'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran

jeffw@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 299 points –
'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran | Common Dreams

Whaaaaaaa???? But I thought Israel totally didn't have any nuclear weapons

Nothing suprising here, didn't Financial Minister Smotrich say that Gaza should be nuked months ago?

Trump's team is also saying the same. I can see it going like this:

Trump backed Israel nukes Gaza. Iran gets pissy about this and tries to nuke Israel. US immediately interferes and tries to nuke Iran in retaliation. Israel, if it still exists, also joins. This pisses off Russia who joins in the fight. China and North Korea follow. Taiwan, Ukraine, and South Korea get attacked. We all die.

Israel is not going to nuke Gaza. They can't control the wind. Iran maybe. Gaza, no way. That's just poisoning themselves. They may be genocidal, but they're not that stupid.

Never doubt a true believer

I'm sure some people want it to happen, but Netanyahu isn't suicidal. He's not going to destroy Gaza just so he can die of radiation sickness.

There's no doubt that he went into Palestine to distract from the fact that he declared himself supreme dictator just a few months prior. It's difficult to opposse a populist wartime leader

I've been saying the same thing. He needs a forever war to maintain dictatorial powers. He's not going to risk that either.

The riff-raff are the true believers (in Israel, most being brainwashed since childhood with racial supremacist beliefs).

The leadership are just Sociopaths.

Sociopaths do what they do, no matter how abhoring, for their own personal gain and satisfaction, and dying from radiation poisoning ain't good or satisfying.

ROFL I cannot take anyone seriously when they claim Israelis are brainwashed since childhood

Utter rubbish. You wanna see brainwashing? Search YouTube for “Palestinian children’s show”, 6 year old girls talking about the “glory of martyrdom” (aka how awesome it is to be a suicide/homicide bomber). THAT is what brainwashing since childhood looks like

That doesn't mean what Israel is doing isn't brainwashing. You know, maybe multiple things bad?

Also, congrats to Israel on creating conditions necessary for the rise of radicalism by forcing misery so bad people would rather become terrorists.

It's a bit like Finland and Russia; we're the one country they wouldn't nuke because St. Petersburg is too close.

It's almost poetic, really.

Biden after Israel nukes Iran... "I am a Zionist. I will always be a Zionist"

After Iran lobbies a volleyball over the border in retaliation: “Irans outrageous antisemetic terror attack means i have authorised invading Iran to defend our most moral ally Israel”

Sadly, even taking about issues like this one outside of !worldnews@lemmy.world will get you called out for spreading "Republican propaganda" (as you can't make it seem that Biden and his allies want to expand the current war). I hate to sound like a doomer but bleak times (are most likely) ahead.

even taking about issues like this one outside of !worldnews will get you called out for spreading "Republican propaganda" (as you can't make it seem that Biden and his allies want to expand the current war)

You are constructing a counter factual universe here and trying to impose the weird viewpoint on everyone else by sheer repetition. Talking about Israel’s crimes, in this or pretty much any other place on Lemmy, is obviously fine. I dare you to find me even a single place where someone talks about Israel and someone else chimes in with “how dare you! You are making Biden look bad!” out of the blue, or anything else that is remotely like that interaction.

What people respond negatively to, I think, is a specific gang of accounts that tie every single story about anything somewhere in the world back to “And that’s why don’t vote for Biden!” when the pure logic of it (or of him being happy about Israel’s war let alone wanting it to expand) makes no sense at all.

This is the first time I noticed it: https://lemmy.world/comment/10803315 (since I replied I had an easy way yo find it again)

Just lmao someone wanted to put $10k on Biden being a candidate, I wonder how they feel about it now.

What, exactly, are you saying happened in this comment thread you're linking to? And then why it was wrong? I just want to have it straight before I address it.

Saying Biden has any part in the genocide or what it could escalate into is Republican propaganda.

They didn't say Biden had any part in the genocide, they said:

There is a very real chance that Biden’s unquestioning support of Israel will lead to WW3.

Bibi knows whatever happens, Biden will always have his back. He can’t get that loyalty from any other US president

Those are two dubious statements followed by a third that is explicitly and laughably objectively false. Every US president has had Israel's back. The idea that Biden is somehow exceptional is the part that is Republican propaganda, not the idea that he has any part. He clearly has quite a large part in it, I think. I would stop short of saying he's "responsible" for it at this point, although I guess that one is debatable by people of good faith.

But saying he's a departure from the norm for US presidents because of his nearly-total support for Israel is explicitly false, and is being used quite effectively as propaganda against him in this election, yes. When was there a US president who didn't support Israel?

Also, I want to get clear on this, too: Are you saying people should be unable to say that this is Republican propaganda? Like not allowed to say that, something is wrong with the forum if they're allowed to make that claim about you? Or no?

There is a very real chance that Biden’s unquestioning support of Israel will lead to WW3.

In all five of these administrations -- Eisenhower, Nixon, Carter, Bush 41 and Obama -- the president actually believed that his predecessor had been too close to the Israelis, that it had cost us and that he needed to create distance. - Washington Institute

Instead, they said Biden has noted, Obama publicly admonished Israel’s actions and voiced concern for Palestinian civilian deaths early into the 2014 conflict. As a result, Biden has argued, Obama squandered any ability to influence the Israeli government as it invaded Gaza, said the people familiar with his comments. - NBC News

Support and unquestionable support are the keywords here. Israel has been supported by the US for 50 years but the degree has varied. Even Obama had disagreements with his vice-president over the issue (Biden's Israel strategy is to never disagree with them).

Also, I want to get clear on this, too: Are you saying people should be unable to say that this is Republican propaganda? Like not allowed to say that, something is wrong with the forum if they’re allowed to make that claim about you? Or no?

People can say what they like as long as it does not break site rules.

Talking about Israel’s crimes, in this or pretty much any other place on Lemmy, is obviously fine.

As long as you don't suggest for an instant that we stop being complicit. Then you're a tankie Republican Russian Chinese child shill bot.

It says it’s closed and last posts I see are from like 3 months ago that sub seems pretty dead, am I missing something here?

Is nuclear war winnable? I've been led to believe it is not: MAD.

Yes, everyone will die, but right-wing ideologues are not smart enough to look this far ahead.

Oh, it’s worse and weirder than that. More than a few hardcore evangelicals are excited by the prospect, because they think it’s going to be the literal biblical Rapture, and that they’ll be Saved.

That’s not a joke or a sarcastic comment. It’s completely serious.

We ignore the insanity of these theocratic fascists at our peril.

WWII was technically a nuclear war. So yes, a nuclear war is winnable, if only one side has nuclear weapons.

But anyway this guy is an idiot. A nuclear strike on Iran would still be stupid even when they don't have nuclear weapons (yet).

This guy's weird. He's been in coalition with Bibi, which is where he got defense minister, but he's also hated Bibi enough to be in coalition with the United Arab list. Mostly he seems to despise haredi enough to stay in opposition, and they are lynchpins to Bibi's current government.

Well a nuclear war would be one way to end the conflicts in that region. Therefore he isn't technically wrong in that it would stop the Iranian program. All that needs to happen is to convert 411 million men, women, and children into radioactive dust to make sure that there is finally peace. Also, it seems to be what the local population wants as far as I can tell, meaning it would be democracy in action. Don't worry if it happens, skydaddy will take care of them.

Did anyone read the article? Do you realize how many unhinged nutjobs say crazy shit in parliaments and US congress every day?

This is click bait. Nothing to do with Israeli policy

Let's not normalize it, it makes the news every time it happens.

anyway. did you know that theran is standing on soil that rather sooner than later will crumble and take the city down? climate change sped this up, but stupid "government" doesn care. large cracks around all of the city, sinkholes in theran. it is not worth bombing a country thats doomed already by nature. wait it out. good will happen.