Neo-Nazi podcasters sent to prison on terror charges for targeting Prince Harry and his young son to World – 257 points –
Neo-Nazi podcasters sent to prison on terror charges for targeting Prince Harry and his young son

Christopher Gibbons and Tyrone Patten-Walsh espoused racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic, homophobic and misogynistic views and encouraged listeners of their “Lone Wolf Radio” podcast to commit violent acts against ethnic minorities, authorities said.

Using aliases on their show, the pair said “the white race was likely to be ‘genocided’ unless steps were taken to fight back.” They approved of a day when so-called race traitors would be hanged, particularly those in interracial relationships. Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan, is biracial.

On one episode, Gibbons said the Duke of Sussex should be “prosecuted and judicially killed for treason” and called Harry’s son, Archie, who is now 4, a “creature” that “should be put down.”


Behold the Master Race™️

Seriously why are neo Nazis always so ugly

Man. I need to reread this.

I also proudly carry a "FUCK CAPITALISM" Zippo inspired by this book

What's the book? I haven't seen this before

6 paperback books, if you decide to read it all.

Let me warn you though, it has some truly weird shit.

Thanks, that was an interesting rabbit hole. I didn't realize there was an intersection between Preacher and The Boys (via an association between Cassidy and Billy Butcher).

They're people who can't find any merit on themselves, so they resort to a mythological collective merit they can claim as their own. Personally, I think it would be more productive to get a shower and go to the gym or care for a pet, but what do I know.

Because they have such terrible, inbred genes that they have a legitimate worry that their corrupted, back water genetics will be improved by outside influences. And given how much projection the average righty uses, it's a safe bet that at least one of those two guys has a bunch of interracial porn in their browser history.

White "supremacists," ladies and gentlemen. Imagine goobers like these thinking they're the master race. They're so gross and ugly and unaccomplished that it's the only thing they've got to lean on.

"What education have you had?"
"I'm white."
"What honors have you received?"
"I'm white."
"Have you done anything whatsoever to improve the lives of others?"
"...I'm white?"
"Okay. Don't call us, we'll call you."

The people to whom Racism and Nationalism appeal the most are the ones less capable of achieving anything worthy themselves.

One really doesn't need to get one's pride from stuff other people (who just happen to have been born within the same borders or look vaguelly similar) did, if one is even moderatelly capable.

In other words, Racism and Nationalism are mainly appealing to Losers.

Call for violence against ethnic minorities: silent

Call for violence against monarchs: action

It's the UK.

They're definitelly not a society were everybody is seen as equally important or deserving, and it gets reflected in such interesting details as the Upper Classes having their own language accent, which is not regional and distinct from the other accents, or how those same Upper Classes found National Socialism (i.e. Nazi) thinking very appealing until Hitler invaded Poland (there's even a picture of the old Queen as a child being taught by her uncle, then King, to do a Nazi salute) mainly because of the whole part that some people are inherently superior.

In fact there are various laws granting certain rights specifically for members of the Royal Family, and then there is of course the vast informal liking-of-royal-arse going on such as the extra expedience and harsher sentencing we see here.

Mind you, not defending these guys, just wish everybody over there getting death threats from people like these saw an equally expedient and strong application of the Law as members of the Upper Classes (not just Royals, though those are primo inter pares in this) do.

interesting take on the accents - never thought of it that way but it's similar in other European countries. if you go to college here, you're mostly confronted with "high german", and are looked down upon if you talk in your regional accent, which is considered courtesy of the poor and working class. i'm somewhat well educated but i refuse to belong to the self-proclaimed "elite", nothing wrong with being smart AND being yourself...

The whole regional accent sounds like something else, which I've seen in pretty much all countries I lived in.

In the UK I would say that's the RP (i.e. Received Pronounciation) English accent, is what one would think of as an "educated" accent, or in other words the "TV accent" - the non-regional accents of most TV anchors - though nowadays regional accents on TV are much more common, in the UK and elsewhere.

What I'm talking about is often called "Posh English" and it very much signals high-class rather than merelly high-education, and it's common amonsgt those who as teenagers frequented certain private very expensive boarding schools (curiously called "public schools" in the UK, not because they're state schools but because theoretically anybody who can afford them can send their children there, though the reality isn't quite like that).

RP would be a middle class accent, whilst a Posh accent signals being upper class (typically old wealth).

I've lived in a couple of countries and Britain is the only one where I've noticed that an exclusive upper class accent is part of how the upper classes signal their social status.

PS: By the way, I absolutelly agree with your point about being yourself and not trying to immitate some self-proclaimed elite and their manners, and follow the same myself. In my case, living abroad for over 2 decades has really given me an outside perspective on just how tiny and silly such local differences really are and how profoundly ignorant it is to feel "elite" based on such social theatre which is totally irrelevant in measuring the true qualities of a person.

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It’s a good thing we have thumb one and thumb two here keeping the white race “pure”

I was heading towards playing on "gibbons" but thumb works just as well. 🤡

Gibbons, 40, was sentenced to eight years in prison, the Metropolitan Police said. Patten-Walsh, 34, was given a 7-year term. Both will be on the equivalent of probation for three years after their release.

Betcha Gibbons doesn’t even believe in evolution.

Oh, the irony.

The only dukes of sus-sex around here are these two creeps' in-bred parents.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The sentencing judge in London called the duo “dedicated and unapologetic white supremacists” who encouraged terrorism.

Christopher Gibbons and Tyrone Patten-Walsh espoused racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic, homophobic and misogynistic views and encouraged listeners of their “Lone Wolf Radio” podcast to commit violent acts against ethnic minorities, authorities said.

On one episode, Gibbons said the Duke of Sussex should be “prosecuted and judicially killed for treason” and called Harry’s son, Archie, who is now 4, a “creature” that “should be put down.”

The two celebrated right-wing extremists who carried out mass murders in Norway, Christchurch, New Zealand and Charleston, South Carolina.

They also posted images of a Nazi executing a Jewish man at the edge of a pit of corpses and Nelson Mandela being lynched.

Gibbons was also convicted of two counts of disseminating terrorist documents through his online neo-Nazi “radicalization” library that had more than 2,000 subscribers, authorities said.

The original article contains 415 words, the summary contains 148 words. Saved 64%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!