Push It Somewhere Else

Albin Jose@lemmings.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 374 points –

No one in the world wants your shitty Florida, especially that part of the world. You're going to have to think of a more permanent 'sunken without warning' solution.

Europe has a serious lack of wooded swampland.. you need to consider this a little.. with one move, you could satisfy all your swamp needs for centuries to come probably.. and you get gators as a bonus.. that continent hasn't seen large aquatic reptilians in millions of years.. the kids will be excited, i guarantee it..

AND it comes with Disney World + Universal Studios? The kids will love it! You gotta take that deal. Think of the children!

Take it. Come on. Please.

We got our swamps, but then came the Dutch and they defeated the sea.

you'll have to keep the Dutch out completely.. setup check points around the Alps so none get through with shovels..

7 more...

One of the greatest cuisines of the world traded against some of the worst humans. No deal, USA. No deal.

Ok I see what you mean about Italy, but Florida does not have the greatest cuisines of the world!

For those reading this person's comments and are confused: They meant to say, "cousins".

Their children aren't as appreciated.

Wait, why did they bring Sardinia but left Sicily behind?

I guess Cuba didn't want to move to make room for it

I see your Berlusconi and raise you one DeSantis and 34 meth-heads.

I had to look it up:

Florida: 170,310 km^2

Italy: 301,340 km^2

And there so much more italy north of Florence, the peninsulas really might be about the same area?

Repost from last week from this very same community, come on now...

No. That puts Florida MUCH too close to me & will ruin Italian cuisine forever. Nonononope.

Speaking on behalf of all Italians I believe they would never want to be part of america

america is the earth's toilet

Italy is the Florida of Europe

Politically? Yes.

Culturally? Not so much

Go to southern Italy. Plenty of uncultured swines over there.

See, in Florida: the further north you go, the more Southern it gets.

I don't know, Fort Myers sure gets in the news for idiots just as much as Sarasota, if not more.

Go to north of Italy. They literally votes for uncultured swines for leading them (lega, forza Italia...). During the covid emergency the person in lead of public health thought that you need three people in a room to get covid, simply because he doesn't understand primary school level math... They have been led by the most ignorant people in Italy. Salvini, fontana, gallera, Formigoni, bossi, Berlusconi, Calderoli. Compared to these people, DeSantis is an intellectual

That's a function of the electronics, not the physical connection. The NACS connection is far superior to either CCS standard, and it's not even close.

And fuck no, Musk is a piece of shit that can judas cradle himself on his "X" sign for all I care.

Wrong post buddy/bot

Yeah no idea why that went to top level in response to "Iwanttofuckspez" from my inbox.

But nice ASSumption on the bot thing, guy.

Probably something i got from reddit but when i see a weird comment with seemingly nothing to do with the original post, i find it safe to assume that its a bot.

I get it, but unlike reddit, there aren't a million other comments to sift through, and my other one is right there with this one at the bottom because a bunch of seriously humorless people jump to the conclusion that I'm a musk lover due to a off-handed quip about NACS ports on EVs.

Granted, I'm serious in that it's infinitely better than the behemoth ridiculousness that is either CCS Combo 1 or 2, but this objective truth that is known by anyone that has used both, and has nothing to do with sucking the dick of a malignant narcissist. But I digress.

People in lemmyshitpost are taking shit way too fucking seriously.

This showed up elsewhere a few days ago and I'd be more than happy to become a E.U. citizen, then promptly don my best muddled Irish accent to harangue the backwoods yokels in ridiculous pickup trucks that would be amassed along the French and Swiss borders so I could better fit in with you European folk. Then I'd flee to Amsterdam or something.

Uh, you guys really need to forget the CCS nonsense and adopt the superior NACS Tesla charging ports, though.

Shut up Musky. There's amazing public transport here ya carbrain. No space for those fragile masculinity trucks.

I hate musk, and the fact that you call me a "carbrain" from a joke post speaks volumes about your own fragility.

All of this was meant as a joke as well, I thought it was obvious, but I guess I should've mentioned that. I didn't mean to offend you pal. Sorry for not being clear.

Did you sniff too much Musk propaganda? CCS Type 2 used in Europe is not the same as CCS Type 1 that’s used in North America.

Type 2 can do three phase 400V AC charging. Which NACS can’t even do.