Summer rule to – 85 points –

Otter Pops, purple aka Alexander the Grape is best

Seconding Otter Pops. But I had totally forgotten Alexander the Grape until you said it.

Otter Pops but I don't remember actually liking any of the flavors

I'd call them ice pops. Favorite would be purple/black assuming they're "grape^tm^", because I'm a trash person. Second would be red, third would be orange. Blue would weird me out so I wouldn't try it. It's probably raspberry, which I'm not a fan of. Finally, I'd assume green was sour apple or lime, which I also don't like. Though if they turned out to be watermelon then I'd be missing out

Wait, nobody just calls these popsicles? (Central US, was a kid in the 90s) I loved all the flavors except the light yellow one which was banana sometimes depending on the brand.

I am assuming that this is a hyper-local thing to wherever you were raised.

Popsicle is a brand that's over 100 years old and makes frozen treats on sticks.

When I was a kid we were all perfectly aware of the Popsicle brand, and we still called these things popsicles. Like how every tissue is a Kleenex, or every adhesive bandage is a Band-Aid.

That's interesting! I assumed it was just going to be a hyper-local thing for that one commenter.

Popsicle never made a product like this, so the Kleenex/tissue, Band-Aid/bandage, Sharpie/permanent marker thing doesn't really apply here.

I wonder where it comes from.

It's still flavored liquid that's been frozen. The stick doesn't make a huge difference to a ten year old. In some ways this is better because it doesn't drip all over.

If Kleenex never made a tissue with infused lotion, or only with infused lotion, people would almost certainly still use the term for the other kind too.

Same as you, except early 2000s, and banana is actually the best flavor

In my mind a popsicle has a stick and anything thats in a tube like this is an otterpop, even though otterpop is a brand name and ain't nobody buying the real otterpops.

I'd call them "Wassereis" and green is best

This right here is the correct answer because Waldmeister.

Waldmeister is nice but I like the red ones a bit more.

Waldmeister... Eine Geschmacksrichtung, die ich komplett verdrängt und vergessen habe... Danke für die Erinnerung, gibt es überhaupt noch Dinge mit Waldmeister? Schon ewig nichts mehr gesehen.

I'm shocked to learn that thees aren't called freeze pops everywhere

Zooper dooper. Where the other Aussies at?
I'd do the cola flavour because it's fucken amazing

Cola always the first Zooper Dooper to go. It's the only thing my family can agree on.

Yep Zooper Dooper was the first thing I thought of when I saw it. Cola is pretty nice as well.

Freezies! Orange is the best, followed by red and then white/clear.

Everyone knows clear/white (which had a cream soda flavour) is the best. Why is it not in the picture? I can only assume because the person who took the picture already ate all of the clear ones (cause, you know, they're the best).

PS: we called them freezies.

In Italy we usually call them, polaretti

Flavor ice. And I'll kill for the orange one.

Flavor Ice too, and I'm taking a pink.

Fun fact, Flavor Ice is the same company behind Flavor Aid, the drink mix that was actually used at Jonestown because the cult was broke!

That's the brand that was ubiquitous when I was growing up.

Purple is by far the best, but eat too many and it'll turn your poo green.

Bolis (Mexico). Orange is the one. Anything else tastes like defeat.

Boli como bolígrafo?

Asi es. ¿Porqué? Misterio.

Al parecer estos son los nombres en Mexico:

Bolis, Hielitos, Marcianos, Saborines, Chupis, Durofrios, Vikingos, Flash, Bambinos, Bambis, Bodoques, Bolos, Bollos, Cubos, Cecys, Cremosos, Chalacas, Pepitos, helados de bolsita, Naranjú, chupichupi, saborín, raspaíto, chupps, sabalito, charamusca, Malo kinada, gelatina de hielo o Yunglis…

Lotta people here not going for red first. That just means you won't get them because they'll be gone by the time you get to 'em

We called them popsicles. Blue is by far the best

I called them freezer pops and blue is the best followed by red.

They're called freeze pops. And green is the best color, but red is the best flavor

Freezies it what we called them. The best flavour is white. It was cream soda flavour or something similar.