i keep visiting by accident

Fiat126@lemmy.blahaj.zone to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 559 points –

wtf is shat masel

I gotcha fam, I got this shit

"I was standing next to a goth at a crosswalk and they opened their umbrella and I literally shit myself thinking this person was turning into a bat."

No cap I think that's it

Shat is the past tense of the verb to shit, methinks

While technically correct, when it comes to translating slang things become more art than science.

The goal is to evoke the same feeling and imagery.

Like how I changed "Honestly" to "Literally". Both are English but over here we don't use "Honestly" like that so the word "Literally" was a better choice.

For us old fogeys, literally still means without metaphor, so someone who literally shit the bed actually soiled their bedsheets leaving a mess for maid service, as opposed to figuratively making a mess in an other situation.

Honest, honest Iago just looked like a reliable friend who tells the truth and intends no harm. Politicians are honest. My weather station, when properly calibrated, is truthful in that it reports accurate facts.

But literally literally means figuratively these days

And honestly honestly can mean figuratively as well

Words are weird yo

Definitions shifting and twisting over time is honestly so damn cool though, and common spellings falling out of favor for different ones is also pretty cool

The speed with which words change these days is dizzying, it’s honestly making my head literally spin

Context sure is important - like when a late-night host throws in

and this is true

before delivering a line that may be so preposterous the entire theater erupts in laughter. Or it might be followed by them reading a nearly unbelievable headline from a reputable source as it’s superimposed on screen.


English-like, not strictly English. The line is generally pretty blurry in the modern day

The original post is NOT Scots, please don't spread misinformation about the language more than internet people already have. Scots writing looks way different than this. The post is just English with some of the words being spelled eye-dialecty.

Among other things, you can tell by all the English words like "standing", "light", "thought", which would be "staun(d)in", "licht", and "thocht" in Scots (although "standing" could probably be used too). Reading the Scots Wikipedia page in Scots should make it obvious

Relevant Scots drama from a few years back

I's Bri'ish, ri'en foanettically, rye?

Pe'haps "Shet Maahsel" is maw clee?

It's Scottish English. Don't call a Scottish person English, they might take offence.

See dah's wye aye sèh Bri'ish, i's inkloosiv wen a mnoh shoah witch country i's from

Until the blighters start to demand independence like the Irish I'm gonna call them English and they can pound sand.

It's OP's friend. Shat Masel is always thinking the most outlandish things.

"...and I honestly shat myself thinking..." Also "goth" can be a goth, emo, metal head, or other adjacent subculture.. I'm not really sure what the deal with goths in Scotland is.

Living in perpetual rain fog and twilight does that with you

You have to read it with an Irish accent to understand the post.

Scottish works better, no?

Probably, but I can't do a good enough one in my head.

I just default to Fat Bastard.

Ohh, that worked.

Nice, I helped!

Did you know that Random Task, the guy who throws the shoe, is in prison probably for life for torture, sexual assault, and murder? If not, here’s an unfun fact!

That escalated from accents quickly.

I posted some bullshit before editing myself to include my stupid factoid! …D;

Probably voice recognition. "Shat myself"

Punctuation would be nice too.

people purposely dont use punctuation to show tone

showing tone is pretty much the entire point of punctuation

Scottish people have the best way of talking. We need more Scottish speaking people in this world.

There was a bunch of goths used to hang about outside Argos in Stirling and the locals called them The Argoths