YouTube stopped working on Firefox with uBlock for me. to – 178 points –

How's it with you guys ?


Ublock dashboard, filter lists, purge cache and update. Should work

Commenting on this so I can try it tomorrow

there is a save button, i use it for stuff i intend to come back later

Commenting to save for later

/me Sad no save KBin noises

kbin seems like a great idea but the execution is meh. There are so many unnecessary things going on but simple things like collapsible comments and bookmarks are missing. You have to go to a post to view the links being posted. The interface also leaves a 2000s forum design vibes, with the random threads, users, communities in the sidebar. That's just wasting resources. Microblogs are included from mastodon, but if you want to microblog from with, they become threads.

Lemmy has come a long way, however kbin doesn't seem like it's changing all that much. I know it's still in beta, so I keep an eye out. Hopefully, it'll be more customizable in the future.

watched a free movie on yt for the first time in a couple months last thursday. i knew about the new war on adblockers, so i had updated ublock origin's filter list cache first.

worked fine no ads, even got 1080p, which i rarely ever see for the 'legit' mainstream tv shows and movies they have.

even got 1080p

What's up with that by the way? I constantly watch videos in 720p that advertise 4K in the title.

Can you choose 4K from the little gear icon in the bottom right corner of the player?

Not trying to defend YouTube, but I think they align video quality to network speed so you can watch without buffering.

No, I can't manually set hit higher either

the big content providers and studios often don't allow a higher bitrate or resolution in a third-party (to the os its on) browser.... i hardly ever see 1080p available on that free stuff on yt.

I don't think that applies to content that doesn't have DRM, and except music videos generally none has.

I don't know about the youtube interface because I haven't used in it a long time, but there's no problem with it through piped and invidious.

I think they will offer higher bitrates if you use chrome instead of firefox

It seems really inconsitent though. On some videos I have the option and sometimes not.

Still working for me. The second it stops I'm out of there.

I installed freetube in preparation of this, haven't used youtube itself all week either freetube or invidious and both work well for now, would recommend both if you're open to them

I've been doing the same! Freetube works quite well

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Mine is working fine but Sabine Hossenfelder made a pro-capitalism video that ignores the deterioration of the global market in the 20th century. Can someone send her a bugfix?

Is the deterioration of the global market not mainly a result of neglecting to keep monopolies in check and provide adequate regulation?

Is the deterioration of the global market not mainly a result of neglecting to keep monopolies in check and provide adequate regulation?

As Marx points out in Das Kapital it's not possible to keep monopolies in check and provide adequate regulation since they will find a way to capture the government and its regulatory agencies, so that they work for the capitalists and not the public. So what Hossenfelder failed to acknowledge is that no civilization knows how to defend its regulatory agencies from elite influence. It also fails to address matters like the uneven distribution of wealth, which leads to failure of the state and a whole lot of violence.

And that deterioration of the global market was well underway at the time that capitalism drove the development of penicillin. Capitalist interests also drove the triggers of WWI, the overreach of the Treaty of Versailles and the consequential rise of the German Reich. And, capitalist interests figured largely in the advancement of the holocaust from concentration camps and a deportation policy to an annihilation policy and the genocide machine. ( Behind the Bastards podcast recently released a two-parter on Reinhard Heydrich, the lynchpin official who developed the whole process, worth a listen!) so as capitalism drove penicillin development to save fallen soldiers from infection, it also facilitated the driving motivations for conquest and belligerence, hence the war itself that shot those soldiers up in the first place.

And when I watch Hossenfelder's videos, usually I can count on her to be more thorough than she was regarding the failures of a system, but it's not the first time her biases have informed her content.

In these conversations I always get to an impasse because yeah, capitalism is very flawed and produces many horrible outcomes. But communism has failed to work at all (as far as I know). Last I spoke to a communist as passerby was asking for what my conversation partner thought was a example of true communism, to which the answer was "the very start of the Russian revolution". I won't pretend to be the most informed about history, and I know that there has been much interference from capitalist countries, but if communism were so clearly a better system would it not have stably worked at least once? I'm having a hard time understanding why that's a better goal than the countries that seem to reign in capitalism with at least some success.

Using adblock is like sending people to death camps. You're literally worse than Hitler to the ads.

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I'm using these. YouTube still works, but I haven't used the 'Home' tab since the nag screen about turning watch history on. I won't. My subs still work fine. I'm in the process of manually building my list in (can't get the import to work)

I use Librewolf (Firefox fork with enabled protections against trackers and spyware) with uBlock origin. And I had no issues so far with youtube.

P.S. Also, couldn't remember the last time I saw "please turn off adblock" nagging on random websites... or an ad...

Still working for me. Only change I noticed is that the edges of the video player are rounded now.

Stopped working yesterday now I just find what I want to watch and watch it on piped. It's a little more annoying but less annoying than the endless ads every few minutes

Purging the filters of uBlock worked for me, maybe it'll help you too. But I was using piped too.

Still working for me. I'm wondering if it's a staggered rollout on YouTube's end. Have you had any luck in getting this working again?

Had the same problem with my Firefox and uBlock Origin install. Had to purge and update the filter lists in uBlock Origin and after that Youtube was working again.

Same for me with uBlock Origin, until I have updated to version 1.51.0

Same, a few weeks ago already. Switched to freetube back then.

It should be illegal to interfere with a user experience outside of delivering it to them.

Samet thing happened to me thsn got fixed by itself, I switched to piped tho in case they win the war on adblock

Carefull tho piped is getting blocked by youtube

How's it with you guys ?

For me as well. But then I purged the cache and updated ublock filters. And now it's working again.

It's a race between youtube and ublock, and ublock is winning.

Gorhill is great, and they don't even accept donations for uBO

the filter list maintainers and debuggers deserve the big shout out here.

my uBo code is a bit dated (don't update addons automatically) but has updated filter lists and works fine so far.

Yeup. Seems to be upon us. Though if you load it without unlock then turn it back on it seems to work fine.

Same happend to my mom, but not to me for some reason, maybe try deleting all browser data.

I don't know, I don't use it... :)

It's easy to stop using these sites if you feel disgusted by them.

No, unfortunately it isn't, just as it is not easy to "just stop using windows/gmail/"

Everything worthwhile in life takes effort. If you care enough, you will make the effort. Otherwise you won't. :)