Biden: There is a place for Haley supporters in my campaign to politics – 183 points –
Biden: There is a place for Haley supporters in my campaign

Haley is as bad as trump, she's just not saying the quiet parts out loud.

Normalizing her as "moderate" simply because she's not trump only moves the Overton window towards the right.

Biden needs all the votes he can get. I just don't know why they spend so much time appealing to Republicans who will never vote D instead of courting independents or anyone on the left.

Because they're Diet Republicans. Years ago, Republicans were conservatives and Democrats were liberals. After Reagan trounced them in the 80s, the Democrats decided it was more important to be more like Republicans and have become more and more conservative with each election. Now Republicans are full on fascists and Democrats are the 1980s Republicans. And liberals have become 1980s conservatives. There is no mainstream representation for anyone who is actually left (i.e. communists, socialists, etc.).

I would like to introduce the toilet bowl political theory. Some parties are closer to the drain than others, but everyone is slowly circling it.

You can either swim or go down the drain. Either way, you'll find yourself covered in shit.

I mean. AOC. Bernie. They’re pretty left and they’re in office.

I get being cynical, for true. But don’t give up. Winning the election is a new start. We can fix it.

The fact that Bernie has been in office so long is a testament that there is plenty of room for more like him.

I respectively disagree. IMO, they're centrists, Neither are communists nor socialists.

Both campaigned on being left. But what have their actions been since they got into office? Campaigning and in-office actions are not always the same.

In Bernie's case he used to be left, but when Biden got in office he has bent the knee and been milquetoast centrist. And AOC is Pelosi 2.0. Doesn't care about anything except making money and protecting her own image. She's full of shit. In any other country she'd be right wing.

This is quite true, and I’d like to add a bit of context. It’s important to understand why Rs won in that timeframe and what Ds did to try to emulate that success. In short, it’s all about the money Lebowski.

Corporate donors massively favored Republicans in those days. Dems realized that on average, in 96% of the races where a candidate spent more money on ads, that candidate won. So Dems abandoned appealing to their constituents, and instead began appealing to rich donors in order to get more money. This is why campaign finance donations are considered legal bribes, because politicians promise and deliver on favors in exchange for those donations. If they don’t deliver, they lose out on funding for the next election cycle and in turn lose the race.

The margins have slimmed, but the rich still favor Reps more to this day, and Dems haven’t pivoted from that strategy since. All it does is serve to further marginalize people, and cement the oligarchy. This is why we have to reform campaign finance to get money out of politics before we can ever hope to effect positive change, otherwise normal people will never be represented because it’s impossible for us to compete with unlimited money coming from the elites, corporate dark PACs, etc.

Her public policies were basically just Trump’s, although she didn’t seem like someone that wanted a dictatorship like Trump clearly wants. That’s a big difference. A lot of her voters backed her simply because they still want a democracy, not a dictatorship.

These folks are going to have to decide what’s more important to them. Far right wing policies, or killing what made America great, being able to elect your leaders.

although she didn’t seem like someone that wanted a dictatorship like Trump clearly wants.

I'd be surprised if a single Republican on the national stage doesn't want that...

Some are just smart enough to not say it till it's happened. That makes them more dangerous, not less.

Is there any room for progressives in the Biden campaign?

He has the support of Sanders. And me. I consider myself a progressive.

Sanders is Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee….

If he did not support Biden they would take that away from him. He’s doing what he can

There are plenty of Senate committee chairs, but Sanders is the only one who went on a late night talk show yesterday to urge Americans to vote for Biden.

I mean, did you expect Manchin to?

No. I expect progressive politicians like Sanders to defend Biden, because he is the most progressive president in our lifetime.

the most progressive president in our lifetime.

I'm sorry the bar is that low.

That’s a bit facetious especially considering Biden is right of center lol

And still the most progressive the party is willing to do. Look at how progressive his strikebreaking and genocide support are!

At this point, it's the lesser of two evils. By the next election, both these geriatrics will not be running.

And we'll have another fascist running against another candidate whose sole selling point is being second worst to a literal fascist.

Why'd you have to jinx us? Now we're gonna have a half cyborg hyper trump running for office all year every year for the next century.

Let’s be honest, her supporters won’t be voting for Biden because of his public policies. If they vote or campaign for him, it will because they don’t want a dictator and criminal in the whitehouse.

Hear it straight from their mouths at a Haley rally.

Democrats have long been a big tent party, but this is just the anti maga party vs the maga party. Is it a winning strategy? Why not just run on policies that excite the base?

Democrats have long been a big tent party

Both Big Two parties are big tent parties and the composition of each party has changed sporadically. The electorate today is mostly-reversed from when it was in the early 19th century, where the Democratic Party was the party of the rural areas, and the Republican Party of the cities.

These semi-stable general political configurations are called "party systems"; we're currently in the sixth of these since the country was founded.

It's possible that we'll see another shift.

Keep sliding to the right, it's been working so well thus far. Absolute insane horse shit.

Biden keeps moving right like a fat kid at a buffet going to the soft serve machine.

Actual Republicans who vote Republican live in a different reality. They are very skilled at not hearing truths that contradict their world view. Biden can barely message to his own party and he expects to change their minds? Biden needs to get out of his own bubble and start messaging to people who listen.

“And all you progressives are shit outta luck, again.” - Friends of the DNC

Downvoters gotta stop pretending this isn't happening.

You should know better than to levy any sort or critisizm on Democrats or Biden. We're not allowed to do that even on lemmy aparently. They don't like it when you vote third party and they don't like it when you try and make their chosen candidate represent your views. They don't want people like us. They just say they do.