Amid massive search for mass killing suspect, Maine residents remain behind locked doors to – 121 points –
Amid massive search for mass killing suspect, Maine residents remain behind locked doors

Shocked and fearful Maine residents are keeping to their homes for a second night as hundreds of police and FBI agents search intently for Robert Card, a U.S.


Ah, the country of the free, where a whole town is in lockdown just because one guy who shouldn't exercised his freedom of owning guns!

Don't forget the trillion dollar surveillance state that doesn't prevent 99% of mass shootings, and hasn't been able to track down this guy; probably after walking around with a tracking device in his pocket the last 24 hours...

He's the "wrong" colour tho, that's why he surveillance isn't working properly /s

Well, with the amount of time this has gone on, he could be just about anywhere East of the Mississippi at this point. Drive 8 hours away into the middle of nowhere, find a secluded house, kill the occupant and lie low for a few weeks.

Why aren't all the pro-gun people in Maine out hunting him with their cool guns? They promised to keep everyone safe from tyranny and crime, even pledging to give up their lives for it.

But not only are they not doing that, they're defending themselves with doors, the things they claimed couldn't keep you safe and even blamed for school shootings.

Makes sense. Shooter isn't using a "normal" AR-15, it's shooting .308 rounds which have a far greater range on them.

"The weapon believed to have been used in the attack was a sniper rifle with .308 caliber bullets, and it was purchased legally this year, officials said."

In case you're wondering what difference that makes, a stock AR-15 is generally a .223 round.

What's the difference aside from range, more power?

From the source with the image:

55 Grain 223 FMJ Ammo
Average muzzle velocity – 2867 fps
Average muzzle energy – 1004 ft/lbs
Bullet drop at 500 yards – 75.02 inches

147 Grain 308 FMJ Ammo
Average muzzle velocity – 2672 fps
Average muzzle energy – 2330 ft/lbs
Bullet drop at 500 yards – 61.42 inches

Slower bullet, just barely, but 2x the energy.

Let's see if I can find a ballistics gel video:

Checkout ballistic performance for 308

Here's 223

Look at the energy specifically. 308 is a 7.62mm wide projectile, compared to the 223,which is 5.56mm, meaning it's much bigger. Normal 223 you can buy is gonna be 55 gr (4 g) while 308 has a much wider range between 150 gr (10 g) to 180 gr (11.7 g). While 308 is only going 80% of the speed of 223, it's 3 times heavier.

308 energy: 2,718 ft⋅lbf (3,685 J) 223 energy: 1,265 ft⋅lbf (1,715 J) That's a little more than twice as much power.

TL;DR 308 is used for hunting animals like deer and other mid size game, most states in the US do not allow 223 to be used for hunting those types of animals (underpowered)

It means you've got someone on the loose with the capacity and mindset to absolutely twat people at a distance. See for reference the Washington Sniper.

You mean the DC sniper who used a .223 AR-15?

Correct. Now imagine someone who could fuck you up from MUCH further away

As it turns out it's much more effecient to mass murder people at relatively close range than stupidly trying to take long range skill shots, so being afraid of boogy man sniper isn't really a thing.

The problem is, everyone is now looking for him, so if he wants to continue his rampage, outskirt territory with a vantage point is the only option.

That, or if he doesn't value his life at all, do what he did last time.

It would be rough if he's already out of state and planning his next party

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Cost, weight, size, terminal ballistics, noise/sound, availability...

Nothing in practical terms here. Range is irrelevant, this guy isn't shooting people from 800 yards away. Power is largely irrelevant...somewhat more trauma from a bullet wound in certain circumstances.

When talking about walking around murdering people the caliber of the rifle isn't important in the slightest. It's a rifle round, that's all you really need to know.

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That really isn't all that relevant, especially the range, this guy isn't lining up 300+ yd shots, he's spraying and praying.

Only real difference is a .308 will hit harder, and leave a bigger hole, so a shot that may just be a wound with a .223, could wind up lethal with a .308. But any bullet can kill a man.

In terms of a stay at home order though, yeah. He's a threat from cross town. It makes sense to tell people to stay inside.

Difference? Victim of gun violence is dead vs. Victim of gun violence is dead?

Victim of gun violence dead from across the room vs victim of gun violence dead from 3 football fields away.

It makes sense to keep people indoors when they could likely never see the shooter.

Both rounds are deadly out to 1000 yards and beyond, get outta here with that crap. Whether it’s effective or not is irrelevant. You wouldn’t find me not taking cover if someone was shooting at my position with 5.56 800 yards away.

If they were shooting at you with a weapon designed for those ranges, and expertise in said weapon, you'll be dead before you know what's going on.

If this guy is trained in hunting animals with such weaponry well... The ideal they go for is a single round to the head heart before the target even suspects something's up. If they are consistently good at that with deer, then humans aren't exactly harder.

The ideal shot on a deer is through the heart. Hunting by shooting at the smallest, most mobile part of the deer is less common.

Okay that's fair, my bad. Point is, they're going for one shot, one kill

It's really clear you don't know what you're talking about alat all here...

Hunters generally don't shoot at the part they want to take as a trophy.

Okay that's fair, my bad. Point is, they're going for one shot, one kill

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Wouldn't that necessitate help of army? If the police can't control the situation in 24 hours, they should bring in several hundred/thousands soldiers and start house to house search of the whole area...

The army can't be used for such things. The national guard can, but they're still not intended for domestic law enforcement situations.

I'm willing to bet this guy shot himself already and it's now a matter of finding the body.

Geraldine Largay, “Inchworm”, was a hiker who went missing off the Appalachian Trail in Maine and died in 2013. It took two years for them to find her body, and it was found only a couple of miles from the trail. Those woods are so thick. If he’s dead if could be a long time until he is found.

Actually the army can be used for it so long as they're subservient to the national guard, essentially working as aides.

Plus posse comitatus has never effectively been used.

funny how the entire rest of the world would've sent their army in by now

We wouldn’t of in my country.

did you mean wouldn't have?


I meant what I said and in contemporary English the meaning is clear to readers. Stop being a smart arse.

Descriptive > prescriptive.

makes zero sense though

It makes perfect sense because you understood what was said to try and correct me on it.

only because it's the dumbest mistake people still regularly seem to make for some reason

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