‘Pipe down’: Biden allies step up calls for Dems to rally around president

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 172 points –
‘Pipe down’: Biden allies step up calls for Dems to rally around president

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Tbf, he should abdicate to a younger Democrat. I don't want to "settle for Joe".

I was pissed when Bernie Sanders had the rug pulled out from under him.

I really want to consolidate, but not under Joe Biden.

I want change. I want new ideas. Progress and solutions. Biden has been in government for over fifty years- most of that in the senate for over 40 years.

He’s been a senator longer than I’ve been alive

It’s not a question of age. It’s a question of stagnation.

I'll take stagnation over fascism. What is the short term plan? I mean, what happens if the orange blob snakes his way back in because the purity ponies and the "independents" stomped their feet and had a hissy?

If that guy and his cohort get back in, it is most likely over for real elections in America.

I’ll take stagnation over fascism.

It's clear that the party prefers stagnation to progress as well.

progress > stagnation >>>>>>> fascism

I don't understand people who go "if I can't have progress and I'm forced to vote for stagnation in order to prevent fascism, then I'm fine with fascism."

It does not follow that everyone who isn't overjoyed with stagnation wants fascism.

It is if you're willing to let the fascists win because of it.

Well, I'm voting for Biden. It's a shame that the party would rather stagnate and lose than progress and win.

Because the people offering stagnation are benefiting from the fascism. They're two sides of one coin and every time you flip the coin the sharp edges slice the throat of a poor person.

Besides, it's not stagnation, that implies not moving. We are actually moving backwards and the reason why republicans are able to ban abortion, engage in blatant corruption, and run for president whilst on trial is because the "stagnation" side refuses to mount a proper offence because, again, they're all benefitting from the situation.

I'd almost rather see our government burn down and get replaced by another than let status quo limp along another four years.

Real issues that real Americans want fixed have been ignored by Dems and Repubs alike for longer than I've been alive. Real issues, like widespread poverty wages, declining quality in public education, inaccess to healthcare, the prison system, terrible public transport in cities, no social safety nets, little action against climate change, etc. These issues have only gotten worse over time, so why would I vote for the status quo knowing that?

Hell, the "good" party in charge right now is actively supporting genocide in the east and keeping healthcare so expensive at homr that I can't get a cavity filled without taking lien out on my car. I'll never own a home despite being an engineer and having virtually zero debt. Life as an American fucking sucks, and if the last 80 years of American politics are anything to go by, then voting in the status quo in 2024 will continue making life worse.

The only American government that's been in charge while I've been alive has done nothing but make my life worse. If things continue this way, maybe Americans will finally reach their tipping point 100 years from now and grow the balls to take their government back. I'd rather not wait that long.

I bet making fun of them is a great way to gain their favor.

Is there some kind of outreach for people that want white supremacy and xtian nationalism that would work for Hillary?

Then vote for someone else in the primaries. But as soon as it is the general election it is either the democrat or fascism. Even if you don't vote at all, it will just strengthen the fascist party.

You’re right about what we have to do, but are we even having primaries this time? Because of how the primary process was scheduled in 2020 Biden had the nomination all but locked up by the time I got to vote in them. I’m 100% voting for Biden, you can look into my comments and find me admonishing some asshole advocating for third party presidential candidates over Biden. But I do understand the frustration with having to vote again for someone I didn’t want the first time and isn’t representative of the direction I want the country to move in besides not wanting to be in a fascist theocracy.

That is a fair point. The primary system as well as the election system as a whole should probably reformedbut that is nearly impossible without flipping a lot of States.

I'm from Switzerland and we had a similar voting system for a long time. It was only changed by implementing more ways for the populace to directly decide about matters in both the Cantons (States) and Switzerland as a whole. So this might be a good way to implement change as it gives people a specific matter to vote on.

In Switzerland it was made possible by populists that wanted a more direct democracy.
So I hope something like this is possible for the US as well as many things like legalized weed, abortion access, a good health insurance system or voting reforms often have a stable majority among the voters, they just don't vote accordingly.

I hope so too, at this point I’m at a loss, based on my general observations about my country as a whole I don’t see any way that the changes the world desperately needs will happen because of the structure of our government alongside the culture of individualism that has led to the communal alienation we have for each other now. I don’t like how hopeless I’ve become but looking at things from a high level things are pretty bleak

The primaries are mostly determined by the parties. There will be a primary this year in New Hampshire where only the Republican result counts, because they Democrats reordered their primary schedule so New Hampshire wasn't first and New Hampshire has a law saying they must hold theirs first. So their vote will happen but just doesn't count.

In the end it's the parties that decide who their nominee will be, by the rules they make up, so that's where reform needs to happen.

Then vote for politicans that you think will change that or advocate for direct democracy, join a union, strike there are many ways to get more political influence!

I'm not responding to say it can't change, I'm explaining you how the primary half of the problem works. Changing a private organization is potentially easier than changing a law, but at the same time does not have a definite method of voting on it.

The electoral college decides who takes office. I vote third party because the popular vote doesn't mean shit (in most states iirc) and I want to do my part to show, statistically, that the democrats need to move left. We can't have two far-right parties in control of this country, and so long as they're running with Biden that's what they are.

Even in Europe the Democrats wouldn't be considered to be far right. They are a big tent party spanning from center to left.

I have to disagree strongly with that first part, but of course that's what they want people across the world to think- there is very little room for leftists in practice.

I think the Democrats are fascist.

You should learn more about fascists then because that is obviously wrong.

I believe it's largely a matter of interpreting the facts. if you have a bias that prevents you from from believing the Democrats could be fascist that might stand in your way of coming to the same conclusion I did.

Where is your evidence? Believing doesn't count.

bidens FBI just labeled antifascism extreme.

The influence of the president on the FBI is quite limited.

Feel free to suspect massive faschist influences in the FBI (like in most law enforcement organizations), as that is probably true. So unless you have a personal message from Biden to the Boss of the FBI, this is not evidence at all.

it's an executive agency. the chief executive absolutely has influence.

Put aside that you might sympathize with antifascist goals. From a law and order perspective, would you argue that the FBI is wrong? I don't think so. Extremism in resisting fascism is kind of their thing.

i am an insurrectionary anarchist. i believe laws are bad, and the fbi is the jackbooted gestapo.

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I want to vote to change the voting system. We deserve to vote for who we trust with the job rather than against the candidate we fear most.

I have to compartmentalize pretty hard each election cycle. I wish I had time to campaign for a voting system change, but I haven't.

It won't work. Conceding the already filled chair is seen as a weakness and they will parade that thought around. We know better, but they will not let the Dems live it down. It's the Dem nomination in 28 that matters. This year is Joe and maybe Trump. Depending on the stupidity of the Reps.

That would nearly guarantee a win for Trump. Incumbency advantage is strong as is name recognition. I don't like Biden either but he's better than a literal fascist. If Trump wins in 2024 there will not be an election in 2028.

I think Biden is a literal fascist.

OK, that's an opinion. But Trump and the Republican party is literally trying to take over the government and replace most executive positions. There's no evidence Biden is trying to do that or anything as immediate or exteme.

In that position and in your point of view, they are both fascists. But Trump is a fascist that is trying to commit a coup NOW and Biden isn't.

I am 100% for trying to primary Biden. If there's enough support Biden doesn't win the nomination that'd be great! But abdication or forcing him out just because old is a good way to lose faith in the electorate. A better plan would be to have a VP that is a good presidential candidate in case he has to resign due to age.

I'm not going to be voting for Biden under any foreseeable circumstance. he could forgive my student loan, and gimme that $2k he promised me 3 years ago. I don't think he has the backbone to do either of those, though

Ok so a Trump voter then. Or the equivalent. The Republicans get a win from you.

I'm not voting for Trump, either.

It's a two party system. Not voting for one of the two is as good as voting for the one for like least. You're depriving the one who's less bad of a vote. That's how the party system works. You need to put down your principles once we're at the final stage and make the choice that is least worst for you.

To put it in perspective: if it was Biden vs literally dying, would you still not vote for Biden? We're not quite there, but it's close: potential end of democracy.

You need to put down your principles

Democrats' only real message to their constituents.

Thats not entirely fair they also have 'Nothing will fundamentally change' and you know you can believe that one because it's the one they told the people who pay them.

Then welcome round 2 of Trump and the final round of democracy. When the blame game happens, people like you and the above spammer will be held to account for your refusal to compromise. You're no better than Republicans. In fact, you are all worse. Because at least Republicans know what they're about. Pathetic.

When the blame game happens, people like you and the above spammer will be held to account for your refusal to compromise

I'm voting for Biden. I'm sure that won't stop you from blaming me anyway. Honestly, you'd rather lose and have someone to blame than win by appealing to us worthless voters.

You need to put down your principles


Not voting for one of the two is as good as voting for the one for like least.


we're not a democracy, we never have been, and that's a good thing: democracy is bad.

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More of this nonsense. Spent a fair bit of time on Reddit explaining to folks that few young people turned out for Bernie in the primary. That space was/is replete with apologists digging every conspiracy out of the book instead of acknowledging that Biden simply drew the most votes. And then of course there's a bit of obviousness that never gets addressed: Trump handing Bernie his ass.

Here we are again. Where are the primary voters? Seems a handful of people care to make noise over the results but only a fraction of that number even care to turn out for them. What does turn out is that most people don't end up giving a fuck about voting anything but the presidential election.

I'm sure the collective delusion feels good to immerse oneself in though.

There was no Biden to begin with. Bernie starts gaining traction and then, what? Biden comes out of the woodwork at the 11th hour to split the dem vote and gets bankrolled to prevent a far-left and progressive democrat party. Yeah, he was running on donations from the public, but he was absolutely gaining traction. He absolutely was sabotaged.

Yes? Biden won a lot of moderate states on Super Tuesday, and then a bunch of milque toast candidates dropped out and endorsed the same. Sanders strategy was to gain momentum in the early bellwether and had some success. It just didn't translate country wide, and South Carolina showed the beginning of that pretty clearly.

It's neat how red states get to decide who our nominee is. South Carolina should not be a kingmaker. They are not indicative of what a state that helps us in the general acts like.

We wonder why we keep winning the popular vote and losing the electoral college.

The kingmaker idea is why the Bernie campaign focused so heavily on Iowa and New Hampshire. And South Carolina, actually. And I totally agree, the primaries should all be on the same day.

I think the primaries should go from bluest state to reddest.

There were shenanigans to sink Bernie's ship. That being said, while I'd have been happy with him, there's no way he could've won looking at the map in hindsight. So I'm glad because Biden is better than another four years of Trump.

You're 100% correct that all the enthusiasm online didn't turn out young voters in the primary, and all the complaints about old people winning elections are mostly from the same demographic that didn't turn out to vote. They turned out in slightly greater numbers than usual but there is an untapped well of political power to change things if young people actually got each other to vote.

And time and time again you people refuse to look at the collusion against him by the DNC.

What he could have achieved if the party and media had worked with him instead of against him is anyone’s guess, but he did an amazing job in spite of them.

Who tf is "you people"? What makes you think this person is unaware of the blatant smear campaign against Bernie?

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