On Fox News, the eclipse is—somehow—about migrants at the border

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 295 points –
On Fox News, the eclipse is—somehow—about migrants at the border

“The southern border will be directly in the path of totality today when the moon covers the sun for nearly four minutes.” The eclipse, co-anchor Bill Hemmer then added, represents “a real opportunity for smugglers and cartels and migrants to come right in.”

This is how stupid Fox News knows their audience to be.

Cartels: "we have four minutes, guys, we've been planning since 2017 for this, get ready!"

FOX NEWS ALERT: Rotation of the earth creates HOURS LONG windows of DARKNESS that allow EVIL MIGRANTS to SMUGGLE DRUGS. Liberal CONSPIRACY called "heliocentrism" to blame.

NEXT UP: Copernicus: Evil woke liberal who fought the catholic church and "proved" the theory that allows migrants to cross the border undetected

Yeah but the 9-12 hours of darkness at night is different, those four minutes were completely unexpected by anyone without access to internet or common sense.

It's Critical Centrism Theory, and they're trying to teach it to your kids!

I genuinely thought you were joking but no, that was a real quote.

Imagine if there was a ten hour period every day when you could "smuggle". The world would be a horrible place. Wait the world is a horrible place but not because of that.

This is how stupid Fox News knows their audience to be.

It's just the "smart" Republicans watching now, isn't it? Didn't the stupidest ones go over to Newsmax and OANN?

Sheriff Lamb, a frequent guest on the right-wing media circle and harsh critic of the Biden administration’s border policies, gave the only conceivable answer: “Look, it gets dark every night.” 

The eclipse crossed into Texas from Mexico and was bussed to Buffalo, New York using Texas state taxpayer money authorized by Greg Abbot. I saw the whole thing.

You’re my new favorite person. Your subversive comments are delightful.

2010 thanksgiving dinner

Hey mom and dad. Got my engineering degree and working in the big city. Doing very well. Also met a girl and wow she is something else it's getting serious. Took me a long ass time to come out here to see you guys and have dinner. Can we talk about something else besides Obama being a gay Muslim bad guy who hates America? No? Hey you are grandparents now, how does that feel? Twin boys wow. Maybe we can talk about your grandkids for a minute? No? Hey Mom heard you got a promotion at Walmart to head cashier. That's good right? No, guess you still want to talk about Obama.

Never again with those people.

It's really sad how propaganda transforms our loved ones into people we don't want to be around ☹️

Oh no the smugglers have 4 minutes of extra night! I'm sure it will affect the situation massively! Jesus Christ what are the writers smoking over there

What ever it is it's def a lot better than what I've been smokin

In one of my pictures, there were chemtrails leading directly from the sun, proving this is all about control. Biden caused the eclipse so we’d all look up and fully absorb the mind control chemicals

(Although seriously, it was a pretty cool picture with the contrail crossing directly between me and then sun)

I'm convinced they've given up like an aging Rockstar trying to play the hits of the olden days. The musician the spews the same tune, though it's body is aging.

The younger ears and minds don't care for the song. They only think of their aging grandparent in the corner with a lonely record player, possibly playing its last tune. While they listen to there favorite song.

If only the younger minds didn't care for the song.

Way way too many do.

Just can't turn off the Spigot of Stupid for 5 mins and enjoy one of the wonders of the universe, eh?

Has anyone tried turning off the fawx building and turning it back on? Like a WIFI?

Clearly the smugglers will sneak in while everyone's craning their necks upwards at the eclipse!

They're insane children who think Speedy Gonzales is a real person.

Well, they got to pivot away from the microchips in the vaccines that were supposed to activate during the eclipse.

No matter which country, I am just wondering how do regular people fall for this bullshit propaganda? Do they have an IQ equal to that of a dead elephant?