Ocasio-Cortez says Biden could 'do more' to earn votes than just attack Trump to advance Democrats’ vision in 2024

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 630 points –
Ocasio-Cortez says Biden could do more to ‘advance’ Democrats’ vision in 2024: Full interview

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Inflation reduction act. No recession so far. Student debt forgiveness. He’s not just sitting on his hands.

Exactly. Anybody paying attention would realize he's delivering on so much shit no Republican in my working memory ever has.

Exactly. Too much Trump outrage posting - fueled by the media for advertising clicks. Ignore the cheese turd.

Honestly, not really. There are times I have to remind myself. The Biden administration has a special knack for not publicizing their victories at all. As Stewart recently commented about Harris and others talking about Biden being sharp and in command. "Did anyone happen to record this?"

Tell me you're not a billionaire without telling me you're not a billionaire...

Edit: lots of downvotes. Must be all the billionaires who don't like being called out.

I'm not a billionaire :o)

I'm a billionaire. Well, I beat the shit out of one particular clown while dressed in a gimp suit, so I'm billionaire-adjacent.

Lots of billionaires on Lemmy. Well, and people incapable of getting jokes, but mostly billionaires.

Noone is paying attention to that. Their strategy should be hammering this over and over and over nonstop. They have had no strategy for a year while focus was on the Republicans, and they still have no agenda other than Trump bad and Biden is not that old.

More free advertising for what repugnantcons will do next. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with this strategy?

What matters is perception and public messaging and that is currently one of a centrist president incapable of reigning in a foreign ally or continually calling out House Republicans for their shenanigans that put American lives at risk at home and abroad.

Conservatives have constant control of the conversation because they have zero qualms publicly stating how their political adversaries stand in their way. But instead it looks like Democrats trying to win Republicans support by adopting republican policies instead of bullying them into accepting the plan of the majority party of the upper legislature and presidency.

This insistence that everyone be excited about the Inflation Reduction Act after we all saw what happened with BBB is insulting.

The IRA made European countries begrudgingly pass similar legislation so their green energy companies would stay and be globally competitive. We can be excited about the significance of the IRA and still acknowledge we could go a lot further. It remains that it was some of the strongest climate policy passed in the entire West.

If Europe is so much more left wing, they should've had legislation and policies like it much longer ago. The US shouldn't have needed to push them.


Laughably insufficient, and contained massive handouts to fossil fuel industry. Our infrastructure is still crumbling and we’re spending billions bombing innocent kids in Gaza instead of addressing major problems at home.

no recession

By the outmoded measurements, sure. But the stock market isn’t the economy. Record low home buying for individuals, record high homelessness. The working class is not ok

student debt

Should have been wiped clean. What he did was send correspondence to everyone saying as much, then yank it away last second. Too cruel to give people hope like that. What’s left is means tested to shit and while it helps some it’s only drops in the bucket for total student loan debt forgiveness. Should have done way more, and stfu about “republicans won’t let us” because that is a weak ass argument to continually do nothing.

not just sitting on his hands

This is literally the point AOC is making here. Biden is barely even registering as someone campaigning for office, much less president. It’s probably because his bedtime is 4:30 pm. Wake up Brandon, your first term is almost over and you’ve only delivered on about 10% of what you promised. Btw, those promises included being a 1 term President.

The IRA may not have been the silver bullet to fix climate change, but it was the most comprehensive climate change bill in history and allocates the highest funding ever for green energy. It actually provides so much funding that Canada and European countries were forced to pass similar legislation so their renewable energy companies would stay and be competitive.


Perhaps it's laughably insufficient -- but it also happens to be some of the furthest left wing legislation in the West with climate change.

Plus, Democrats also passed an infrastructure bill to address the issues you've accurately identified. I don't think we're naive enough to think that everything would be fixed in a few years from that. There's significant lag time when you make any change.

no recession so far

Lmao. Biden would get my second vote again if he came out and actually acknowledged there was a recession. At least then I'd feel like he listened to Americans.

Sure, he's great... he's just unappealing.

Republicans fall in line. Democrats fall in love. Nothing has changed.

With exception of Bobby Kennedy, I'm not sure the latter part is true. On the other hand Republicans seem to fall in love pretty hard recently. To a shockingly worrying degree.

I don't think that's what the expression means. I think that expression means that the Left is quick to look for reasons why it can't work with so and so politician, while the Right mostly just goes with what Leadership says. To borrow from Stellaris, we on the Left are Libertarian and Materialist in our ethics, favouring science and self determination far more than the Right, who is Authoritarian and Spiritualist, who believe that everyone is subjected to God's laws, and that you have people you follow, and people you command, and all is right in the world when that paradigm is followed. Sure, there are Right-wing politicians that the constituents like more than others, but they'll ALWAYS vote Red in the end, because the most wishy-washy Conservative is still subject to pressure from leadership and the RNC, while a Blue politician isn't (in fact, in their worldview, the Blue pol will be subjected to the DNC machine).

Republicans are in love with Trump.

Democrats are being ordered to fall in line behind Biden.

Voting first time in my life for a Republican, basically out of spite. Nothing in my personal life has changed at all after 3 presidential elections, so I’m going to vote for the one that will piss off the most people on Reddit. Watching the meltdown will be hilarious.

That's how you got Trump in the first place though. Are you seriously saying (voting for) the president that made your life the worst of the three is your way to show them?

Yeah. Help to overthrow our country to spite the libs. You sound just like MAGA.

It's neat how "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face" has been an adage for decades.

What student loan forgiveness? The one he completely failed on?

There was additional loan forgiveness just earlier this week. SCOTUS stopped him from taking massive sweeping action, so he's instead taken smaller actions that are still impactful. The requirements aren't absurdly narrow, and I suspect the people who have benefited aren't spurning the actions.