Michigan State University 'deeply sorry' for Hitler image displayed on video boards before football game

ZeroCool@feddit.ch to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 239 points –
Michigan State University 'deeply sorry' for Hitler image displayed on video boards before football game

I don't understand what is supposed to be the offense here. It was a trivia question about world history. In the context it was clearly not an endorsement.

I don't know, considering Nazis are becoming a problem again, it's a bad look.

Yes, ignoring and not acknowledging and teaching history is a good way to not repeat it.

Maybe there are people in the audience who would rather not be reminded of the person who murdered their family members when they’re just trying to go to a game. Treating Hitler like a distant history factoid that couldn’t have impacted anyone alive is at minimum ignorant.

By this logic, would a question about the Soviet Union also be bad?

Do you think it would be normal for a question about the Holodomor to appear?

No, but the analogous question would be something like “where was Stalin born”.

It's not possible to mention or show Hitler without invoking the Holocaust, they're inseparable in the public consciousness. It would be like asking trivia about another genocide.

There's both a boatload of questions about Hitler that don't involve the Holocaust and a lot of topics that would inherently do if you ignore that fact.

Every question regarding the Jewish people could be seen as linked to that genocide too, just like Armenians and Rwandese. Can there be questions about those people that don't evolve the specifics of the particular genocide.

Why was Hitler's birthplace considered a fun trivia question suitable for a large event? That's the real question I have here.

Most likely scenario is they were just broadcasting some generic trivia that had no forethought about the context of current events or being broadcast in a stadium. I could easily see it as a question for weekly trivia night.

Basically, the outcome of being lazy about content for a mass gathering.

lol, it's kind of fun to think of 'offensive' trivia

In what year did the Confederate States of America secede from the USA?

The the Soviet Union was the union of how many socialist republics?

Which two African nations remained de jure independent during "the scramble for Africa?"

They never got Ethiopia.

Thank you, History of the World I guess!

The fact that the sign right under reads "We never drop the ball" and this is coming form the game against Michigan where they lost 49-0 really brings it all together lol

We can't show a picture of Hitler? I guess he must be Muhammad, then.