IDF eliminates Mustafa Daloul, central Hamas commander in Gaza to World – 84 points –

How many innocent children needed to die for this achievement?

Almost like Hamas is systematically using civilians as human shields.

The good guys aren't supposed to shoot the hostages.

Right, Israel should just roll over an accept all death and destructing of their own people just because the Hamas doesn't give a fuck about theirs?

They can defend themselves WITHOUT SHOOTING THE HOSTAGES!

Please explain how? Sit there and eat rockets all day?

The same way the police deal with people that have taken hostages. Or the same way the US military deals with them. BY NOT KILLING THE HOSTAGES.

You are putting an awful lot of effort into purposefully not understanding this concept.

The US doesn't negotiate with terrorists as a policy. the police isn't dealing with people hell bent on murdering them, their family, and all their friends.

The fact that you think your scenarios are related shows you don't understand the situation.

The US negotiates with terrorists every single day. That's just a political slogan. In reality you do want to talk with everyone involved, even if you're planning on betraying and murdering them at the end anyway. The US has negotiated with almost every single terrorist organization in existence worldwide. That's like, the main job of the CIA when they're not too busy smuggling drugs.

They don't negotiate with terrorists, but they also don't purposefully shoot their hostages either, now do they?

It's called counter insurgency. But it involves thinking about the civilian population as real human beings with rights.

Definitely not by murdering and displace people.

Okay, so explain how then.

Lmao they should just stop colonising? And end apartheid? Like how hard is it to understand? A colonised people will keep fighting until they are dead.

Use OPIR, COMINT, HUMINT, OSINT, GEOINT and drone imagery alongside sleeper cell infiltrators alongside PRISM and the NSA database to locate the targets, then use one of the following:

  • Aboveground: Sniper from two miles out, on a hill somewhere.
  • Aboveground in a bunker: Precision guided bunker-buster munition with a shaped charge to open the door, and then secondary charge to kill the target and minimize casualties
  • Belowground: noxious gas to fill the tunnels and drive out anyone without a mask, armed unmanned ground vehicles to scout ahead with a swarm of drones. SEAL follows behind. Flashbang the room, use night vision to locate and then neutralize hostiles while attempting to minimize loss of hostages and noncombatants.

Which video game did you get that all out of?

Isntreal boasts having one of the strongest militaries in the region if not in the world until it doesn't benefit its ethnical cleansing plan and then plays dumb.

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Even given that, Israel still has choices about what it does and responsibility for it. Israel is not forced to mass-murder civilians.

Hamas is making sure there aren't any other options.

Yeah the underdog always calls the shots...lmfao what a joke

The last dude was found hiding in a refugee camp. His decision to hide there doomed others in the camp. They do it on purpose because one side will sometimes play by the rules. Terrorists exploit that.

Yep, they have been doing this for decades.

It's almost a win-win for them. Either they avoid getting bombed ... or they don't but they get to play the victim card and point the finger at Israel. That's literally their playbook.

If only there were some way to go into the refuge camp and kill ONLY THE TERRORIST, instead of firing missiles blindly into the camp.

If only the other refugees would rise against Hamas and stop supporting them.

stop supporting them.

How many of them support Hamas though?

Hamas exists. A Palestinian resistance to Hamas could exist as well (and would likely be supported by Israel and the United States). Yet, there does not seem to be any Palestinian resistance to their violent and corrupt Hamas overlords.

Their choice is either Hamas, a violent and corrupt warlord, or Fatah, a submissive and corrupt government. Both choice will result in them getting oppressed and drive out from their land.

That's not a good yardstick to measure this.

I mean... They could form a new, democratic government? This isn't rocket science. Why are the only choices that current, dysfunctional regimes? They wouldn't be the first country in living memory to create a new democracy, if they chose to attempt it.

If only Israelis could stop supporting a genocidal extremist government.

If I recall correctly, Israelis were all out in the streets protesting their government just a month or so ago.

Yes indeed but they were not to remove the settlements let's be honest! Despite my Muslim background I have nothing against Israel just FYI, this my-side your-side shit is moronic. I have met and partied hard with many Israelis and, if I may say so, the extremism on their side is not part of the common narrative at all. Because most Israelis are lovely modern people, they assume the entire country is like them and genuinely wonder why they are hated so much. Part of me wishes Israel (the secular part) would flat out withdraw from settlements to sweep a leg (one of many) out from under the Muslim extremists and expose the Arabs for the hypocrites that they are. But they never will because Israel has designs of its own my brother, and that is the truth of the matter as much as it may sting.

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To all the commentators that obviously know better how to act in a war:

How should Israel act to defend its citizens from the ongoing attacks? How should Israel act, so that Hamas will never be able to harm civilians again?

And don’t tell us what you DON‘T want, tell us what you DO want.

This is the fallacy that America had with black gangs. They think gangs are the problem and the problem needs to be removed.

The reality is that gangs are a solution to problems, such as wealth inequality, racism, violence.

The solution to Hamas is to remove the conditions that made them necessary, which are apartheid, violence, forcible eviction, wealth inequality.

However, Israel's goals are the ethnic cleansing of the area, so this will never work for them. Talks of peace a tool of distraction. If this is not true, then they will return to the 1948 borders, which would make a viable Palestinian and Israeli state. But they'll, make bullshit excuses of why that's not possible.

The difference is the fact that gangs didn't just go around and steal all the food from their own neighbors to make sure they all remained poor and starving on purpose. It's not a good comparison at all.

Sure, it's Hamas that makes Palestinians poor and not the economic blockade enforced by the Israeli offense force. And the bulldozing. And the constant bombardment. And the settler incursions. 🤣

And certainly not Israel giving Palestinians in Gaza permits to work low paying slave jobs that they would otherwise not have to work 🤣 Israel is a fucking clown I swear

Yes, it is in fact Hamas. They take all the aid brought in and use it to build terror tunnels and keep their own stock. That's why Hamas still has plenty of food, fuel, and medicine, while the Palestinian people are short on all of that.

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This is the fallacy that America had with black gangs. They think gangs are the problem and the problem needs to be removed.

The reality is that gangs are a solution to problems, such as wealth inequality, racism, violence.

The solution to Hamas is to remove the conditions that made them necessary, which are apartheid, violence, forcible eviction, wealth inequality.

So you are saying the Islamic State / IS / Daesh was also the product of „conditions that made them necessary“?

However, Israel’s goals are the ethnic cleansing of the area, so this will never work for them. Talks of peace a tool of distraction. If this is not true, then they will return to the 1948 borders, which would make a viable Palestinian and Israeli state. But they’ll, make bullshit excuses of why that’s not possible.

Do you know that the Palestinian authorities have denied EVERY attempt of a two state solution since 1948? Why would „they“ now accept borders, they have categorically denied before?

Do you know that the Palestinian authorities have denied EVERY attempt of a two state solution since 1948? Why would „they“ now accept borders, they have categorically denied before?

Did they? Or is it Netanyahu? Palestinian Authority had repeatedly demand for the 1948 border to be respected, and evict all the violent illegal settler from the west bank, and Israel repeatedly refused.

"they have denied every attempt at two state solution"

Usual Israeli propaganda to continue the victimhood facade. Israel takes a shit on what a two-state solution should look like, of course the Arabs will bloody reject it.

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They should have thought about this when they literally picked this place for their state and other people had already claimed that land fairly.

Israel got this land assigned from Great Britain after the 2nd world war who at the time had the right to it after the Ottoman Empire was destroyed.

Also Jewish people were living there for thousands of years before.they were kicked out illegitimately.

Who has the "right" to this country depends how far you go back and that argument is not helping at all in the current conflict.

Or would you say that American people should just 'endure the rockets" if the ancestors from native americans started bombing New York?

Even if what happened at the time was unjust it doesn't give the other party a free reign to do whatever they want

Got assigned this land.??? People were living there already. England just kicked them out. That's somehow ok with you.

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