Rudy Guliani Blows Past the $43,000 Budget He Committed to in Bankruptcy Proceedings to – 355 points –
Giuliani’s Spending: $43,000 a Month and a Lot of Credit Card Bills

That amount would cover, among other expenses, $5,000 in alimony payments to his ex-wife Judith Giuliani, $1,050 for food and housekeeping supplies and $425 for “personal care products and services.” He was also obliged to cover $13,500 in monthly nursing-home expenses for his former mother-in-law; she died in March.

In another bankruptcy filing, he said he actually spent nearly $120,000 in January. The accounting of his spending that he provided to the court was spotty and incomplete. He later provided more information to the creditors’ lawyers, listing 60 transactions on Amazon, multiple entertainment subscriptions, various Apple services and products, Uber rides and payment of some of his business partner’s personal credit card bill.


Giuliani was famous for going after homeless beggars when he was NYC mayor.

He was a bully and a thug and no humiliation is enough for him.

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He later provided more information to the creditors’ lawyers, listing 60 transactions on Amazon, multiple entertainment subscriptions, various Apple services and products, Uber rides and payment of some of his business partner’s personal credit card bill.

This is all the shit that conservatives give millennials grief for.

Stop eating avocado toast and going to Starbucks, Rudy.

If he could just stop eating approximately 17 avocado toasts an hour 24 hours a day this wouldn't be a problem.

I never had an avocado toast in my life, so I have no idea of the cost (or even if they're any good), but I feel that 17 per hour is at least an order of magnitude short for that kind of budget.

Its great and simple to make at home. Good bread, a clove of garlic, an avocado, salt and pepper. Make toast, rub garlic on toast then discard, evenly coat toast with avocado and finally salt and pepper to taste. Its creamy and filling, and you can easily modify it. Add chives or rocket, add hot pepper flakes or hot honey. Some bacon adds a lot, as usual.

Depending on where you live, the cost for this at a cafe will be around $10. 17 avocado toasts an hour x $10 is $170/hr. With 720hrs in a month, that works out to 122k/month, or roughly his budget. The posters numbers were spot on.

That's a lot more expensive than I thought it would be. No wonder millenials are ruining the economy.

I honestly cannot fathom spending that much in a month

That's per month? I thought based on the headline that was annual.

My idea of bankrupt and his idea of bankrupt are apparently not the same thing. Spending $500k/yr does not a bankruptcy make… and he still can’t stick to his budget…

I'd have to go out of my way to make that happen and I'm still not sure I could without doing something especially ridiculous like coke off a very classy hookers ass.

Yeah that is completely insane. I would have no idea even how to spend that much if I was forced to use it on things I actually wanted.

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Sounds like he needs to cut out avocado toast and coffee

I'd really have to make an effort to spend $120k in a month (like, go out of my way to buy a car), not sure how he did that.

Damn, I gotta declare me some fucking bankruptcy.

I'm a "highly paid" (actually quite well compensated for the market) engineer and my monthly expenses are about 3k.

Same! And most of that’s just rent!

I make 75k and live fairly comfortably, or I would if the corporations weren't pinching us for every penny. Now I face a house that requires more repairs than I have money and time to rectify, and face a significant challenge for how to educate my young children in a way that will keep them interested and keep up with their aptitude. Can't afford private schooling and public schools will be insufficient. I'm better off than most people I know.

one of Mr. Giuliani’s lawyers, Gary C. Fischoff, said some filings have been delayed because “the accountant got upset at one point and wanted out.”

That sounds like an interesting story ...

His proposed budget was $43K a month...

So $1,387.10 a day, assuming a 31 day month.
$57.80 an hour. Every hour.

And he couldn't hold to that? What a putz!

That was a pretty long article to not mention once what the consequences are supposed to be. Why would he stick with the budget?

Because he is an honorable man and his word is his bond


In a month? Most people don’t make that much in a year. For reference, minimum wage in NYC is $15/hour, or $31,200/year working 40 hours a week. He spent almost four times that in a month.

Ah right. No money. Living on a paltry 3x the national minimum wage salary for a year…. As the budget for every month. Which he still blew past 3x as much.

I'd usually go with a Riker for one of these, but in honor of the great Seth Myers, I'm going to have to go with-


"So that's what $43,000 of cocaine looks like!?"

So? It’s not like lying to the court is a crime.

. . . that they’ll do anything about.