
Europa: The Last Battle πŸ‘ˆ@programming.devbanned from sitebanned from site to Lemmy – 858 points –



Squash em all 1985

I am jump man

118,999,881,999,119,725 DEAD MARIOS

Where does this originate from? I've seen a couple variations of it but have no idea where it came from

It's a copy-pasta from a weird t-shirt.

1985 is the year the NES came to America. The huge number is actually most of the "emergency number" from the IT Crowd, unrelated, I just think it's a funny reference when I need a huge number. (I also used to have an NES cartridge themed IT Crowd shirt, probably why I have the mental association, which I trashed after Lineham lost his mind and went full terf.)

Ty for the link. I always thought this meme had a nice ring to it. Dunno why

You missed the 3 at the end of the number. And the 0 at the beginning, but I'll allow that.

"Supper Mario Broth stressed that the image is taken from manga which is 'filled with jokes and eccentric theories' and therefore 'should be taken more as an interesting thought experiment than anything that would actually be endorsed by Nintendo', but fans have still been stunned all the same."

Still Awesome.

I'd like to see a gritty realistic interpretation of this.

β€œIt’s a me - Mario!”

The β€œa” implies the existence of more Marios, it might even hint at the exchangeability of a Mario.

But... But they move.

The "mushroom" part of any fungus is a very small proportion of the overall organism. Mushrooms are just the "fruit bodies", the reproductive organs, of the fungus. The fruit runs off to spread spores. The real body of it is spread out underground in a vast mycelium network. Trust the fungus.

Maybe the mushrooms act more as fruit, drawing Marios into dangerous areas to be killed. The 'main' part might be housed in the corpse itself.

The subtitle means it isn't canon. "Koma gag battle" means like a cartoon contest in this case.

It's the mycelia in Mario that is interacting with itself. Every brick, tube, flagpole, castle, coin and cloud, every Venus flytrap, Bowser, Toad, etc, is just a highly organized biochemical projection, aka hallucination, humming and spiking like a series of electrical pulses across the fungal network.

Ah, simulation theory. That means it effectively is real.

Koma gag battle? That sounds like some really bad part of the internet shit.