Jury finds NRA and Wayne LaPierre liable in civil corruption trial

ZeroCool@slrpnk.net to News@lemmy.world – 400 points –
Jury finds NRA and Wayne LaPierre liable in civil corruption trial

"Well boys, the grifting racket and Russian money laundering was fun while it lasted."

Good, fuck the NRA and especially Wayne LaPierre in particular. Unfortunately I don't think anything will change any time soon.

Things have already changed. You'll notice that 2A shit has not been talked about by pretty much anyone for the last couple of years. The NRA was one of the main lobbyists for that garbage, but now they are both nearly bankrupt and pulling in almost no money (membership is way down).

These lawsuits have crippled the org. I'm naively optimistic we may see actual gun legislation now they we don't have that org bribing politicians.

we need to arm ourselves to defeat the fascist menace, tough. they have more guns than they know what to do with and we need to even the odds

they are just more loud about their guns.

Liberal gun owners tend to

  1. Not make gun ownership one of the core tenants of their personality

  2. Don't tend to make a big fuss about their guns because we don't want to be associated with right wing ammosexual nutjobery.

Owning a gun or liking guns is not an identity.

There's a lot of people that have to identify by the things they 'like' in weird ways. Being enthusiastic about cars is not an identity.

autistic hyper fixations would like a word, sir

And ASD is a disorder no?

When judged from a neurotypical standpoint.

Ok. Sure. Act like me and my nuerodivergent family doesn't have to struggle and have support to do things most people don't have to even think about. "It's society that has a problem, not me (/s)" Nuerodivergence isn't a blessing. Not to me, and not what my family members on the ASD side of things say.

You don't get to identify as things you like. Period.

It's funny how saying "I want to stand a fair chance against an armed fascist uprising" is a controversial statement these days. It's as though most people think we can simply wish away any person out to attack us, with no armed citizens, and no functioning criminal system, and a real chance for brown shirt-like activity under a dictator. Come on people, we can take some fascists in a fight. Just got to step up, be strong, and don't let the propaganda get ya mixed up.

This lib is armed and practices every weekend. Mostly for fun, but my shit works and I can put steel on target.

Liberals aren't seeing history, how fascism plays out. It's a slow roll. Next thing you know, my neighbors (think Brown Shirts) are knocking on my door, "Hey shalafi! Look, we're all friends here, but you gotta hand in the guns. We don't want anyone hurt, do we? We'll keep your shit safe until this all blows over. Crazy times, huh?"

Literal Nazis are marching in American streets, and no one bows up on them. Come to my town. I'll be right in the parade route, front row. I'll be armed and ready to fight. And yes, that attitude may cost me my life. That's the risk you take when you pick up a weapon. Take it or leave it.

FFS guys, why do you think LGBT, POC and women are the largest gun purchasing demographic? And have been for a few years?! Maybe they're seeing something you suburban white boys aren't seeing?

And for the love of GOD, don't just run out and buy a gun and call it good. I've dated several liberal women with a 9mm, uh, somewhere, uh, just in case. Yeah, that's not helping you or anyone else.

It's an enormous responsibility with a real learning curve. /r/liberalgunowners is (was?) a good starting point. Resources for newbies are everywhere and readily available. We want you safe and trained.

Listen to NPR’s No Compromises. It explains a lot about why the NRA is out, it needs the Russian money because the extremist gun owners were already abandoning them.

Absolutely the opposite. Better organizations have risen to prominence and secured legal victories for gun rights like Bruen.

The unfortunate thing is that the result will just be more money for the NRA.

Click saver TLDR: State Supreme Court Judge Joel Cohen will have the final say over monetary damages and remedies. That decision could happen in July.

I really hope the NRA as it is today collapses due to their being a intermediary for Russian bribe money, and a new sporting organization thats more in line with the NRA Pre-Revolt in Cincinnati rises up.

When it was about teaching safe handling, responsibility, marksmanship competitions and environmentalism and had nothing to do with politics, scare mongering, or being a mouth piece for foreign powers.

To clarify the NRA (the organization) isn't being ruled against here LaPierre and other former higher ups were found to have abused their position to defraud the organization for things like private flights. The organization is the victim of LaPierre et al and are entitled to be repaid what they had stolen from them.

And when I say the organization I'm referring to all of its members, not just the staff.

Putin didn't mind him taking a little for himself, what's the big deal