[CNN] A ‘Pearl Harbor’ moment: Why didn’t Israel’s sophisticated border security stop Saturday’s attack?

BigFig@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 170 points –
A 'Pearl Harbor' moment: Why didn't Israel's sophisticated border security stop Saturday's attack? | CNN

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This has been my main question these few days, the ever hyped and 'perfect' Iron Dome. And Mossad, an Intelligence agency considered one of the best in the world. Where did the failure happen?

Don't get me wrong. This attack was a tragedy. But what happened to the security infrastructure that Israel is so proud of

But what happened to the security infrastructure that Israel is so proud of

Sometimes things need to magically "fail" so leaders can get the war that they want, but can't openly start.

The Israeli far right and Hamas are symbiotic, they justify each other's rule and keep the other in power

That is just the thing. It was the same with GB and the IRA. Terrorist organization and the hard-line governments they oppose have a simbiotic relationship to their mutual benefit and the detriment of anybody else.

I hate agreeing with conspiracy theories but everyone here gets what they want. Everyone being Hamas and Bibi, and what they want being sticking to power.

Right now it's not a conspiracy theory, it's important questions that need answers before it gets swept under the rug

When you look into the kind of stuff that happens worldwide, you'll quickly realise that the usual conspiracy theories become tame in comparison to the real world. There's a credible reason why an apartheid state would synthesise conditions for further oppression.

As a lesser known example, is Operation Car Wash in Brazil. You might remember a few years ago current President Lula was under investigation for corruption. Then the Car Wash leaks[1] happened and showed the whole thing was a right wing legal campaign with actual US agents involved.

It was reported that Mr. Dallagnol had called Lula da Silva's arrest “a gift from the CIA”.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Car_Wash#Leaked_conversations

And striking a music festival?

Im sure the old, conservative hardliners on both sides didnt mind that too much.

Do you victim blame rape victims too?

the victims are israelis; the government of israel is a separate entity… heck, the people in charge in israel are separate entities again

The only victims here are both the Israeli and Palestinian citizens, who have more accurately been gangbanged from both sides by the IDF and Hamas.

Nice false equivalency and misinterpretation of my point.

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The Iron Dome is there to stop rockets, not cars and paragliders. (The latter could potentially change.)

Any air defense system is vulnerable to saturation.

The best educated, non conspiratorial guess I can offer is that the sheer number of projectiles overwhelmed the system.

That's accepting that the reports of thousands of rockets launched is accurate, mind you.

The dome is pretty great but hamas claims 5k missiles launched and other sources say at least 2k. There's no way they're going to intercept them all. As for the intelligence failure, who knows.

I don’t think it’s a conspiracy. It’s the first question my wife asked when I told her about it. Neither of us believe that this could have happened without Mossad knowing about it.

You think it is a conspiracy then.

To be fair, it's possible for an intelligence agency to know of a possible attack, and not have anything done about it, without a conspiracy to let it happen, if issues with communication between parts of said agency or between it and the government as a whole lead to warnings not being properly shared with the right people or not being properly acted upon.

"Bin Laden determined to strike in US."

I think the world is full of secret agencies, that are less competent than they claim.

Mossads public image was to neither deny or acknowkledge. It is not hard to imagine, that the world and the mossad itself were misjudging. Hybris is a hell of a problem.

I'm just gonna put a tinfoil hat on and guess some of the top secret documents Trump let Saudis / Iranians peruse had relevant Intel to these events

But I'm just guessing

I don't think you need a tin foil hat, to believe that Trump compromised intelligence on many levels to many people he shouldn't have....

I would say the agency dealing with homeland terrorism (I guess this is the way Israel looks at this) would rather be Shin Bet than Mossad.

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