The price I have to pay for medical care

BlueÆ to Mildly – -5 points –

After the post the other day , this is the price I have to pay for 2 visits to the EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, about 10 to 12 X-rays, a CT scan, two nights in hospital (so far) and all the drugs

Glad to not live in the ‘land of the free’


So you’re not infuriated and you just wanted to rub your universal healthcare in our faces? We know it sucks, thanks for nothing.

It is not clear what you want to say.

After the post the other day , this is the price I have to pay for 2 visits to the EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, about 10 to 12 X-rays, a CT scan, two nights in hospital (so far) and all the drugs

This references another thread from recently where someone listed the costs of absolutely basic cancer checkups. This person here is showing how they don't have to pay anything for emergency care. Which is pretty normal in most western countries other than the US, granted.

But we get to have lots of guns and facists. So it evens out.

Unrelated, anyone from not America looking to adopt am adult?

But we get to have lots of guns and facists. So it evens out

We have both guns and fascists here. There just not quite as many or as loud

Unrelated, anyone from not America looking to adopt am adult?

Do you bring any marketable skills to the table?

I'm pretty good at typing

"adopt am adult?"

That's a lot of correct characters from someone who types with their dick tbf.

Edit: they fat dickered one letter!

lots of people are, what makes your typing stand out from anyone else's?

My typing makes Python

Agreed, I assumed some info or pictures were missing.

Its because we're so used to being fucked by hospitals and avoiding them we couldn't imagine theres a place where you can just go get fixed.

I haven't lived in America for over a decade and I'm still reluctant to go into a hospital for any reason for fear of costs alone.

Same. Healthcare-insecurity (and the attendant cognitive dissonance) is why I left America and came home, and it (and trump-eters) is why I don't even want to visit .

Beautiful country, too.

My partner has been in hospital for six or seven weeks, had had a foot amputation, vast amounts of medication, a couple of days in the HDU (one step down from intensive care), and I don't know what else. Costs so far: a couple of takeaway meals and some coffee. I didn't even need to pay for parking because I'm disabled too and so have a blue badge!