Trump Tells Rally Crowd Rounding Up And Deporting Migrants ‘Will Be A Bloody Story’ to politics – 359 points –
Trump: Rounding Up, Deporting Migrants Will Be Bloody Story

“If you come back, you will be executed. You will be killed immediately.”


Just more stochastic terrorism and inciting violence like he has done for years. And no one will do anything about it.

In fact, his supporters will rabidly cheer it on. This is exactly what they want.

I don’t see Democrats denouncing this with the proper energy, if at all.

The execution of generally innocent people is not of the democratic platform nor anything they would foam at the mouth to promote.

nor anything they would foam at the mouth to promote

Honestly, maybe they should lmao. It'd be really funny to see how people react to Democrats leaning hard into the unhinged shit the right is putting out and countering by committing to not do the thing the Republicans are doing; while also treating it like some legitimately new, revolutionary idea. It'd take a lot of work, but American politics would become extremely entertaining for the final two months before the election.

On that I can agree. I'm sure most people on here would say I'm a foaming at the mouth leftist, when I really just want politicians to stop pandering to the non-existent center when a 3rd of the country doesn't vote because they don't feel represented and so they think appealing to grillers is the most viable course.

I know, you’d think they’d wanna message against this stuff but no.

Well, I will certainly vote about it. It may not be much, but I hope it’s enough. And, as a Florida voter, it may will actually fucking matter this time.

Please bro, bring some friends along. Polls showing Harris closing on the traitor in FL.

Hey now, the stochastic terrorists have never been busier!

Oh, you mean consequences for bad behaviour? That only happens to poor people

It's what Jesus would do.

"Kick out thy neighbor"

"I've got mine so fuck you"

"Thou shall pull thyself from thy own bootstraps"

-Conservative Jesus

Donald Trump says something crazy or vicious almost every time he speaks. He's a sad old man, but you should take hum seriously

He’s like my uncle when he gets drunk at Thanksgiving

He’s like my uncle when he has dementia at Thanksgiving

Trump thought the problems in Ferguson MO were caused by immigrants. If they would deport the immigrants, there would be no problems in Ferguson. Ferguson is 99% African American ("legal"). He wants to deport US citizens.

White people in crowd instantly ejaculate.

Not-white people in crowd wonder if their Trump shirt can double as a bullet proof vest.

Nah. Non-white people in the crowd are glad they're one of the good ones 🙏🙏 (they don't know Trump doesn't care).

Or they are some of the many people Trump's campaign pays to attend. It's not an accident that if anyone of color can be found at a Trump rally, that they are just behind Trump where they would be in the TV frame when any clip of his word salad "speech" is played back.

And his escape to russia will be as painless as a laxative