The meaning of life to – 35 points –

What's the meaning of life?


There is no inherent meaning; everyone must find their own.

For me, it's to try and leave my little patch of the world better than I found it.

There isn't one. At least one that you have a say in. Your purpose is to be a part of nature as you always have and always will be. Your purpose right now is to conduct yourself as you are, since that's how nature made you to be. You will die, as nature has purposed. You will be re-used as nature has purposed. You will never again be in the natural state you are currently in, but you will always be a part of nature.

Reflect frequently upon the instability of things, and how very fast the scenes of nature are shifted. Matter is in perpetual flux. Change is always and everywhere at work; it strikes through causes and effects, and leaves nothing fixed and permanent.

The only constant is nature. If it has a purpose, you have found yours.

The question doesn't even make sense. You have to redefine it to "purpose" or some other word to even get started. The only literal interpretation is "what does 'life' mean?", which is just something like "a metabolic system capable of Darwinian evolution".

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women.

What enemies?

Not sure if you are referencing Conan or Khan...

There isn't one.

The fact that any of us are alive at all is a cosmic fluke.

You can try to make one if you want but it'll only hold meaning to you. Isn't that good enough?

Biologically: grow up, have sex, take care of and teach the next generation.

General: Nothing, there is no underlying meaning to life.

Aspirational: Improvement, the meaning of life is to improve the world during your life.

Capitalistic: Aqquire wealth, get the high score!

To seek meaning and truth. Its a journey to a destination you will not reach as it is about the journey.

I think we should qualify the question. I think I'd like to hear a reason for society as a whole to exist that is reasoned and has a firm basis in logic and has no emotive or circular reference.

Because I cannot see the point of it (and I've been accused of being a pessimist, depressed and worse for expressing this opinion). So, I would really like to hear an actual reason for us all to be here.

Whatever you want it to be! For me, it's to be my true self, do things which make me happy, and enjoy things

Life itself, the propagation and continuation of it, the creation of conscious structures capable of experience, reflection and influence over their nature - and ultimately defiance against a cold and dead, seemingly endless universe.

Or, for people that like the cold universe, there's a quote I forgot who it came from: "The purpose of life is to waste the energy of the sun"

I don't think it needs one, and no idea if you mean existence of everything, or a single human life. But for my single human life my goal is to enjoy being physically embodied while I am, experience things using this body and its built-in equipment. All the things that will be impossible to do once dead, all the stuff you couldn't do before you were born. See things, move, dance, read, fuck, eat, hurt, feel everything. Think about things. Now while I am alive in a body that can do all that stuff.

we are the universe experiencing itself

Glad to meet you, Mr. Morningstar and I guess you'd be an authority on this. I agree, consciousness is the universe experiencing itself. And no, I don't need a favor, thanks!

The meaning of life is to find the meaning of life

To aquire money to pass down to your kids so they can use it to gain a headscarf over other kids and your family can dominate the world the world.

Or to live a good life and make meaningful connections

To expend more energy and create more chaos in the universe.

All hail the god of entropy

I'd argue its the opposite, fight entropy until you drop dead. We are here because of a coincidence that didn't defy entropy but temporarily disrupted it, so disrupt that shit more, everything good came from balancing and lowering entropy.