Russia says NATO, at 75, has returned to Cold War mindset to World – 99 points –

Yes, yes it has. And it's directly because Russia engaging in exactly the type of expansionist wars NATO was set up to stop.

Russia never left the cold war mindset. Putin thinks, acts, and leads like is sociopath KGB agent.

Russia is still running the exact same playbook that they were running in the cold war. Invading countries that try to leave Russia's sphere of influence, sending unmarked soldiers over the border to disarm your neighbors, and lying to your citizens about it the whole time. Russia went right back to the cold war as soon as Putin rose to power as Russia's dictator.

Says the country that is at war with a democracy, one that sought EU and NATO membership. But was denied into NATO to appease Russia!!!

Shut up Russia, you are despicable. Hopefully you will recede into irrelevancy after losing to Ukraine. And hopefully get dissolved into multiple countries.

We'll stop treating you like monsters when you stop acting like monsters.

Russia has never stopped attacking the US, and never will.

Russia would know, they never gave up that mindset. They're just mad NATO is back to playing their game instead of assuming the game stopped years ago.

Sadhguru - "If one sells weapons to another, they'd be disappointed if they don't use it."

Once deweaponization is done, all cold war would subside.

Ukraine had one of the largest nuclear weapon stockpiles when the USSR broke with around 1900 warheads and 4000 tactical nuclear weapons. They de-weaponized themselves and got rid of them all.

And how'd exactly that go for them, hm?

Now they are supposed to roll over and let Russia disarm them. That would stop the war. If stopping war is the only goal, and you don't care what the peace looks like, then the parent comment makes sense.

Also, if you want to stop illness you could just let the sick die.

“Well, it wouldn’t be rape if you’d just consent”

NATO has learned that proxy wars can be extremely effective by beingboth victim and perpetrators. If that's a cold war mindset, then I guess it's true.

Tankie or russophiles? I want to tag you in my app correctly.

Are you pretending NATO isn't using Ukraine as a proxy? Sure Russia started it, but that doesn't make it not a proxy war.

Actually putting blame on Russia while also condemning nato, tankie tag it is.

I don't want to even argue the semantics of supplying aid vs proxy war so sure, nato proxy war it is. Does that now turn nato into the perpetrators of the war? No, pretty sure Russia still invaded a soverign country under false pretense. And funnily enough, Russia is still the only side that can unilaterally end the war. Ukraine is fighting for survival. If they left Ukraine, there would be no war, so we can't even blame ANYONE else for prolonging it.

The Afghanistan war cost 2.3 trillion (to the US alone) and accomplished basically nothing. Ukraine has received a small fraction of that amount (maybe 15%) and has singlehandedly significantly reduced Russia's capabilities in 2 years. They were thought of as the number 2 world military superpower and they've been turned into a joke.

Not to mention NATO literally was created to oppose Soviet imperialism. Supporting Ukraine is them doing their fucking job.

Russia’s strength in depth has also been heavily eroded. I have trouble imagining the US attacking a coastal country and losing a third of a fleet. Satellite imagery show old tank parks being emptied out. This has become pyrrhic for russia even if they take territory in the end.

Russia: *attacks Ukraine*

Russia: "How could NATO do this"