'Fascistic': Mary Trump warns a Republican admin will let 'everything burn to the ground' — 'literally'

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 306 points –
'Fascistic': Mary Trump warns a Republican admin will let 'everything burn to the ground' — 'literally'



We know

You seem to be tired of reporting on Trump. What do you want posted? Financial stuff? Climate? Human interest?

Their comment seems more so that this isn't some wild revalation nobody saw coming, this literally almost happened on Jan 6.

I'm all for reiterating the danger that Trump and Republicans pose to our nation, but this article isn't bringing anything new to the convo, just one more voice saying Republicans will throw out democracy when things don't go their way.

Yes. So what would bring something new? Marxist philosophy? Political science?

New information about the Trump indictment, any updates on how Republicans are dealing with this, any breaks between the far right Maga and the handful of less psychopathic Republicans, any comments from congress people about the indictments

If you’re going to be this bitchy when someone comments shit you may not like on your post- maybe you shouldn’t post.

You hurt my feelings, so I’ll just keep posting.

God I hate redditors.

I was never on Reddit. I’m not bitching about the comments. I’m just interested in constructive criticism about the post. I don’t take any of this personally. I’m trying to inform better.

Then why post things that tell us what we already know?

That’s what I’m trying to discern. What topics are tired, and what needs to be investigated.

Honestly, I’d be happy with just about anything not related to trump or family members at this point. There has to be news out there that isn’t trump related

Believe me, I'm not.

The other commenter who replied to you is correct about my curt reply; we've been living the reality of Republicans attempting to burn everything to the ground. I agree with Mary Trump, but this isn't a revelation. My comment wasn't meant to be critical of your post, more just a reaction to Mary Trump's revelation.

Okay. Can I ask what news you’re into? I don’t think I’m wrong in thinking people want more variety in their reading.

Jeez Boomer, you sure took that personally. It seemed obv he was taking to Mary Trump, not you, you egomaniac 😅

No, not personally. I’m just sensing a tone in comments that people are getting irritated with the same news cycles. Not just this comment. So, I’m curious and want to make this community better. All boomers are egomaniacs. Got any news sites you frequent?

Who's downvoting this?? It was a good response. And no, I'm a relatively new reddit transplant and that's where I got my news for the last 10 years.

Me too. I don’t care about downvotes, just informing people about what’s going on.

I downvoted because blanket statements are stupid. I will always downvote anyone that generalizes an entire group of people.

There were two statements made-

1)people seem irritated

2)all boomers are egomaniacs

Out of curiosity, which of these did you consider a blanket statement that generalizes an entire group of people??

The first was generally talking about how op felt about the vibe of comments and the second was a tongue in cheek response to me.

Well, yes, that would be the case. That's what fascists do, and that is exactly where the GOP and the Trumpists are heading. It's red caps instead of brown shirts, but the story and the behavior is the same.

I'm not sure why we're interested in or relying on Mary Trump for this kind of analysis.

Modern, capitalist, purely profit-driven news is all about cheap and lazy reportage. That’s why you get “name check” bullshit like this instead of actual journalism.

It’s also why there are very few news photographers now… “just snap some pics with your phone.”

Not that I’m bitter or anything

Years ago now, i was working contract security in downtown Minneapolis.

There was a nightclub adjacent to the property that had been notorious for causing gang related fights (as well as pulling shit like booking ‘up and coming’ rappers on the same night as their ‘rivals’ to stir up drama.)

Fights spilled over into our property every weekend. Shootings once a month. Nobody cared except the people who had to clean up the bodies. No press coverage, not even a blurb.

Until one night a a Vikings player got shot. He was a 3rd string rookie… but it was a slow news cycle so it got press.

Within 24 hours they had the nightclub closed down “temporarily” during the investigation. Within the week they pulled the liquor license, effectively closing the joint. A few days later they did the same for every property ran by the owners.

Was talking when it was happening and everyone just kinda thought it was a one off. Like… nope…

What are you bitter about, precisely?

Still a Trump. That whole genetic lineage is garbage.

Some of them, sure. But she continues to be an outspoken critic of Donald. So much so that she calls him "the world's most dangerous man". I think we can give her a pass.

Mary Trump is the only Trump who hasn't destroyed her reputation.

She hasn't said anything we didn't already know though.

That's not how the world works buddy, this line of thinking is how we got Eugenics and Nazis

And then they blame it on Jewish space lasers. Pretty air tight I'd you ask me.

We're doomed.