Milei’s cuts to maternity leave blocked by court in Argentina

Lee to World – 293 points –
Milei’s cuts to maternity leave blocked by court in Argentina

Expecting a lot of these kinds of headlines to follow the next couple of months.

In other news, Milei dissolves courts and arrests judges in Argentina.

Being reported as "fake news" but I'm 90% sure the sarcasm tag is missing. Leaving it alone.

Is this crazier or more sane than that one american president who consulted the horoscope for major decisions?

I can't seem to get over that this dude looks like the lead in a bad 1970s comedy.

Why did you elect this turd, Argentina?

There was a good segment on Last Week Tonight several weeks back. The choice was between a guy who was part of the original problem and promised no changes or this guy. People knew more of the same wasn't going to work so they took a gamble and hoped that the crazy guy would stumble onto something.

The part about his dogs was hysterical, if this dude is really that nuts and talks to his dogs for advice then it explains so much.

Because he wasn't the other guys. He just works with them and is less mentally stable. Win win right?

The "not like the other guys" gives us leaders like Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán, Bolsonaro, and now this Milei guy...

Upholding the status quo increases the desirability of "not like the other guys". Politicians who campaign on hope and change only to deliver more of the same are equally culpable.

Yep, they're part of the reason we can't have nice things. The people who keep them unnecessarily busy, stressed, and ignorant are the biggest part. But they help still. Not understanding candidates or platforms.

But Viktor has been the "other guys" for over a decade now, but thanks to eliminating two-round, minimum-turnout elections and gerrymandering, he's been virtually uncontested and can spin everything whichever way he wants. The Fidesz of 2010 is very different than what the Fidesz of 1998 was.

In the now Fidesz controlled media, he still is. If something goes wrong, it's either foreign or opposition party interference, if they don't cover it up with other controversies (like the Gábor Kaleta incident with the cHIld ProTeCtiOn act).

"I hate taking the stairs 4 floors down. I guess I could try jumping down from a window!"

This isn't world news

Right now, argentina is pretty irrelevant on the region and Milei, as bad as it looks, doesent even look like part of a regional right wing wave, just more local nonsense to add to our beloved 40s fascist-communist party. So, i think you are right.