Bug fixing ways

doriancodes@infosec.pub to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 515 points –

Downvoted for cropping out the reference to the original...

Didn't realize it was cropped 🤷‍♂️

You said that two hours before my comment - why haven't you taken down the post?

what? Which comment? Also there are some other comments below with the original picture and link, I don't think I need to take down this. Maybe take a chill pill 😄 If the moderators want to delete this it's their choice. I don't think I'll ever post another thing in here again to be honest 😅 bye

Why remove references to the original creator? thats low!

Been seeing this a lot on Lemmy with webcomics lately.

I'm not sure if that is the op or Lemmy cropping stuff. I've seen similar when I've tried to post stuff.

Hmm, Lemmy does have a lot of client apps. OP, you a cropper or did you post with a special app?

This is so insanely compressed it's obviously a repost of a repost. Are we really dogpiling OP for something he couldn't have any knowledge of?

I didn't remove it. I found this pic in the wild and shared it. I didn't notice it was cropped jeez 😅

Strange cropping and weird white patch on the pair programming tile. Is this cutting out a signature or watermark, or is this OC?

They literally censored… nothing?

Original -> repost with additional watermark -> repost with additional watermark censored

May include more intermediary steps

I found it wierd, I still think my question was valid. Thanks for the response.

Edit: they cropped out the author site.

They took the source out.

There was no source in the pair programming tile. They literally put white where already white was.

Where's the pact with the devil and can it teach me rust and what do I need to pay. Asking for a friend.