Anyone notice the PS1 and Dreamcast are designed similarly in a way? to – 128 points –

It was the style at the time! Lots of CD players had flip up tops, as did the Sega Saturn. I assume it was because the slide out tray mechanism was more expensive and also more fragile.

So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickle. And in those days nickles had pictures of bumble bees on them! "Give me 5 bees for a quarter" you'd say.

It’s almost like they were designed around something round… I call it the data-wheel!

How many of these data wheels will the machine be able to use?

Vast libraries of such disks once existed but we are unsure of what happened to them… but our scientists have identified a solid layer of polycarbonate about 50 feet down from the planets surface that may extend for miles.

As many as you have, but only one at a time.

You need a CD flap, and that's the biggest visible feature of the console, so best to make it the centrepiece, and design around it. And CDs are circular so yeah, let's follow that in the design.

You need two buttons, one for power and one for open. Symmetry is always appealing, so make them symmetrical and balanced on both sides.

Very much an example of "form follows function"

This post made me realize just how few consoles had a CD flap. Is it just the Playstation, Dreamcast, Saturn, and Gamecube? Kind of weird how that was the default for CD players pretty much forever, but not many consoles went with that. PS2, Xbox, and everything after those had some kind of tray or slot. Maybe it was because they could visually stand apart from their competitors more that way.

For some perspective, CD trays, like the PS2 and Xbox had, that retracted mechanically were viewed as sleek and futuristic, and that's why slot loaders like the Wii and PS3 gained traction too.

It was an aesthetic choice, like the move from green LEDs to blue, though that has historic significant as blue LEDs are a relatively recent invention as the were incredibly difficult to figure out, so blue LEDs were seen as futuristic and opulent and used in everything consumer electronics for a while.

The PS2 slim has a CD flap, that might be the last console to have one

There's also whatever is going on with the PS3 super slim but I think that is in a category of its own

Oh, and there's the Wii mini too. Can't think of any newer system with a DVD flap.

Cost. I think all of the 5th generation were top loaders. On the cd audio side nice stackable separates were tray or slot. Cheap stand-alones were top.

6th was a split but then I think the perception of slot or tray loading being more prestigious moved everyone to slot/tray.

Plus I think top loaders might have been less secure. I certainly remember a number of physical mods or swap techniques that defeated top loader security very easily.

Same thing happened with videos as well. Started with manual top loaders and then moved to slot.

The original Xbox had a tray because it was basically a PC, and had a standard IDE CD-ROM with some minor changes. They weren't standing apart, they were following the new standard of the time, PCs, and it was probably more to do with cost savings by using common parts. They also had a standard IDE HDD. Even their weird proprietary controller port they used on the original Xbox is just USB! Its the same wires, they just screwed up the pinout. you can replace one of those weird controller ports with a normal female USB and then plug all sorts of USB devices into the Xbox and they just work.

I only single out the Xbox because I've taken them apart, I imagine the PS2 is similar. At least PS2 didn't intentionally mess up their USB ports.

Seems like efficient design. Cords on the back, disc tray on the top with a couple buttons. Really the Gamecube is basically the same thing.

I did not, but now that you mention it...

The CONTROLLERS though...

It’s actually pretty cool to see an original Xbox controller next to a Dreamcast controller. They are incredibly similar. Both even had double card slots in the front

Sega worked with Microsoft a bit on the Dreamcast and tried to get Microsoft to offer backwards compatibility for the Dreamcast on the Xbox. It kind of makes you wonder if Microsoft copied Sega’s controller.

The PSX design was still similar for the Nintendo Prototypes as well. Was just the design style at the time for cheaper optical drive housing. GameCube all also had a flip-top lid for the basic commercial release.

Not really. And that's a PSX, the PSOne was smaller and had round edges.

PS1 =/= PSOne and most people know the difference, but yes most enthusiasts say PSX to avoid confusion

It's a PS1, the redesign was PSOne. PSX was a PS2+DVR.

PSX was Sony's designation for the OG Playstation.

But PS1 and PSX are both retail product names for different systems, I don't see calling the Wii "Revolution"..

No, it has been originally named PSX long before the PS2 was even a thought.

It was never officially named PSX, but it was called that way by people for some reason. I guess to differentiate the fat and slim versions.

The name spread at the time even before the release of the console, so everyone called it that, even websites listed it as PSX. The slim PSOne version came much later, arguably even too late to be of any significance for anyone or anything.

Literally untrue I promise, even worse, you're extra wrong because the PSX is actually the name of a Japanese specific set top entertainment box that also played PS2 games and was the introduction of the XMB ( Cross Media Bar ) interface that the PSP and PS3 both used.

The small PlayStation did have the official designation of PSOne though.

Are you some infantile bot or why do you keep repeating what's already been addressed? lol It was PSX, everyone called it PSX, even websites called it PSX. I know because I had one. You can even still see in the wiki page that its codename was PSX.

Confusingly (and as I discovered in this thread) the name "PSX" is both the release name for the ps2/recorder and the code name for the original PlayStation.

The PlayStation (abbreviated as PS, commonly known as the PS1/PS one or its codename PSX)

Not to be confused with PSX (digital video recorder) or PlayStation Experience.

So technically you're both right and both wrong!