
Stamets@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 440 points –

Idk man... Guns are kinda phallic... Wouldn't it be gay to make one shoot??

That's why I like to stick the butt up against me and reach around working the trigger till it blasts.

Sounds kinda hot ngl

It is. Personally I love the suppressed ones that don't get too loud when I cock them, work their safety, and work their oiled parts tenderly.

Have we tried pushing this message and seeing if it helps the mass shootings?

Say there Sherif, thats some BIG IRON down there on your hip.

Whichever way you frame it, it has the same result.

Both guns you grip firmly and stuff comes shooting out the end.

Guise, I figured it out. Semi-automatic guns work a lot like vibrators which is why they can fire from the hip and that rubs their dick/clits while firing off a round. Think about it. This gun craze is actually a fixation on jerking off.

Sometimes I just sit there and give it my hands for my own pleasure. Did you ever consider that? It's a dynamic you wouldn't understand.

That is a gorgeous shotgun. All I got...

I want it in my mouth uwu

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Teléfono de la Esperanza http://telefonodelaesperanza.org Phone: 902500002


Mind https://mind.se/


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Samaritans http://www.samaritans.org Phone: 116 123 Email: jo@samaritans.org

I been thinking about gettin a gun for my boat. I think I found it :D

You know what they say are the two happiest days of a boat-owners life, right? The day they buy a gun and a boat, and the day they have to shoot their boat.

That joke in R&M is so good.

beth cocks shotgun and jerry goes

I wish that shotgun was my penis

And so beth goes "then I want to be ernest hemingway", so good

With how horny some folks are for their gun, I'm not sure, everyone feels the same about the handjobs...

Jerkin them off is part of the fun. I can fire my revolver with my dinklefritz

Imagine finding a hobby that didn't involve deadly weapons. Maybe one where you get a little exercise or create something useful or beautiful. Ever tried knitting? It's more bad ass than pointing and pulling triggers.

Imagine finding a hobby that didn’t involve deadly weapons. [...]Ever tried knitting?

Uhhh... about those sharp pointy sticks.


Anything can be a weapon, but some things are more efficient at killing than others.

I dunno cars are pretty efficient too.

Good thing you need a liscence to drive them, as well as having to pay to keep them insured and maintaned.

But you don't. You can own a car and drive it on your own property without license or insurance. And so much that the license and insurance does when on average over a 100 people die per day due to them.

put the needle down you fucking junkie

I am anti-gun too but this is a fucking shitpost. Calm down

I dunno, craftsmanship is genuinely cool but I'm pretty sure starting a bonfire by shooting it with dragon's breath is more badass than knitting will ever be

Hell yeah brother, bust out the 12ga bbq starter

if guns were a thing in Ireland that would totally be one of my hobbies, I find them quite cool from an engineering pov and shooting things is probably quite fun too.