Wife of dead rally-goer says she hasn’t heard from Trump

TheReturnOfPEB@reddthat.com to politics @lemmy.world – 736 points –
Wife of dead rally-goer says she hasn’t heard from Trump

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CNN reports:

Helen told the Post that President Joe Biden tried to call her, but she declined to speak to him since her husband 'was a devout Republican, and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.'

But she added that she does not hold the current president responsible for what happened to her family.

'I don’t have any ill will towards Joe Biden,' she said. 'I’m not one of those people that gets involved in politics. I support Trump, that’s who I’m voting for, but I don’t have ill-will towards Biden.'

Let's see:

  1. Decides who to ignore calls from based on her husband's wishes

  2. Claims to not be involved in politics, yet supports a certain candidate

Yep, that's a garden-variety republican.

The important takeaway here is that Biden made an effort to reach out.

Ok my respect is quickly dropping for these buffoons caught in the crossfire. But it's like interviewing an attendee from a nazi rally, what should I expect? Critical thinking? Morals? Hah!

"devout Republican" haha... They're a religious cult.

Why would you have any respect for Trump supporters going to a Trump rally? Just because they were unlucky? They're still shitty people.

It's a little more complicated for me considering my family once was Republican during Bush's first term. Rural, Appalachian, Pennsylvanian. I know some of these people most likely. Dumb people who know no better. Manipulated by rich interests. Feeling many pressures no doubt but too uninformed to point the finger at the right problem.

They Thought Were Free is a great book that explores this ignorance endemic in the Third Reich.

Ok, I get that you have a strong desire to humanize them. But humanizing someone doesn't mean you automatically respect them, other than affording them the basic level you'd give any other semi-sentient being. What is there to respect in people who cheer on an addlepated, narcissistic, fascist manbaby?

Yeah I'll admit respect probably wasn't the best choice for words, but as a father I respected his shielding his family from bullets, which is probably what led to use of that word.

Thanks for the new word addlepated. It's like a fancy way to say shithead

Right...because you're so great at critical thinking

I'm not a Trump supporter, so yes, definitely a step above.

Granted the bar is on the floor but still.

What about their comment lacked critical thinking?

The baseless accusation of a lack of critical thinking clearly shows a lack of critical thinking.

People using devout to describe their political views unironically is the scariest thing I've read today.

devout Republican

I had the same thought. It's not a sports team and not a religion. But man, some people treat it like that.

If your husband got killed by a fly ball at a baseball game and either coach called to give their condolences you'd accept the call.

Unless it was the Astros of course

Conservatism is entirely an exercise in belief. Just like religion, if you apply logic to it, it falls apart.

One day she'll realize that after her husband was killed, the candidate she supports cared more about his shoes than about him.

Sadly, she won't realize shit. These people don't have revelations about who they support politically. They bury their heads in the sand eternally. I still know people who are die hard George W Bush supporters and think he was the best president we've ever had.

I still know people who are die hard George W Bush supporters and think he was the best president we’ve ever had.

Honest question: do those folks say that because of how that campaign and presidency made them feel at the time, or is it honestly based in policy, politics, or something else tangible? Thank you.

Honestly, it's a mixed bag of all three. For some, the nostalgia of that time is very strong and for others they feel like GWB embodied the best of the Republican party(which says so much about the Republican party). And some are just bullshit contrarians who want to shut the people up who tout Obama and Biden's accomplishments.

I'm glad I'm not the only one repeating this.

He was more concerned about his shoes than:

Following simple directions Getting off stage Acknowledging his staff was in danger Getting the fuck away from danger Asking about anyone else being injured Leaving the scene


But no, he needed to stand on stage AND at his get away vehicle to throw his fist up like he personally took down the gunmen.

I cringed watching the SS try to get him to safety and he refused. I was just hoping no one else was going to get shot while he tried to be some kind of "hero".


Why am I getting downvoted?

People think this lady is smart enough to engage in critical thinking later, despite what we've seen from her?

I think it’s also important to note that we didn’t hear about this from Biden’s camp. They did their job cause it was the right thing to do, not for some publicity stunt.

"Devout Republican" is also pretty telling. These people aren't politically Conservative, they are religiously Republican. They worship their party and its leaders, and just like religion, they never require evidence for anything they believe.

Conservatism is not an ideology for smart people or critical thinkers.

You can’t discount the selfish and hateful as stupid as even the most vile people can be cunning. I’d agree that the median conservative would be less intelligent than the median liberal, but that discludes the folks looking to take from others their money, freedom, and time in order to enrich themselves monetarily or psychologically. Not everything can be Hanlon’s razor’d, sometimes people just enjoy sucking.

  1. Not involved in politics, simply supports the same party as her husband without questioning it

Just as the republicans want how women should vote?

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