Equally as good

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1113 points –

Born too late to explore the known world.

Born too early to explore the stars.

Born just in time to browse dank memes.

I'm so glad this doesn't apply to me. I have 4 monitors.

I have two 4k monitors, and two laptops and a desktop controlled from one mouse and keyboard with seamless traversal across all of them thanks to mouse without borders. Desktop goes to one 4k monitor, split into 4 quarters to give the equivalent of 4 1080p screens, and each laptop is displayed side-by-side on the other monitor (plus their own 1080p screens to give 3x 1080p screens equivalent each... The picture in picture mode on these lg's is actually usable). It's an upgrade from the previous 4x 1080p screens to the equivalent of 10x 1080p screens, and I still need more screen space!

What do you do that requires that much screen space?

Coding, system monitoring (Work / Home network), Slack / Meet / whatever... generally I'll have 3 or 4x screens-worth doing work stuff, 1 or 2 for monitoring stuff, one or two for various chat sessions. It's easier than alt-tabbing all the time.

We watched the world transition from avoiding AOL to depending on the app store.

That means you were born at the right time to become a YouTube star, so that's on you OP

Yyp. I 100% could have been a Amnesia streamer during the rise if Pewds and Markiplier. I was funny as fuck to watch get the shit scared out of. My friends all loved watching me play.

Man, it really is. My family had broadband internet so early and I just squandered all that potential upload/download speed.

I’m in this meme and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

I am also 32 just let it ride, exercise a little, and fantasise about non-drug fuelled orgies no matter how rare that is

Wow, been a while since I was laser-targeted by a meme like this

I bought a solid, aluminum reinforced, mechanical keyboard specifically with the function to turn off the LEDs. I'm trying to run a workstation with parts that last more than 8 years, not a circus.

A $50,000 house hasn't been available since 1981. Adjusted for inflation it's really 1955.

Yeah, the 80s was more of 8-bit home compouters, arpanet/usenet and the 500 dollar Caboose.

Jesus. This is pretty much why mine is setup like this lol. Smallish 1080p monitor top left, this has our security cameras on display. 4k 27" underneath that doubles as an extension to my work laptop during work hours, but it's also connected to the primary pc. Main monitor is 27" 1440p 165hz gaming monitor. Far right is another 27" 1440p standard for general crap. They will all serve their own purpose while I'm sitting in the captains chair. Mostly it's so I can watch movies/shows, game, use discord, and browse/ work on other stuff all at the same time.