Spotify Premium User Slams App Over Audiobook Feature to – 73 points –
'Spotify is a JOKE': Spotify Premium user slams app after she got kicked out of audiobook mid-listen

Oh Spotify, when will you stop trying to push people to the high seas šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Headline contains -

Opinion of random member of the public

The word "slams"

I'm not reading it because I've probably wiped better journalism off my arse this morning

Fedi Punter in Media Lingo Rant Slam: Reaction

I'm fuckin raging. HERE'S WHY

Ten pictures of Feddit users reacting to clickbait headlines that will make you say "no, these are all trains. No, I'm complaining as such, I like trains, I just... I thought... No, the headline said something about... reactions, yeah, and ins- actually, hang on, how did you get in here?"

There's no need of "slam" -- or "eye," "mull," "Solons," usw -- in an era where you're not writing a 1-42-4.

(1 column, 42pt, four lines)

Pro tip: get audiobooks from your libraryā€¦along with paper books, ebooks, games, movies, etc.

The real story's in the comments. This helped my single-mother-friend stay sane in the early/poorest years. Everyone needs to know how their library has changed since they last borrowed a book in 1982. Thanks for posting this -- I forgot too!

So, is this the type of SLAM you'd typically see in a moshpit? Or are we talking about wrestling slams?

Oh Spotify, when will you stop trying to push people to the high seas

Spotify is worse than piracy. It's a robber baron.

I'm about 2/3 of the way through backing up my 'Liked' songs to MP3 files, at which point I'm ending my sub.

It's a bummer because I actually really like Spotify's algorithm and it suggests great music for my tastes, but, I can have that for free without feeding their stupid insatiable greed.

ā€œthe 15 hours customers get free with premium equates to two audiobooksā€ Is the average audiobook really that short!

For eragon it would takes months to finish.

The hobbit is 10 hours.

Think most of the books Iā€™ve listened to have been over that length, but I donā€™t use Spotify. Self hosting for the win. No time limits in prologue

They probably have a bunch of 1 hour 'books' that mess with the average as shorter is cheaper to help pad out their numbers.

Looking at my personal library, the median length audiobook is The Last Wish at a tad over 10 hours. So it'd be equal to 1.5 books going by that, not the worst marketing exaggeration I've ever seen.

You can opt out of audiobooks and save the extra cost they added the other month.

Thanks! I didn't know about this. I never use audiobooks. Just changed my family plan. Ā£2 is Ā£2!