Biden’s new TikTok account flooded with comments about Gaza

Collision to politics – 85 points –
Biden’s new TikTok account flooded with comments about Gaza

I thought we were discouraging use of TikTok sue to Chinese influence, especially for government use. Why is Biden using it?

Because unfortunately, you have to meet the customers voters where they are. You're not gonna reach gen z with cable ads anymore.

He's not using it for government use. He's using it for campaign use, to campaign to voters who are on TikTok.

Because it is the new tool presidents all over the world are using to reach younger audiences whenever they want to win the elections.

They don't want the app on government issued work phones.

These boomers are free to dance and talk about their favorite cookies all they want on their private devices.

To be fair... Government devices should be locked down. They're not personal devices.


Can't believe his campaign thought they should venture in there. Tiktok is home to the generation that doesn't watch cable news and hasn't yet been brainwashed that it's somehow okay to genocide children.

Edit. Yep some of them have been scrubbed all the way to a few anodyne comments saying shit like "you've got my vote mr president" but a lot of them are still flooded with creative ways to filter evade with Rafah and genocide references. Gonna give an intern repetitive strain injury.

You give too much credit to tiktok kids. They were running themselves over with their own cars just a few years ago.

Even their advocacy is a fad.

And so did idiots 25 years ago ghost ridin the whip

I do think the tide pods thing was unique to tik tok

As far as I know, there were very, very few cases of anyone actually eating a Tide pod. Like single digits.

@Arcane_Trixster not "giving them credit" just pointing out that their media consumption practices are not the same as older generations and that has given them a different perspective.

Boomers vote for Trump and Biden you can't get dumber than that.

if someone could take a bullet for the team, install that malware, and try to convince them about civil resistance that would be great.

@Hyperreality fair point and China censors the hell out of its genZ. But China's method is to brainwash people that what it's doing in Xinjang somehow isn't happening.

Bombing Gaza is much harder to hide, so the party line becomes "it is but it's ok because reaons".

As far as I could see Tiktok was censoring things involving Palestine as well which is why a lot of FYP content is about watermelons.

There is no evidence of the "genicide in Xinjiang" besided the US, US allies and other sources stemming from Radio Free Asia, a known CIA mouth peice. when an idependent investigation came out by the orginasation of Islamic and Turkic States, investigated, they found no evidence of genocide.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

President Joe Biden launched a TikTok account this week to connect with young voters, and the pro-Palestinian protests that have beset his recent in-person events are now following him online.

Since then, pro-Palestinian demonstrators have confronted Biden at a campaign stop in Michigan, chanting “Genocide Joe.” And protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza have waited outside Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s home to have their gripes heard.

But speaking to NBC News just a few hours after posting her comment, Niusulu said Biden can still regain her vote so long as he sanctions Israel, cuts off aid and reigns in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Jack Lobel, 19, the national press secretary for Voters of Tomorrow, a nonprofit young-voter engagement organization, said the humanitarian crisis in Gaza still hasn't shifted the "fundamental choice" of the 2024 election.

In 2020, she encouraged her friends to head to the polls and vote for Biden and for Rep. Ruben Gallego, the Democratic congressman from her district who’s now vying for independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s seat.

Calling Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza a “genocide” is controversial, with various experts opposing that view and the United Nations’ high court in the Netherlands hearing a case on the issue.

The original article contains 886 words, the summary contains 204 words. Saved 77%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Dikcok is a superior propaganda platform pushing social decay.

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More like the pro-Trump bots found his TikTok page and are astroturfing it with "Genocide Joe" copy pasted everywhere.

Otherwise left leaning people can't honestly be that stupid to try and deter others from voting for Biden because of the Israel/Palestine thing. As crazy as it is, there are bigger issues at play here. Palestinians are a human sacrifice by the ruling class.

liberals when other liberals dare to criticize their choice of president for funding a genocide

Why do you people insist that targeting Biden for his poor policy somehow equates to supporting Trump?

Not saying anything in hopes that Biden wins by removing pressure or deterence is called bootlicking. You are bootlicking his current policies simply because you want him to win, and not because you want him to change or improve anything which he won't do if he doesn't receive pushback.

This is as dumb as conservatives thinking that not targeting landlords will magically reduce rent because the better landlords will naturally take hold

Tfw China owns TikTok and you can't tell Elon to delete all the anti Zionists.

Sad state of affair that TikTok is now a more credible news source than New York Times.

Big ups to Rathbone who's doing amazing work on TikTok. One of his vids he reposted to YouTube