Stellantis CEO says Chinese EVs are ‘possibly the biggest risk’ facing his carmaker and Tesla

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 76 points –
Stellantis CEO says Chinese EVs are ‘possibly the biggest risk’ facing his carmaker and Elon Musk’s Tesla

Stellantis CEO says Chinese EVs are ‘possibly the biggest risk’ facing his carmaker and Tesla::The owner of the Dodge, Jeep, and Chrysler brands aims to take on Chinese EVs while avoiding a “race to the bottom.”


Capitalists suddenly stop loving the free market when it hurts their profits

The argument is that it is NOT a free market, because the Chinese cars are government subsidized. A Government subsidized company is not part of a free market.

so like tesla?

Yes. Absolutely, which makes it weird that Stellantis feel they need to warn Tesla, when they are very much beneficiaries in both USA and China.

And all the other US manufacturers.

But go figure wen china do the same is bad .

Yes it is bad when those subsidies reduce the price of the car (or any other product) to half of what the competition is charging. This puts the competition out of business and gives consumers less options. Once the competition is gone, the price shoots up past what it would be initially because we have no other option. They've done this countless times in many industries.

They just use the same weapon as the conçurency so . Tbf money need be spend in city made for human not cars but it's a other story .

Capitalists suddenly stop loving corporate welfare when they aren't the ones benefitting from it.

Well frankly Western governments should also be subsidizing electric car production. If they actually want to move towards net zero, like they claim, it would be reasonable to expect them to actually do something to encourage greener technologies. Currently all they've done is said that they like it very much, and oh look let's build one or two wind farms.

Well frankly Western governments should also be subsidizing electric car production.

They are, EU governments give incentives and tax reductions to all EVs. That way all benefit equally, disregarding where the car was made, but EU is NOT subsidizing manufacturers illegally.
USA also has anti competitive regulation like China, but in USA you only get the benefits for cars made in USA, on top of that EV cars from China have a steep tax added.
Of the 3 biggest markets in the world, only EU is playing fair. But all have EV incentives.

There is no “fair” under capitalism. What I read from this is that the EU has failed its citizens on promoting and helping regional brands to compete on the global market.

When the global market speaks, you can either adapt or do nothing and complain. It’s clear which one is the path the EU is choosing.

Stellantis is mostly European, it's FIAT and Peugot with their other brands. I'm fairly certain they get enough subsidies and tax breaks. That this Italian/American/French company is registered in the Netherlands shows that some tax-dodging is involved as well. I think it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

(Also, Volkswagen Group is the bigger European car manufacturer.)

Even in Europe Chinese cars are more popular because they're affordable.

Also, electric cars such as Polestar (Volvo's EV brand, also Chinese these days) look much better than Tesla's.

Hard to not look better than a manufacturer with a self-centered facist at the top

Obviously, since they have the benefit of EU incentives that benefit all, and Chinese subsidies that only benefit manufacturing in China.

So I don't know what you mean by "Even in Europe"?

That doesn't mean EU should subsidize illegally and against general EU policy. Instead they are investigating if China production needs to have an import tax. Which is the correct way to handle this.

Once China stops committing genocide and constantly threatening to take over other countries by force I'll start caring about giving them equal tax breaks.

Absolutely, I agree XI is as dangerous as Putin IMO, and we shouldn't grant China any favors.

Isn’t that what the tax credits are?

That said, it’s entirely reasonable for a country to levy tariffs on another country’s goods to support their own industries. Other countries do that to America.

Communists have it so much better, look at N.K., they're hanging in there good

Elon Musk is the biggest risk to Tesla and the reason it's going to fail.

The risk is that he would actually have to compete instead of resting on the beach. It's good that these people are sweating when some fire is placed under their butts in the form of competition.

My next car will be electric, I have over 250k on my ice car and it’s only now just starting to show wear.

I haven’t purchased an electric because of the price, but I’ll definitely buy a $22k Chinese should they arrive on these shores.

Cry me a river.

Read the article. It’s not crying. It’s acknowledgment of a new legitimate competitor like Japan and South Korea became. It’s a call to arms for US manufacturers to get better. This is pro consumer.

No shit. They're getting huge governmental help, openly steal from non-chinese companies, global trade is already structured around them, and they can utilise literal slave labour.

But most importantly, China is targeting a market that no other EV maker wants to go into first : Reasonably priced EVs.

This guy doesn't care about any of the above. He just doesnt want the EVs he sells to lose their incredibly high margins. If china comes in and swoops up a buyer at 22k then he loses one at 52k.

That's it. These vendors could take the legs out of China in the market by offering comparable cars at comparable prices, but they want all EVs to stay "luxury" instead. That's China's real threat. They are dropping the bottom out of the artificial high priced market with reasonably priced cars.

Free market wen china : >:(

I hear you, but this is Lemmy, we're all supposed to be CCP shills and think free markets are the worst thing ever.

Last time I checked BYD prices, they were not cheaper than other EVs.

What am I missing?

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Your own inept management in the face of obvious consumer demand for a cheap, basic EV for all is the biggest risk. Fucking out of touch idiots.