rule to – 598 points –

I once worked a 12 hour shift at a MarketPro computer show booth where, I shit you not, the booth next to us was selling computer speakers and the guy running it let his child play Around The World on repeat all day.

No other songs

No break

No reprieve

Just almost 12 straight hours of Around The World.

I loved that song, but to this day I can't tolerate hearing it without triggering something akin to PTSD

Based kid

No argument here. As annoying I found it, kid was still an absolute legend

I just happen to have the perfect video for you

Oh my friend, if you think that version has not been sent to me many many times since this story happened, you are sorely mistaken.

144 times on the album version, 80 on the radio edit.

Yeah but that shit rocked yo

Shit STILL rocks. When you're at the peak of your roll and the DJ whose been fairly on point all night throws it back with some of the best mergers of Electronica and Disco to land on vinyl?? Oh! Magic. Do you think they'll play Stardust???

Me in 2024 when a robotic voice says "Around the world" any even number of times

Brilliant song indeed, but where’s the praise for Michel Gondry’s iconic videoclip?

Anyone who hasn't heard the live version of this from Alive 2007, go bless your ears and heart with it right now. Absolutely one of the greatest live albums ever made.

Wasnt even robotic, just a synth on top of human voice.

They used a talkbox, so technically it's the voice modulating the synth carrier.

Well technically, it's not a voice modulating the synth but rather the shape of your mouth. It's not your voice if you aren't producing your own sound, I'd argue.

Sure, it's not a voice, just the shape of a voice, so to speak.

Anyway my point was that its not a synth on top of a voice, which would indicate an addition of sounds. It works more like a subtractive filter, which again actually works by multiplication. It's physical though, so no math is actually done to carry it out and there's no resolution on the effect, since it was done on analogue equipment.

I know, I just wanted to "technically" your "technically" to be silly :P

Thanks, now I have it stuck in my head (though it's not a bad track, so I'll take it lol)

As someone into lyrics and complex songs, that song bored me to tears. The repetitiveness is a right turn off for me. Even a monkey can be learned to copy and paste, but the real musical talent is in transitioning into new melodies.

It is the same as with the "Push me, and then just touch me" song.

I can't listen to either of them without getting irritated to how little effort was put in them.

The amount of "I don't listen to 'pop genre' music" energy coming from this comment is so unreal that I have to assume this is deliberate troling.

This seems to be one of the things i am too young to understand. So can any one of you boomers explain ?

Sponger Bob is dancing to this song: