Marjorie Taylor Greene begs voters to elect "horrible, sh**ty" Republicans to politics – 238 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene begs voters to elect "horrible, sh**ty" Republicans - LGBTQ Nation

If convicted felon Trump wins, which Christian denomination is going to be in charge?


Pretty much, they’ll all eventually turn on each other for not being Christian enough but they’ll keep it together long enough to destroy the lives of everyone else

This. Though they will likely come for any progressive denominations, Catholics, LDS, and JW very quickly.

Also, I hope we never get to find out just how cynical they are about the phrase "Judeo-Christian values", lol.

Yours, and your alone.
Trump promises that he is part of your denomination, and all other denominations will be purged.
You just need to support giving him the authority to purge people.

They already did?

I'm trying to figure out if she's saying 'vote red no matter who', even if its somebody like Manchin or Sinema... whose not quite as "republican" as she is, if you know what I mean.... or she's saying vote for the shitiest people you know.

They're trying to own all the correct negative labels they're getting from the left and the news. Like that one convention where they were celebrating the fact that they're domestic terrorists

“If you care about President Trump getting in the White House, you have to get all your friends and family, everyone you know to get out and vote for him. But you may also have to swallow down voting for that RINO [Republican in name only], horrible, shitty Republican you hate … just so we can control the House,”

If I'm understanding correctly, by horrible shitty Republicans she means Republicans who aren't horrible or shitty enough.

Why isn't Steve Bannon's fat, drunken ass in jail yet?

Patience, my child. Due date for that sack of rotting flesh around reanimated muscle and bone is July 1st.

Don’t expect it to tango; it has a broken back.

just wanted to say that today's been crappy & seeing this reference made me feel a lil better.

I’m happy it didn’t go to waste ❤️

look we are shit now but thats all the democrats fault. Once we get rid of the democrats you will see some big changes. We have many pogroms waiting in the wings specifically for you and your people. Just give us a chance and we will show you what we can do.

Spinachfaced bitch needs to be ejected from her seat as soon as is politically possible. Shes dumb as a box of rocks and not nearly as useful

Unfortunately, I think this bit of trash comes from a district that is way too red, so she's all too safe. No matter how stupid, how venal, how incompetent - all these things are considered features by the redhatters.

They seriously don't think expertise matters in government. They only seem to apply this ridiculous standard very narrowly - at government. I doubt they'd let some "outsider" who was completely inept at their job drill their teeth, all just to "own the libs".

Sadly, some of the bothsiderists, "independents" and Enlightened Centrists promote the same nonsense - you'll hear them talk about "term limits" as a clear signifier of this terrible thinking. No one talks about "term limits" for their dentist, their plumber, their mechanic, their doctor, tax preparer, etc...experience and qualifications clearly matter in these instances, but somehow...don't....within government.

What's funny about the whole RINO thing is that St. Ronald Reagan himself said that the Eleventh Commandment was that no GOP should trash talk another. Ronnie said he wanted a 'big tent' where all Conservative voices could be heard.

Which is how the parties need to be to function in the USA

Blame Nixon.

His 1968 campaign was a classic example of 'Something For Everybody.' He told the hippies that he was going to end the Vietnam War and appealed to the Right with attack dog Spiro Agnew. He also knew that a lot of Southern folks were unhappy with the Civil Rights Act, so he gave them a ton of dog whistles.

Before Nixon, the GOP had a sizeable Liberal Wing. By 1980 those guys were gone.

I hate that this stupid piece of trash is someone we have to pay the least bit of attention to.

Oh, Margie… I can't even defend you anymore. Your hateful, bigoted approach to politics was fun for a while. The howling and braying like a howler monkey or a donkey… it was entertaining. In a pathetic, white trash sorta way. Harassing high school kids who survived a school shooting made you a seeker of truth, if not just attention. Even when you couldn't read and mispronounced the word Cabal as Cable. And that one was in a documentary on HBO, you fucking dumbass. It was all fun and games. But now you've sold out to the RINOs because you've come to understand that you don't really matter. And that makes me sad, Margie. I was cheering for you and your clownish, boorish antics. I was right there with you! Except when I wasn't, which was always. Go home and fade into history, you shameless piece of shit. If I ever find out where you live, I'll shit on your front lawn. That last line was a joke. I don't advertise breaking laws.

Can somebody please weave some razor wire into a gag and cover her fucking word hole already? Congress Karen needs to just... Stop.

The acronym RINOs refers to Republicans who do not adhere to someone’s preferred right-wing ideology.

Wouldn't that be RWDNATSPRWIs?

Sure it's all Dems fault but everyone needs to Learn lesson from Trump about not voting. Once the GOP is out, Dems are next. DNC has to know it