Uncharted territory: do AI girlfriend apps promote unhealthy expectations for human relationships?

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 103 points –
Uncharted territory: do AI girlfriend apps promote unhealthy expectations for human relationships?

Uncharted territory: do AI girlfriend apps promote unhealthy expectations for human relationships?::Chatbots such as Eva AI are getting better at mimicking human interaction but some fear they feed into unhealthy beliefs around gender-based control and violence


Isn't there a rule about when headlines ask a question the answer is 'no'?

Very often the author wants to say something in order to attract more clicks, but they know they can’t get away with it without being called out or sued. That’s when question headlines come in, because this way they always leave the back door open. It’s very rare for the question to be there for any other reason.

Is the answer no?

I would guess for most people it's no. However, I would also expect this to appeal to the people where the answer is more likely to be yes. Those people are also the most vulnerable to the incel messaging though, which that will absolutely promote unhealthy expectations for relationships, so is this a net positive or negative? Idk.

I remember being taught this in my high school journalism class, definitely one of the most valuable things I learned in high school

To me the concept of an app optimised to create deep emotional attachment ( far beyond social media, or even para social relationships with online personalities ) for monetary gain, is sketchy at best - heavily dystopian vibes at worst.

It is.

Sarah Z made a video where she gets into some of the darker parts of Replika's concept and evolution. It's a fairly stinky business model.


Too long and not my style. But I think you just need a bit of imagination to see the problems that will arise - especially with how many frustrated young guys seem to be out there.

Hollywood romantic comedies have been promoting unhealthy expectations for human relationships for decades now, so why would AI be all that worse?

I think at that point you’ve kinda given up on human to human based relationship so it’s moot

If it prevents school mass shootings, I’m all for it.

Yeah who cares what they do as long as they’re getting whatever they need out of it. Not my farm, not my heffers. As long as that heffer doesn’t come trampling the kids.

I would also worry about the privacy aspects, as people tend to reveal pretty personal information to each other inside of relationships. What happens when somebody reveals something illegal to an AI chatbot partner? Suddenly your partner is ratting you out to the cops, which admittedly could happen in real life anyways, but in general how much privacy do you really have. It’s kind of niche audience for now I guess, but I suspect when this function gets merged with RealDoll form factors is when this whole artificial girlfriend will really take off. At that point, when the choice becomes whether you go hunting for a real human girl who is difficult to please, unpredictable, doesn’t always do what you want, doesn’t share all your likes/fetishes, etc VS just getting an AI girlfriend that can be anything you want them to be and won’t say no to anything, I think it’s easy to see the route that many will go.

<insert Futurama ‘Don’t have sex with robots’ video>

I've tried a few of these and they quickly lose their appeal. It's definitely not for me and I don't understand how anyone could be fooled.

Oh replika the app that suddenly went paywalled for any words deemed horny to exploit the horny of their audience

Where are they getting the training data from? If Twitter posts then no one will date the "AI" anyway.

The types of people I'd personally want to date probably don't give out their data so easy.

The influencer and podcaster stuff seems worse - women really think that $100k is like a minimum salary, the "princess treatment", etc. - like feminism has changed from being about women being able to contribute to society in the same ways as men (science and engineering, etc.) to insane expectations.

there were golddiggers before feminism, there is no causality.

You just can't ignore the rate of prevelance like it's nothing.

Yes, gold diggers have more-or-less always been around, but they used to be uncommon and the butt of jokes. Now they're mainstream and celebrated.

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Maybe you are hanging out in the wrong communities, but that sounds like incel bullshit to me.

I’m afraid you’ve got it exactly backwards. What you’re describing isn’t feminism, it’s patriarchy.

I think a lot of people who aren’t familiar with feminist thought have a mistaken idea that anything that promotes female social status or harms male social status is feminism. But the patriarchy is really designed for the benefit of the wealthiest most privileged men, not all men. This princess trope is a perfect example, as it excludes men who are not able to provide that level of material support from forming relationships with women who hold such views, and reserves more options for wealthy men.

The irony of course is that many of the men who would most benefit from feminism have been tricked into thinking it is the cause of their struggles, when it is more likely to be the solution.

Feminism has a "no true scotsman" problem. Pop feminism can very much be "whatever promotes female social status," and even within academic feminism there's squabbles between schools of feminism.

Fair point. It is true that there are some schools of feminist thought that are more outright hostile to men’s interests, but they don’t have much prominence in recent times. Maybe it’s a bias from the circles I am involved in, but my perception is that the dominant forms recently are highly inclusive and egalitarian.

People are claiming that you got it backwards but there are plenty of videos of women repeating the exact claims you made (and 100k is not the average “lowest salary” many say 2-5x that)

I think that its important to acknowledge that there are already many people with unhealthy expectations, men and women.

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