Why waste time tossing around for 2 hours when I could be gaming instead?

db0@lemmy.dbzer0.commod to ADHD memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 390 points –

I do this as a pro-move tbh. I just make up for it by sleeping late on weekends


Playing video games isn't optimal, but it is better than spending two hours teaching yourself that bed isn't the place you sleep. If you don't fall asleep in ~30 minutes (or feel like you won't fall asleep) get up and read something, and try again in an hour or so.

I was told something similar by a physician. Do your sleep routine, and then try to sleep for about 30 minutes. If it doesn't happen, get up, use the time, and try again after an hour.

So I was never diagnosed with ADHD as a child (I don't exhibit many hyperactive behaviors), but as I'm getting older I'm starting to recognize what appear, to me, to be symptoms. The frustrating parts are things like this. It makes me constantly question if I am struggling with nuerodivergance or if I just need to get my shit together.

I feel the same. It was not a thing back then and I compensate pretty well. I do sometimes feel exhausted though by what I have to do to stay on track.

both of these things except also that when I look back at my younger self the signs are fairly obvious.

I actually almost got placed in the special class because I only got two questions right in this test at a real young age. They just asked for you to point at things and I only was able to do the first two. My mom wanted to see it and then told them they have to tell me I can stop pointing after each directive. The term introverted was tossed around a lot.

Got tested recently, later in life. The neuropsych report is fascinating, and the Adderall is a wonder drug. I seriously wish I had done this sooner.

You might just be autistic then. It’s quite similar, except the ADHD diagnosis people kicked me out within one minute and actually autistic people just vibe with me.

Shit. This literally just happened to me last night.

Shit. It's 1:30AM. I went to bed at 9, and I'm on Lemmy while eating a bag of Doritos in bed.

Sleeping late on weekends no longer helps make up for it once you're on your 30s

Plus the body can only repay sleep debt from the past couple days. Maybe 2 or 3. Sleep lost in the first half of the week may be causing damage that is not fixed by sleeping 14 hours on Saturday.

I never thought about why Scrooge and other old timey media showed people wearing hats to bed until I started sleeping in rooms that don't have heat in the winter.

Still not quite sure what's up with the stereotypical long hat with a pompom on the end though.

Apparently the long part is called a liripipe and in its nightcap form, it's used like a scarf, to keep the back of the head warm.

That link doesn't work for me but I'm not sure if this would fit the historical definition of a liripipe, whose functional purpose was actually to wrap around the head and keep a hood in place, say under windy conditions.

I had one in college I would wear as an affectation to annoy my roommates. It was surprisingly cozy.

Yep, the fastest way to stability is to pull a (near) all-nighter and set an alarm clock for the next day.

A little bit of sleep deprivation helps to get regulated. And sleeping late in the weekends is also my way to restore.

I do the same. If my sleep schedule gets really messed up I just forgo sleeping one night. The next day I'm gonna be exhausted and will be able to fall asleep arbitrarily early. I also take into account that I'll need an extra couple of hours of sleep to compensate for the leap night.

I've also heard fasting for 24 hours helps do a reset of your biological rhythms.

Wake up at the same time every day. Wash your sheets at least once a week. Brush your teeth before bed. Wash your hair every other day. Clean your room. Get an air purifier. Don't use your phone in bed. Play white noise.

Sleep is important. You feel better, sharper, and can enjoy life more. Please sleep

Do you really think people who have problems sleeping don't try these obvious things?

All of them? No. A lot of them? Yes. Myself included.

The only thing I haven't done from that list is the air purifier. I just sleep like shit always. 5-6 hours max then I'm just tossing and turning :(

I'm guessing OPs issue is falling asleep, mine is staying asleep.

Genuinely trying to help here - do you know what causes you to wake up? I.e phone vibration, anxiety, loud noises, apnea, etc? Also, if you have a fitness watch, does your heartrate climb before you wake up?

I think like 80% of the time it's my bladder lol either that or my back hurts enough to wake me up enough to realize my bladder is being a jerk. I get up to take care of that and that's it, can't go back to sleep.

The other 20% of the time it's my cat doing the crepuscular cat thing and smacking her toys around at 4am lol

I have to have a fan and white noise or every single little creak will wake me up. That and the asshole bird that comes to my window every morning at 4:30 to shit on my car and scream into the window for like 30 mins lol

80% of the time it’s my bladder

This might sound counter-intuitive, but don't drink water before bed. Drink it when you wake up. Water wakes you up, so not only will you fall asleep faster, but you know, no pee

my back hurts enough to wake me up

I'm not gonna tell you to hit the gym, but DEFINITELY put a pillow under your knees. 1 week of pillow under knee sleeping, you won't go back to without it

If your white noise isn't sufficient, you could also try "brown noise" - same thing, but lower pitch. Some people prefer it. Also regarding the bird, I can't help you for that, but make sure your blinds are closed and it's dark in the room (or otherwise try sleeping with a shirt covering your eyes). Light sensitivity is big for some people (including me)

Not the guy you are replying to but there are some people who only need 6 or 7. It's a genetic thing if I remember correctly. It's also pretty well known now that sleeping only once a day isn't natural, so probably their body wants an afternoon nap instead.

I get wiped during the day, so I'll crash, wake up around midnight or 1 AM and find myself beating my brain into submission with Microsoft Solitaire.

This happens way more often than I care to admit.

On iOS you can set a bedtime with a flexible wind down reminder. I’m reminded an hour before bedtime that wind down is starting and I’ll know that if I want a good nights sleep I should start my evening routine. Which includes brushing teeth and stuff.

It doesn’t always work but most of the time I’m in bed at least close to schedule.

Helped me tremendously since activating it a few years ago.

Edit: Just read OPs comment, making up for lost sleep later, like on the weekend, doesn’t work afaik.

Doesn't work for you, or in general?

They say you can't repay sleep debt by sleeping in on another day, that it does not repair the damage you've done to your body by not giving it enough rest.

It feels good to do it though so I still do.

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