughout life and come across good deals.

Maybe some other kind people on this Lemmy sub or elsewhere would donate other components for you to get started.

Here is a sub filled with people who would help you build your first PC:

You can use any TV that has HDMI. I have a 75" TV hooked up to my PC and Switch.
You can do that with the steam deck, PS5, laptop, tower, anything. Every TV has HDMI now.

I'll never buy a monitor agian. I don't see the reason to when I can just use my TV and relax on my couch.

PS5 and the Xbox are great consoles. I still have and use my PS4. I don’t think you would regret buying one to compliment your steam deck. Disclaimer: I own neither a PS5 nor a steam deck.

I recently (November) picked up the slimmer PS5 and have been enjoying it a lot. I never had a PS4 so I'm catching up on the last two generations of console exclusives that I haven't played. I don't play online on console so I don't have a PS plus subscription. It's also been pretty easy to get lots of used games for cheap. I wish I could put my old PS2 games in it though, biggest downside for me.

The PS5 is amazing to play from the sofa. But I recommend getting a big 4K TV with 120Hz, VRR and good HDR (lot of nits) to get the most of it. (I have a basic HDR 4K60FPS 4-5 year old Samsung TV and the experience is still good).

I have a PC, SD and recently got a PS5. And lately I'm mainly playing GT7.

Now... every time I buy a game I check if I should get it on Steam or PS5.

For online paid games I always go with PC because in PS5 you have to pay a subscription.

The only things I don't like from the PS5 are games that run at 30FPS. And there are quite a lot. And, of course, that you have to pay a stupid 70€+ yearly subscription to be able to play paid games online with other humans.

GT7 and Warzone (the 2 I play the most) are 60 FPS. But FF16 is 30FPS and even on a controller is a bit painful to watch.

Is a a a TV better than getting a monitor?

For a PC with Keyboard and mouse, I prefer a monitor.

But for a PS5 with a controller, yes. But not just a TV, the whole thing TV + sofa + ideally good speakers (personally I prefer 2.0 monitors to keep it simpler)

Some people use a console with a monitor, from a short distance. But I personally use it when I want to relax playing from the sofa on a big screen.

The only issue here is that my wife was the main TV user before I got the PS5, so now I need to add another TV in the bedroom or something.

If you have a steam deck, you dont need any console, if you can get a pc later on to get the high end experience do it, if you can't afford it just save the money and keep playing on the SD The SD can play on a tv or monitor, just get a dock and you are set

Dunno if anyone has mentioned it yet, but it's relatively easy to set up Chiaki on the Deck to remote play PS5 games.

If the cost of the console is worth having the ps exclusives for you, then go for it. For me, it's the exclusives. I've also got my deck set up to remote play the ps5 so can play where ever, which is nice.

Doesn't seem like a good idea if you need to buy other things along with it. The exclusives are nice but unless you really really want to play them, those will be really expensive games if you consider the effects cost

It's worth it for the controller alone.

It's the first time since I plugged a rumble pack into my n64 controller, that I've felt they really did something to increase immersion with that one thing really connecting you to the action on screen.

Yes\No. Whichever answer you agree with more is the one you should go with.

If what you need is to play your games on a bigger monitor, just use a dock and connect the SteamD to a monitor. Otherwise consider the prices and what you want to play more. The SteamD (especially the Oled) works great as a remote for console and pc.

Streaming services like Nvidea now might be an option to look into. It would allow you to play the demanding games on your deck.

In the meantime you can save up for a PC.

Get a PS 2. PS5 can't even play DVDs.

Yes it can? I just watched one the other night

Yes it can? I just watched one the other night

Glad to hear optic drives aren't dead.

PS2 still has better games.

PS2 has a lot of great games, but so does the PS5. I only wish it had backwards compatibility so I can play my hundreds of PS2 discs lol

I watch DVDs on mine all the time, including Blu-ray and 4k Blu-ray.

Can you hook it up to your TV via coax?

I'm not sure... I don't think so? I use HDMI.

I don’t think so?

Yet another reason to go with the PS2.

Why would anyone want a PS5 with coax? I don't understand... Are you using a 30 year old TV?

Why would anyone want a PS5 with coax?

So I don't have to use a VCR as a passthrough.

Are you using a 30 year old TV?

I'm certainly not trowing out working tech that isn't capable of spying on me.
It's not like TVs spoil.

sure, are you poor or something?

Are you American or something?

I think a lot of other countries would consider consoles expensive, as well as games and other imported/regionally priced things.

the question was posed without conext so i asked.

if they had to import the steam deck then they should have mentioned it.

the cost of the steam deck is roughly equivalent in UK, CA, EU, and US.

The average earnings in European countries, however, vary significantly. I think I remember checking years ago that here in Poland, games and consoles cost 2-4x of the % of minimal/average income compared to other Germany, though you could also look at spending power. And plenty of countries have it WORSE.

I know for a fact that when I went on a trip to London, I was kind of disturbed by how expensive food is if you only compare GBP to PLN via the exchange rate.

Edit: Also, OP could just be a student with a part-time job or something. I'm not saying being American makes you rich or anything, it just means that once you buy all the essentials (food, rent) which should roughly cost "the same" in most countries, you can do more with your remaining money.

ALSO, PSA: Some companies try to do regional pricing to make things actually affordable, like Netflix subscriptions. People then use VPNs to buy them for a cheaper price (sometimes 10-20x cheaper, if they earn in USD) and the the companies have to go back and sell them at close to a 1:1 currency exchange rate (saw it happen to Dead Cells too, the devs tried but they ended up losing money). If you meet anyone like that, tell them they are assholes.

youre providing more justifications for asking OP for context as i did.