[Closed] Steam code giveaway

HTTP_404_NotFound@lemmyonline.com to Gaming@beehaw.org – 75 points –

Because- lemmy needs more participation, here is my deal.

Sometime tomorrow, I will come back and check this thread. (Around noon-ish / lunch time CST), unless I get delayed. If so- then afternoon CST.

Edit- to give a few more choices.

I will give out a key, of your choice, for the top 5 highest voted comments (from the perspective of my instance).

If, there are multiple comments for the same game, only the winning / highest voted comment will be considered.

Obviously- the two which have the status of gifted, are unavailable. Have fun, good luck. If you win, I will reply under your comment. If you are skipped due to asking for something already claimed, I'll also let you know that.

Will send keys in a PM. (Hopefully- those work on here)

You are allowed to say, "I'll take anything" in which case, I will go in order, left to right, then top to bottom, and non-randomly give you the first one that pops up.

Edit- Done!

Giveaway #2 is up here: https://lemmyonline.com/post/7869


Thank you for your generosity!

I'd love to give Basingstoke or Rise of Industry a go.

I've probably got some unredeemed Humble keys I can add to your offer.

Edit: For anyone interested, I can offer keys for the following games. Just reply to my comment and I'll use the same system as OP to choose winners.

  • Bioshock Remastered
  • Dwarfs!?
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2
  • Saints Row: The Third
  • This War of Mine: Final Cut

Edit 2: Just realised I'm on the other side of the planet from OP, so I'll PM keys hopefully ~6 hours after OP does. That should also give latecomers more time to grab some freebies.

I would love to have Bioshock Remastered or Saints Row: The Third

Do you have a preference between those two?

Not really

Sweet. I PMd you Saints Row as the other commenter also asked for Bioshock.

Wow some real good ones too. Would love to win any one ot those

Kudos for not posting naked keys.

Beat Hazard looks really interesting to me.

This is a great idea. I don't need any more games but thanks for doing this and building the community and engagement!

Every bit helps, a little.

Although, fair warning, I'm gonna upvote you just for the excuse of giving you the game code for one of those obscure indie games. :-D

Edit- since the above comment has a chance, Y'all should let me know what game we should give to tasty! (Assuming, he places)

Don't need any games but thanks for doing this!

I'll offer up my extra copy of Antichamber and Half-Life 2, any takers?

Yeah I mean, I've always wanted to play those games but haven't gotten around to buying them.

Antichamber is reaaally good, and a big ol' mindfuck

But once you wrap your head around it, it's actually really short. Almost The Witness Any% Speedrun short.

Wow Humble has gotten bad. I remember having a sub years ago, and it was the exact same games being offered.

Hello~ I'll put @Crotaro for Void Bastards,

it was made by an Australian group that made this online group of friends take over stars real life time strategy website game Neptune's pride

Hiho! I'd be here for Void Bastards as well. Ever since I saw the Let's Look At on Northernlion's channel, it's been sitting on my wishlist.

I uh,, actually have this on epic-games with their free weekly game, I just use steam way more - I'll pass the key onto you ~ đź’•

This is really cool of you! Thank you, regardless of who wins what.

I'm interested in Rise of Industry, or else Chess Ultra. Or otherwise maybe whatever Verlet Swing is? Or Swords of Ditto? Or else I'd take anything - honestly there're a lot in this list I don't recognize that have intriguing thumbnails!

Rise of industry won, PM Sent.

(And damn, that was one of the ones I would have actually played!)

That is, 5 of 5, sent!

Thank you so much!! :D I'm hyped to play this :)

Edit: it took a couple days to remember to check my inbox, but seriously this has made me so happy :)

Giveaways are a great way to get people in the door. Thanks for doing this. Entering a giveaway was all that was missing from my Lemmy experience. Now I'm wondering if anyone has made a Gift of Games community yet.

Gonna toss in an entry for Metal Unit.

Giveaways are a great way to get people in the door.

That was the idea! I believe Lemmy is going to places, especially as spez continues to shoot himself in the foot. So- doing all I can to promote and help it along.

Pardon my ignorance, but did you buy these, or got them for free, or won them? Just curious how that works.

Old humble bundle games.

If I recall- for 30$ a month, they used to offer a bunch of game keys. I ended up cancelling years ago, because.... well, most of the game keys were not that interesting.

They are from humble monthly, a subscription service that gets you games each month and some extra perks.

There's already lots of comments but suite interested un Sigma if anyone ils willing to upvote me!

Thanls OP for thé giveaway!

I sure would like railway empire, but I dont really need it. However I really like your idea, this is very cool

I will take warhammer 40k gladius if you don't mind.

Will send keys in a PM.

Does lemmy even have private messagingÂż? I haven't seen any option anywhere

it does, but you have to go to someone's profile page where it's a button

Yeah i searching and figured that out. Though it is somewhat clear that messaging is not lemmy's forte and considering that lemmy main purpose is being a link aggregator i guess its better this way

I think so-

It, at least gives me the option to send you a message. Although, I don't know how private it is. Might have to test this..... beforehand.

If, that doesn't work, guess we can meet up in my discord.

Yeah it does work me and @EssentialCoffee@midwest.social tried it out

I don’t know how private it is

This I have no idea about next l maybe the admins can illuminate us regarding privacy

Thanks for doing this! Participation is so important right now as Lemmy gets started.

I want to give a shout-out to https://lemmy.ml/c/xbox. Always need more people to talk Xbox!

No preference just want free shit. Also lov u op <3

I don't need a key, just wanted to say you're cool OP.

Gladius is a fun game, sorta like Alpha Centauri but with 40K flavour.

God damn people are generous.

I don't use computers, so I'm not eligible, but I just want to say thanks for doing this! I'm sure people are going to love their new games!

Not here for games, but I want to shout out Heave-Ho! because it's a wonderful co-op game! Goofy physics co-op platforming. :)

This is such a clever idea, I might have to do one of these sometime. Verlet swing, Heave Ho, and Chess Ultra are awesome. I believe game grumps played these three

You can put me down for Verlet Swing and Heave Ho in that order

Such a cool (and generous) idea! I only recently got back into gaming thanks to the Steam Deck. MO:Astray looks right up my alley. Crossing my fingers for some upvotes!

I've been meaning to get swords of ditto ever since I played enter the gungeon! Does anyone know if it's worth it?

Thank you for doing this! I recently got into chess and would love chess ultra. Currently I'm playing on chess.com but would be nice to have other options

I think I have most of these from humble or epic free. But thanks for being so generous .

Edit: maybe rise of industry

I don’t need a key, but this is very nice of you!

Thank you for doing this. I looked through the games and METAL unit looks cool to me. I do like my scifi battles, and looks like a game perfect for the deck with the graphics being on the less intensive side with pixel art.

Can the number of votes differ by instances? By how much - a lot?

Edit: I guess it will if there's a lag for syncing. Any other reasons?