Rupert Murdoch engaged, at 92, for 6th time, to Roman Abramovich's former mother-in-law to World – 108 points –

Not the headline with "Rupert Murdoch" and "at 92" I was hoping for.

I never imagined I would be so glad to see so many people shuffle off. I guess that's getting older for ya.

There's an aphorism that science progresses one funeral at a time, but I wonder if the same could be said of culture.

This world is bullshit!

Akira Toriyama has recently died at 68 and here's this corrupt media mogul shithead at 92 doing this.


You ever read about how in pre-Renaissance Europe marriages were arranged between nobility not for reason of love or romantic feelings between the two people but for purely political reasons? Just wondering.

Yeah this is starting to feel like some feudal shit

God damn it, that headline got my hopes up for a second.

No shit! Even when I was at "for the 6th" time, I somehow was deeply invested in reading he "engaged in dying for the 6th time".

She wants his money.

Such a cynical take

I'm sure she's motivated purely by his 92-year-old dick and his beautiful soul